TC3022 : Computer Graphics

Academic department: Computer Science

C - L - U: 3 - 0 - 8


Prerequisites: (TC2007 )

Equivalences: None

Course intention within the general study plan context:
Course of basic level in the visual computing study field, intermediate in the field of computer science. It is expected that the student dominates C or C++ programming and is capable to solve mathematical problems related with geometry and vectorial spaces.

Besides, it is expected that the student will obtain the theory bases of computing graphics and practical of programming using OpenGL and GLSL or Direct3D with HLSL, in order for the student to show throughout the development of interactive applications tri-dimensional graphics of basic complexity.

Course objective:
This course provides the necessary bases for understanding the way digital images are created. This process involves 3D mathematical models of the objects, simulation of the interaction between light and material. The course gives working knowledge for programming interactive 3D computer graphics applications.

Course topics and subtopics:

1. Introduction to Computer Graphics and graphic libraries

1.1  History and application of computer graphics

1.2  Graphic libraries (OpenGL or D3D): definition and visualization of geometrical objects, events, color, lighting and texture

2. Mathematical fundamentals

2.1 Geometric objects: points, vectors, polygons and polygonal objects

2.2 Transformations and proyections

2.3 Hierarquical models

3. Drawing process (graphic pipeline)

3.1 Classic pipeline: cuts, rasterization, hide surfaces

3.2 Lighting and shading, texturization

3.3 Programmable pipeline: Vertex, Fragment, Geometry shaders

4. Models

4.1 Curves and parametric surfaces

4.2 Other models types: (Implicit surfaces, subdivisions, procedural)

5. Animation

5.1 Keyframes, inverse cinematic, Skinning

5.2 Animation based on physics, agents and multitudes

6. Advance image synthesis

6.1 Shades (Shadow maps and Shadow Volumes)

6.2 Global lighting: Ray Tracing, Radiosidad, Photon Maps

Teaching and learning techniques:
Problem based learning

* Hearn, Donald., Computer graphics with OpenGL / Donald Hearn, M. Pauline Baker., 3rd ed., Upper Saddle River, NJ : Pearson Education, Inc. 2004., , , , 0130153907
Perfil del profesor:

· Grados académicos:

Masters or PHD in Computer Science; masters and PHD in Information Technology; Masters or PHD in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Abstract, key words:
Computer graphics, image synthesis, OpenGL and D3D programming