JANUARY 13, 2009

Meeting called to order at 1:05 by Teresa Greger

Members in attendance: Virginia Kim, Gary Debora, Kathy Clark, Stacy Pollard, Marni Newton, Teresa Greger and Heather Schweitzer

December minutes approverd

Stacy Pollard- Golf

·  Had meeting on 1/12/09

·  Trying to get corporate sponsors

·  Title sponsorship in progress

·  Discussion was held regarding the date of the tournament. Do we want to consider changing the date of the event because of a possible conflict with families that are involved in baseball? Should we conduct a phone survey over date? Board decided that no phone survey will be done regarding date option. PTO will pick the date. Stacy will look into Friday availability at golf course.

·  Fountain publicity in progress- they will run ¼ page ad in next 4 months issues

·  $45 for dinner only tickets

·  Stacy requested that a Save the date be posted on SEMS home page. Gary Debora will work with Stacy to get this done

·  Creating flier to post around community

·  Banners will be used on campus to publicize the event.

·  Banner with website will be put up on campus when website is ready and official date is decided

·  Looking for an emcee to host event. 30minute program along with multi media presentation. Mr. Debora will consider doing it. He also had some other possibilities that he thought might be a better choice. He will follow up on those.

·  Looking for a band. Would rather have a band than DJ.

·  $11,000 total needed for portable lab (technology cart) at school

·  If there is a sponsor that comes in with a higher amount than FCI, it is possible that the name could be put on the technology cart

·  Mr. Debora will check sponsorship with Albertsons

·  Sponsorship solicitation for golf tournament and the marquis will be combined

·  Volunteers secured to coordinate dinner details: Laurie Steinecke & Teresa Mahler

·  Other golf committee members: Teresa Greger (website management), Sharon Barboza (accounting), Laura Noce (corporate sponsorships), Maria Keefe (raffle), Janice Kiesel (silent auction), Patty McClendon & Leslie Stark(helpers)

Treasurer Report- Kathy Clark

$43,000 in bank -$5,000 checks outstanding.

Assistant Principal – Virginia Kim

·  Brass and raised lettering with school name will be placed on the wall of the school at the corner of Elfin Forest and San Elijo

·  Monument with school name will be placed at the top of the hill at schoolhouse way

·  Electronic marquis in the works. San Elijo Developers are paying a portion of the marquis and the school will need to pick up the rest.

·  Student enrollment up to 1475 next year.

·  Construction going well. Some departments and teachers may be moved once building is complete

·  Teachers can post grades online

·  San Elijo Middle was nominated for distinguished school. Waiting to hear from state to see when they plan on visiting the school.

·  Ceramics class may be offered after school. 2 days a week for 6 weeks at a cost of $120

Gary Debora

·  Last week in January will be spirit week. 26th – 30th.

·  Valentines day dance Feb. 12th

·  Star testing dates on website are last year’s dates. This year’s dates have not been finalized yet.

·  Anything that is listed on the website and does not have a specific time listed for the event, is not an entry done by Mr. Debora

·  7th grade writing test is March 3rd and make up day is March 4th

·  Jan 28th is the date the 8th grade goes to high school

·  Citizenship criteria has been introduced. Will be given to teachers/parents and put on website.

·  SEMS YOU when teachers complete a certain amount they received an airliner which allows them to use the smart board while they walk around the class.

·  Teachers that haven’t met the goals will be strongly encouraged to.

Vice President - Marni Newton

·  Will update PTO website when all golf tournament information is ready

President - Teresa Greger

·  Tile wall is up. The cost was half of what was budgeted

·  Few extra tiles to sell if we want at a later time. Can’t sell for less than 150 to 200 to make any money on it.

·  Should sell tiles in groups to make it worth having engraver come back.

·  Price would be more than original costs

·  ASB has carnation sales coming up.

·  Need 3 volunteers for each lunch on the 5th, 6th and 9th of Feb.

·  Have 2,000 carnations to sell for $1.00 each

·  no limit on carnations this year

·  Will be delivered last period on the 12th of Feb.

·  Dance is also that day Need 3 parent volunteers to set up, decorate and dispense food. Volunteers need to arrive at 1:45 and will be here until 3:30

·  food and water will be given out about 15 minutes after dance starts and goes until 15 minutes before it ends

Meeting adjourned at 2: 05

Next meeting Tuesday February 10th