Content class schedule for class 6
Independent study class for June. Students enrolled are:
Jesse Fieldsted, Jason Norman, Lena Puro, Andy Pollaehne, Julie Durfee, Julie Lee, Pat Choi, Lucas Peless, Tami Williams, Andrea Schonfeld, any othes??
Any questions or concerns? Anything to share?
There re 2 handouts on the nu center site., Look them over for next week.
Thank you to Emery for presentation on Science and to Blanding and Grand for PE. Any questions for them? Or anything to share about these content areas?
Any questions about Chapter 5 Learning strategies.
Define “ learning strategy” South summit
What are some steps in teaching a learning strategy? Uintah
How do learning strategies enhance language acquisition? Altamont
How do they help writing skills? Wasatch
How do learning strategies enhance math? Emery
How do they help with behavior problems? Whitehorse
How do they help vocational skills? Duchesne
What are the steps of use-of cognates strategy? Rich
What are some guidelines for selecting a learning strategy? Manilla
What is the COPS strategy? Navajo Mountain
What is a good listener strategy? Monument Valley
What are 4 presentation methods used to teach learning strategies? Roosevelt
Share successful ones you use in your groups (10 minutes) and then to the whole class.(15 minutes)
Chapter 6
Page 97 discuss as a group and answer the question for ANNE- Carbon
Do the question for FATIMA- Moab
Do the question for MIRANDA- San Juan High School
How do you demonstrate sensitivity to CLD students? Montecello
How do you differentiate instruction? All discuss and Moab, South Summit and Emery share ideas.
Content presentation on vocational classes
Content presentation on Career guidance
Content presentation on business/finance
Content presentation on technology/computers
Next week content presentations on Music by Altamont and Fine arts by Roosevelt
Read chapters 7 and 8
Video and handouts on Comprehensible input ---next week