Herod Find him and kill him!

All Out….rageous!

And wise men came asking

W.M “Where is the one who has been born King of the Jews? We saw his star in the East and have come to worship him!

They followed the star

All (sound of running feet)

1  On and on

All In there!

And they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts

W.M Here is gold, because

All You are King

W.M Here is incense, because

All You are Lord

W.M And here is myrrh, because

All You are Saviour of the world.

Lord Jesus, we also want to worship you because

All You are our King

We bless you because

All You are our God

And you alone are the Saviour of your world!!

All (Let rip with great applause!!)


Jesus – Saviour – God With Us

1  When an important guest appears, we greet him, or her, in various ways.

2  We say “welcome!”

All Good to see you!

1  Thanks for coming.

All Come right in!

2  Sometimes we wave

All (all wave)

1  Or we stand up in their presence

All (all stand)

2  The prophets had visions of Jesus long before He was born. Isaiah said

1  “People walking in darkness have seen a great light.”

All Zap! Pow!!

2  “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given..”

All Ex….citing!!

1  “And the government will be upon His shoulders….”

All Ma….gnificent!

2  “And He will be called wonderful counsellor….”

All We thank you Lord!

1  “Mighty God…”

All We praise you Lord!”

2 “Everlasting Father…”

All We trust you Lord!”

1  “Prince of Peace…”

All We welcome you Lord!

2  Then it happened

All Zap! Pow! Wham!

1  The shepherds heard it first through angels

2  Squadrons of them, zooming and spiralling

All Whoosh!

1  Marvellous beings, ablaze with light and love

All Whoosh!

2  They said to the shepherds….

Angel “Don’t be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.

All Yes?

Angel “Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you! He is Christ the Lord!

All (loud applause)

1  “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favour rests.

All Ma…gnificent! Wonderful!

2  Come on! Let’s go and see – race you there!

All (sound of running feet)

1  Look in there – asleep

All Shshsh……..

2  St. John said, “The Word became flesh, and lived among us”

All God with us

1  Call Him “Emmanuel”, which means

All God with us

2  God with us

All Like us

1  With us

All One of us

2  Among us

All Knowing us

1  Loving us

2  Saving us

All A….stonishing!

1  But Herod thought this good news was very bad news for him and his lot.

Herod Where is the child?

All (whisper) Don’t tell him

Herod I would love to visit the dear little boy

All Shshsh…not a word!

Herod I have such a beautiful present for him.

All Shshsh…..