Peace and Justice Summer Reading Program

Welcome everyone who loves to read! The Peace and Justice Committee of ACC welcomes you to a summer of fun and learning as well as sharing and giving. This summer we invite congregations to partner with us in a program that encourages reading to fuel both our children's minds and their ability to directly affect the lives of others. We recommend that the children obtain sponsors who will donate funds to the program based on the number of books read. Our vision for this includes partnering with MCC and we encourage both children and adults to explore opportunities MCC provides through giving projects that have realistic goals and spark enthusiasm. Examples are: Acting Courageously in South Sudan, Peace Camps for young people in China, a Peace School for children in Iraq, as well as opportunities to provide rabbits or goats to farmers in Palestine or Kenya. Once the summer program is completed, we would love to hear reports from children in our congregations during the ACC fall meeting. You can review all the Giving Projects MCC currently offers at:

Attached you will find a list of books that reflect the importance of peace and justice. This may include peace within oneself, peace in relationships with family and friends, or peace/justice through caring for and understanding other persons and our planet. Many highlight the challenges and hard work that commitment to peace and justice requires. Though these books are written for ages preschool through early teens, all ages can learn from the stories found here.

Also attached is a reading log and sponsor sheet that can be used to keep track of the reading completed and the sponsoring that is obtained. Blessing to each one as you take on the challenge and experience the joy of reading about and furthering peace and justice.

List compiled by Julie Sommers for Peace/Justice Committee of ACC, 2013.


My child has completed the reading requirement for this book. ______

(Parent's signature)