Attachment 1


Whyte Avenue Short Term Outcomes/Success Descriptors

Goals and Actions Plan

Developed in concert with major stakeholders in the Whyte Avenue Area

April 5,2002

Consistent Themes / Goals / Action Plan / Cost / Lead Responsibility
A.Clarity of roles/ strategies/ initiatives /
  1. To build understanding and awareness of:
  • the roles and responsibilities of all the stakeholders
  • initiatives/ action plans underway/ planned within the community of Old Strathcona.
/ a.Prepare/distribute report card for Old Strathcona Action Plan and ARP and develop a mechanism to ensure this is kept updated and distributed. / N/C /
  1. Whyte Avenue Coordinator

  1. Re-examine and confirm the role of Community Licensing Committee (CLC) from information sharing to action orientation.
/ N/C /
  1. CLC

  1. Develop and distribute a Decision Map for Stakeholders that clarifies where decisions are made and who has ownership.
/ N/C /
  1. Whyte Avenue Coordinator

  1. Describe/clarify the role of Whyte Avenue in relationship to the balance of the city.
/ N/C /
  1. Whyte Avenue Coordinator

B.Communicationwith and between:
  • Edmontonians/ Tourists
  • Residents/ Businesses/ Not for Profits
  • City of Edmonton Departments
/ 1To foster respect and appreciation for Old Strathcona as a vulnerable, historically rich and unique Edmonton asset /
  1. Implementation of the Old Strathcona Awareness Plan (Attachment 5)
  • Tours
  • Clubs and Pubs
  • Tourist Information Centre (Mid to Long Term)
  • Ambassador Program
  • Youth Connection
  • Positive Media Campaign
  • Community Involvement
  • Blockwatch
  • University of Alberta Student Connections
/ $3,000
N/C / a.OSBA/ Community Services
2.To develop communication lines between these groups /
  1. Implementation of joint meetings with ERD/AGLC with licensed premises (similar to EPS).
/ N/C / a.ERD/AGLC
  1. To develop a coordinated approach by the City of Edmonton to service provision within Old Strathcona
  1. Revisit/reconfirm and expand an ongoing multi-discipline/multi-department work team within the City of Edmonton and connect that to OSACC/OSBA.
/ N/C /
  1. Whyte Avenue Coordinator

4.To establish networks and ease of gaining information on initiatives. /
  1. Establish a clearing house or centralized information center of initiatives/activities within Old Strathcona complete with an ongoing updating and communication mechanism(s).
/ N/C /
  1. Whyte Avenue Coordinator

  1. To explore creative ways to support the volunteer effort in the Old Strathcona Area that strengthens and further builds community
  1. Reduce number of City Staff the volunteer community need to establish and maintain contact with. This reduction will begin with the Community Services Department.
  2. To work with volunteer community to identify their support needs.
/ N/C /
  1. Community Services Department
  2. Whyte Avenue Coordinator

C.Compliance/ Enforcement / 1.To ensure that all existing laws/bylaws and regulations are known and enforced. /
  1. Complete the Licensing Review resulting in the new Business License Bylaw.
/ N/C /
  1. Planning and Development.

  1. Fire Inspectors will be commonly seen in the area on busy nights.
/ N/C /
  1. ERD

  1. Coordinated Joint Inspections (ERD/EPS/AGLC)
/ N/C /

  1. Prepare a parking inventory and analysis of the parking inventory of both public and private spaces and the needs of the area as a whole.
/ $8,000 /
  1. Transportation and Streets

D.Physical Improvements / 1.To increase the cleanliness of Whyte Avenue. / a.Continue to explore additional solutions to increase the cleanliness of the area which would include graffiti, trash, sidewalk washing. / N/C / a.Whyte Avenue Coordinator
b.Increase the level of service of trash collection during the summer months from mid May to end of September to level provided during the Games in 2001. / $43,200 / b.Waste Management
2.To ensure that all public/semi public space is planned comprehensively. / a.Identify all those public buildings, spaces, amenities that are being considered or committed to redevelopment, renovation and or re building. / N/C / a-cCommunity Services
b.Review the traffic patterns, utilities etc. to identify what may be limiting and/or supportive to the above individual plans. / N/C
c.Map out the sequence of development and share that with community to increase knowledge, excitement and ability of community to understand /involve themselves in the changes to their community. / N/C


/ 1.To ensure that events that attract tourists/ Edmontonians are supported. /
  1. Identify all the issues included but not limited to: funding, space, area impacts and to seek creative solutions that are supportive to the celebration of Whyte Avenue.
/ N/C /
  1. Whyte Avenue Coordinator

Note: N/C – cost to be absorbed by existing resources.

Acronym Legend

AGLCAlberta Gaming & Liquor CommissionNFPNot for profit

ARPArea Redevelopment PlanOSBAOld Strathcona Business Association

BRZBusiness Revitalisation Zone

CLCCommunity Licensing Committee

ERDEmergency Response Department