Lesson 27.

Distance learning. Expressing opinion, pros and cons

1. Which words come to your mind when you hear a phrase "distance learning"?(nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs)

2. Look at the photo of Jim. Complete the questions about him.

Where does he come from?North of England, near Manchester

_Where does he____ live?In a village just outside the city

_Who does he____ live with?Alone

_What did he____ do before he retired?He worked at a paper factory

When _did he____ leave school?When he was 15

What _is he____ studying?Spanish

How many children _does he____ have?1 son and 1 daughter

What _is he going to____ do next year?Visit his son in Spain

Listen to Jim and answer the questions.(Track 1)

3. Reading.

a) Before you read tell me which advantages and disadvantages of distance learning you know.

b) Read the text. Which pros and cons didn't you mention?

Distance Learning - The Basics

Distance learning is designed to provide educational opportunities to students who are unable to pursue on-site study. Written correspondence courses, online classes and other remote classroom delivery methods fall under the category of distance learning. Below are some of the pros and cons of distance learning.

Pros of Distance Learning

Distance learning gives students the flexibility to complete coursework from home, a local coffee shop, their car and other remote locations using a computer or, increasingly, a mobile device like a phone or tablet. Additionally, many online programs allow students to watch lectures and complete assignments on their own time. This can be particularly beneficial for working professionals who can't leave their jobs to pursue full-time, on-site study and for parents who can't regularly visit a campus due to family obligations.

The curricula of distance education programs are often identical to that of on-campus programs, allowing students to receive the same education in either format. Additionally, today's online students have access to many of the same services as on-campus students, including library and career services, academic and financial advising, and tutoring. Some schools even have honor societies and other student groups specifically geared toward online students.

Cons of Distance Learning

Although most distance education programs allow students to interact online with peers and instructors, some students might miss the face-to-face communication and consultation that comes with studying on-campus. Additionally, the impromptu study sessions and brief questions and explanations that happen so easily on-campus are tougher to come by in a distance education setting.

Online students also need to be extra focused and committed to their studies so they don't fall behind. Some online students might find themselves easily distracted by the demands of their daily lives when studying from home or not disciplined enough to keep up with lectures or complete assignments when they have no set deadlines.

c) Answer the questions:

Which methods refer to distance learning? - Written correspondence courses, online classes and other remote classroom delivery methods fall under the category of distance learning.

Where can people study? - home, a local coffee shop, their car and other remote locations

Who is online learning good for? - for working professionals and for parents

Is the program of distance learning very different from on-campus programs? - They are often identical

What can students miss if they choose online education? - students might miss the face-to-face communication and consultation that comes with studying on-campus

Why is discipline so important if you study online? - Some online students might find themselves easily distracted by the demands of their daily lives when studying from home or not disciplined enough to keep up with lectures or complete assignments when they have no set deadlines.

d) Look at the highlighted words in the text. Can you explain them?

4. Video. Watch this video and write down 7 misconceptions about Distance Learning.

1) Online classes are easier than traditional classes

2) Online classes take less time than traditional classes.

3) I can work entirely at my own pace.

4) I won't get to know the other students very well.

5) I won't get individual attention from my professor

6) I won't learn as much in an online class.

7) Online degrees don't carry the respect of traditional college degrees.

Watch again and listen to explanations about each misconceptions.

1) Online courses are just as hard as traditional classes. You can have some extra tasks and activities.

2) They can take as much or even more time.

3) Online classes still have deadlines. You need to manage your time

4) Good online classes help you to develop similar relationships to those you have in

5. How to ...agree and disagree politely. Complete the box with the correct headings in the correct places(A-E)

6. Look at the following quotes about learning. Do you agree or disagree with them? Why? Explain your opinion.

7. But there are some websites which teach us something unusual. Read this text and find out what you can learn to do online.

Would you like to attend any of these courses?

Which of these activities do you find difficult to learn? Why?

8. Look at these useful phrases.

Use them to talk about pros and cons of punishments at schools.(Fines, community works, expulsion from school, etc)

Thank you for the lesson!

Home task.

1. Fill in the blanks with the given words.

The advantages and disadvantages of living in the country.

Living in the country is often the secret dream of certain city-dwellers. However……………(1), in reality it has both its advantages and disadvantages.

There are many advantages to living in the country. Firstly……………….(2), you are much closer to nature and can enjoy more peace and quiet. In addition…………(3), life in the country is much slower and people tend to be more open and friendly. A further advantage is that there is much less traffic, and as a result it is much safer place to bring up young children.

However……………….(4), there are certain drawbacks to life outside the city. First of all……………….(5), because there are fewer people, one has a smaller number of friends. As a result……………….(6) entertainment, particularly in the evening, is difficult to find. Furthermore, the fact that there are fewer shops and services often means that there are fewer employment opportunities. …Therefore…………….(7), one may have to travel long distances to work elsewhere, and this can be extremely expensive.

On the whole……………….(8), it can be seen that the country is more suitable for some than others. To sum up……………….(9), it is often the best place for those who are retired or who have young children, ……………….(10), young, single people who are following a career and who want some excitement are better provided for by life in the city. (Success at First Certificate-Robert O’Neill)

2. Write an essay(120-180 words) about advantages and disadvantages of University education. Use Useful language from the lesson.

3. Watch this video.

Answer these questions:

1)Why do these people study English?

2)How did they feel in the beginning?

3)When did they realize they started to make good progress?

4)How did they feel the first time they spoke to a native speaker?

5)What does speaking English give them?

Answer the same questions about you.