MONDAY, JUNE 4, 2001 at 7:00 P.M.


The Alexandria School Board met in regular session on Monday, June 4, 2001 at the Central Office. All board members were present. George McFerran called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Recognition of students and schools:

Miss Tyler Benson, 2nd grade student (Mother is Melissa Swindell) in Julie Pratt’s class at Thurston, was recognized for her artwork of a beautiful blue flower that was displayed and used for the agenda covers. Dr. Storch stated Miss Benson was not able to be present.

Jan Mock reported finishing the first year of Teaming at the middle school. Plans are to explore possibly having monthly activities. She reported the “Step-Up Program” for the 6th grade had 80% of the 6th grade registered. Jan Mock also reported they were looking at adding some after school programs next year for middle school students

Board members acknowledged reading the previous minutes of May 21, 2001. Motion RK/LR to approve. Carried 5-0.

Board members acknowledged reading the previous executive session minutes on Monday, May 21, 2001 (for two sessions) Motion LR/TG to approve session at 6:00 p.m. Carried 5-0. Motion RK/TG to approve May 21, 2001 session at 9:30 p.m.

A special executive session was held Wednesday, May 30, 2001. Motion RK/TG to approve. George Chip McFerran abstained. Motion carried 4-0.

Board Members signed the claims register.

Claims Approval:

Voucher#-17682-2 through Voucher#-17810-2

Claim#-17682-2 through Claim#-17781-2

Payroll#-47491-2 through Payroll#47488-2

Motion RK/TG to approve. Carried 5-0

Review of the Strategic Plan-Goals

Dr. Storch reviewed the Strategic Plan for Board members as follows: Curriculum and Assessment and Instructional; Staff Development; and Technology.

Presentation by Dan Ice

Dan Ice presented information on the STI Student Management Company. Current use of Komputrol software will no longer be used beginning in 2002 (it is being terminated). Ms. McCann stated copies of records would be taken, as they exist now.

Board members questioned aspects of the program. Dan stated next year testing will be done over the state and numbers will be assigned to students and the corporation. This will allow better tracking of student information.

Superintendent’s Report:

Dr. Storch presented a proposal to hire Adam Ice as Assistant Technology Coordinator for the corporation. Adam Ice has worked for the corporation for the past few years in technology. Salary will be $38,000 per year, 230.5 days per year with benefits per the full-time support staff policy. Motion RK/LR to approve. Carried 5-0.

A copy of the proposal is attached.

Dr. Storch presented a proposal to hire Christopher Conley as Alexandria Middle School Assistant Principal. Salary will be $53,000 per year, 220 days per year beginning July 1, 2001 to June 30, 2003. Motion TG/RK to approve. Carried 5-0. A copy of the proposal is attached.

Dr. Storch presented a proposal for salary adjustment for Kathi Lower, Guidance Secretary, and Kimberly Kirtley, Secretary/Receptionist for reassignment at the high school. Dr. Storch reported with the move of the guidance director to the middle school and (one remaining at the high school), enough funds were saved to hire a 9th grade language teacher and provide the salary adjustment. Lisa Rinker questioned if the position needed to be changed. Ms. Nelson said her title, as registrar/secretary would remain the same. The title for Kimberly Kirtley will be secretary/receptionist. Motion LR/JM to approve. Carried 5-0. A copy of the proposal is attached.

Dr. Storch presented a proposal to contract Odle McGuire and Shook architectural firm for the proposed building project. Dr. Storch reported negotiating their percentage to a lower rate. She asked Ms. Nelson to brief Board members on that process. Ms. Nelson reported initially OMS reduced their rate to 5.67% new construction (with 7.9% on renovations). R.W. Clinton’s rate was 5.0% and 6.5% on renovations. Upon further negotiations, OMS’s final figure of 5.5% and 6.8% for renovations was realized, with potential savings of $145 million. (Renovation percentages for Thurston were 6.5% and 6.25 in other elementaries). Engineers will inspect the buildings on Thursday, June 7. Ms. Nelson stated R.W. Clinton reduces when $6 million is reached and OMS reduces at $4 million. Ms. Nelson stated she was pleased with the results. Jeffrey Montgomery questioned if we looked at repairing some items if we would use architects for changes such as the electrical. Ms. Nelson stated the corporation felt an engineer is what is needed. She stated Jerry Clabaugh, maintenance supervisor, would be better able to give an opinion on that. Motion TG/RK to approve. Carried 5-0.

Dr. Storch presented a request to approve changes in the Kindergarten Entrance Policy to reflect the July 1 date recently changed by the State legislature. Current policy states June 1, with a one-month window to July 1. With approval of the July 1 entrance date, the window would change to July 1-August 1 to allow parents to sign up children with birthdays that fall in that month. Motion JM/LR to approve. Carried 5-0.

Dr. Storch presented an annual request for approval to apply for State and Federal Grants for 2001-02. Motion RK/LR to approve. Carried 5-0.

Dr. Storch requested approval to post any administrative, teaching and ECA positions to be filled for 2001-02. Motion RK/LR to approve. Carried 5-0.

Assistant to Superintendent’s Report:

Jeffrey Hendrix reported the summer crew began working at the middle school doing some painting in the classrooms and hallways. He said two rooms at Thurston were being changed one from Title and one for computer lab at Thurston, and they have taken out the ceiling light fixtures and put in drop ceilings.

Jeffrey Hendrix reported meeting with several contractors for painting in the buildings and architectural work trying to get the best bids for the corporation. He also reported the fencing contractor came and looked at painting the fences at the schools. It would have cost an extra $5,000 to repair them. Mr. Hendrix said this would also help with safety issue.

Mr. Hendrix also reported minor problems were being taken care of with the buses. Mr. Hendrix also reported he was moved into his office at the pole barn and really liked being there. He stated this would enable him to be in touch with the maintenance department more easily and would also allow him supervise with bus problems next year. He stated he was looking at moving buses there in the future.

Jeff Hendrix also reported changes in proficiencies to incorporate technology into the classrooms. Teachers were submitting information regarding how they were using technology in the classrooms. He reported we would meet the state standards and national standards as well. He stated he would provide more information to the Board at a later date.

Peggy Nelson-Financial Operations Administrator:

Peggy Nelson reported one financial issue before the board was insurance. She reported Anthem Blue Cross-Blue Shield current cost was $1.1 million for 151 families. At the end of April the corporation was $10,000 behind last year’s figures. Ms. Nelson stated she would bring more information later to the Board. Ms. Nelson also reported on teacher retirement is currently 8.5% and will be raised to 9% per state law. She updated board members on items from the legislature for a Senate Enrollment Act and Senate Enrollment Act 199, which is a way to fund unfunded liability. It will allow corporations to do a bond issue for that funding. Retirement projects over the next ten years will be over $6 million. Board members questioned how that would effect negotiations. Ms. Nelson stated it definitely has to be a negotiated item in order to get those funds. Ms. Nelson stated she would bring more information back to the Board.

Leave Requests Consent Agenda:

A Consent Agenda for Leave Requests Item#-11 A-B was presented for approval by the Board. Motion RK/TG to approve as presented. Carried 5-0. A copy of all Leave Requests is on file in the central office.

Personnel: Consent Agenda: Certified

A Consent Agenda for Certified Personnel Item#-12 A-B was presented for approval by the Board. Motion RK/TG to approve. Carried 5-0. A copy of all requests is on file in the central office.

Personnel: Consent Agenda: Non-Certified

A Consent Agenda for Non-Certified Personnel Item#-13 A-B was presented for approval by the Board. Motion RK/LR to approve. Carried 5-0. A copy of all requests is on file in the central office.

Other Business:

Steve Telfer requested approval for expenditure for $1603.88 from the High School Student Activities Account for 2001-02 expenses for sponsorship. Motion LR/RK to approve. Carried 5-0.

Laura Rowe requested approval of a Tiger Reader Grant Proposal Application for 2001-02. Motion JM/TG to approve. Carried 5-0. A copy of the Grant is on file in the central office.

A resolution was presented for Capital Projects Emergency Allocation for repair of electrical system at Orestes Elementary for $2,200.00 to be paid from the 2001 Capital Projects Emergency Allocation Fund. Motion JM/LR to approve. Carried 5-0. A copy of resolution is on file with the minutes.

Field Trip Requests:




Other Matters Before the Board:

Steve Telfer thanked Board members for their participation in the graduation ceremonies. He reported Summer School began as of today’s date. Steve Telfer reported a survey of teachers on Block Scheduling with 25 teachers responding. Teachers indicated they were in favor of staying with one team.

Steve Telfer reported 42 Academic Honors students, which is up from 26 last years. The number of students for National Honors Society was 36 with a 3.5 GPA. He said they finished off a nice school year.

Rocco Fuschetto reported 99 students did not have paperwork of any kind in his office. He awarded 30 certificates from different restaurants to students. He also gave information to the Board on the Indiana Web Academy.

Jeffrey Montgomery thanked the people who served on the interview committee and congratulated Chris Conley on his new assignment.

Chris Conley thanked Miss Mock and the interview committee and the school board for his appointment. He stated he hated to leave the football program but was sure that it would be in good hands.

Board members thanked Chris Conley for his hard work with the football program.

Mary Jo Willmann also congratulated Chris Conley on his new position. She thanked those people who attended the awards program at Orestes.

Jeff Montgomery noted a 4-Block meeting was scheduled for June 5.

Paul Tunnell reported an excellent visitation with David Henriott. Mr. Henriott

visited the building to meet all the children and staff.

June Miller reported working on inclusions for next year and finishing case conferences.

A large audience was in attendance for the board meeting. Upon opening other matters to the public, Mr. Wilson questioned his part in the reassignment of Cunningham Principal, Dick Sizelove. He complained having an assistant at $53,000 was not necessary. Mr. McFerran stated it was a personnel issue and could not be discussed. David Day, corporation attorney, spoke saying members were allowed to address the board. He stated when people ask personnel questions, the law was very specific about personnel issues. Everything in the personnel files, except for very specific types of information, is confidential. He stated if issues were disclosed you would have two problems, 1) You commit a misdemeanor; 2) You are subject to discipline. Roger Yeagy complained that Chris Conley was going to take care of athletics and why was this position extra. Mr. Day again pointed out documents may be accessed that are subject to public access and the corporation would respond within 7 days. Mr. Day also stated the Board did not have to allow public comment at all that it was their perogative. Mr. Day stated if they allowed public comments, the Board needed to have public comment according to the rules. Mr. McFerran stated the board had not made a final decision (for a principal). He stated Mr. Hendrix was assigned (as well as being Transportation Director) and would be working with Mr. Sizelove the rest of the year. Several parents commented they did not understand why Mr. Sizelove could not finish the last year of his contract. They wanted to know why a position was created. Ms. Rinker stated at this point they have not created a position, that Mr. Sizelove has been reassigned to the middle school.

In answer to complaints regarding work orders for the buildings, Mr. Hendrix stated he had not received a work order for Mrs. Ford’s room. Mr. Hendrix invited anyone to see him and he could document those requests. Board Members and Dr. Storch outlined how evaluations were done for administrative staff members. Following more questions, Mr. McFerran asked that further questions be put in writing and submitted to the board. In answer to a complaint about the five-minute limit, Mr. McFerran stated the five minutes limit has been noted on the agenda for some time. He stated the Board made the decision regarding the matter and felt it was the right decision. He apologized for not being able to give more information to the public. However, he said he was bound by law. Mr. McFerran called the meeting to adjourn.

No other matters came before a board.

Motion RK/JM to adjourn. Carried 5-0.

Secretary, Jeffrey Montgomery

The next regular scheduled Board meeting will be held on Monday, June 18, 2001 at the Central Office at 7:00 p.m. The executive session will follow.