Shackleton’s Antarctic Adventure, Phone Call Project

I think most of the time we forget how difficult it can be to explore new areas and deal with extreme environments. The story of Ernest Shackleton is one of the most inspiring stories about conquering these challenges and doing it with a wonderful attitude and leadership.

You will watch the movie, which is just under 40 minutes. The videos are in three parts on Youtube. The link to the first part is

The next parts should come up automatically as you watch.

Here are the questions I will ask you during our phone call:

1. What year did the expedition begin?

2. How many men were on the voyage?

3. How many times had Shackleton tried to get to the South Pole in the past? (only to be beaten by others)

4. So what was Shackleton’s new goal?

5. Why do you think Shackleton took a photographer/cameraman?

6. Was Shackleton honest about the dangers to the men he recruited?

7. What animals were brought?

8. Where did the ship name, Endurance, come from?

9. How did the ship get stuck?

10. What are some ways the men passed the time?

11. What happened to the Endurance in the spring?

12. What did they name their camp on the ice?

13. They set out for Paulet Island or Elephant Island for supplies, why was this dangerous?

14. What was the bad news the navigator revealed after several days of rowing?

15. Why couldn’t they land at Elephant Island right away?

16. Why did Shackleton decide to take the lifeboat and go for South Georgia instead of land that was closer?

17. If you had been in the crew, which would you rather do---take the lifeboat for South Georgia, or stay and wait at Elephant Island?

18. How many days did it take for the lifeboat to sight Elephant Island?

19. What happened that night?

20. Why did Shackleton and his crew have to walk across the island?

21. The movie stops for a bit to show some modern climbers who attempt Shackleton’s journey across the island, what was their impression of the journey?

22. Was Shackleton able to save all the men, including those at Elephant Island?