Introduction to the work of the ACNA Governance Task Force 2018


An Invitation to Comment on Proposed Canonical Changes and Additions

To all members of the Anglican Church in North America, greetings in our Lord Jesus Christ!

“…if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from every sin.” I John 1:7

On behalf of the Governance Task Force (GTF) of the Anglican Church in North America, we are pleased to submit to you these Proposed Canonical Changes and Additions for your review and comments. This year we have instituted what we hope will become an annual process of review by the whole Church before we reach Provincial Council and Assembly. By so “walking in the light” with each other, we believe we will strengthen our fellowship within the Church by robust discussion of that which touches all of us—the way we choose to live life together in Christ along the Anglican way.

We met in Atlanta January 23-24, 2018 to address proposed changes to the Canons, and other
business. The proposed changes came from the Archbishop, Provincial Council 2017, other
bishops and Standing Committees, the Anglican Lawyers Network (ACNA diocesan
chancellors) and the GTF itself.

The Proposed Canonical Changes and Additions have already been reviewed by the ACNA Executive Committee at their February meeting. We invite your comments by April 15, 2018, after which we will report back to you as follows:

May 1, 2018: GTF publishes Report with further adjustments (if necessary) to all ACNA
Diocesan delegates to Provincial Council and Diocesan Chancellors, with an invitation to submit
any amendments no later than May 18. GTF begins review of second round of comments and
proposed amendments.

June 1, 2018: GTF publishes Final Report to all ACNA Diocesan Delegates to Provincial
Council and Diocesan Chancellors.

June 23, 2018: GTF presents Final Report for approval in Jerusalem by Provincial Council

We concluded that the most efficient way for the GTF to review comments to the Proposed
Canonical Amendments and Additions is to assign specific members of the GTF to each proposed canonicalamendment. The assigned team members will record comments, amend as needed and follow through each stage of review.
We have included the rationale for each proposed amendment and the members of the GTF
assigned to each proposed amendment to follow though each stage of review.

Thank you in advance for your participation in this process, and your suggestions to help us continue to become the Church God is calling us to be

Your servant in Christ,

The Rev. Canon Phil Ashey, Chair of the ACNA Governance Task Force