Minutes of the MWI Business Meeting

January 20, 2018

In attendance were Ed R. Recording Secretary, Rachel S. Treasurer, Lisa Dee P. W. from the Wednesday 7:15 am HOW meeting Newton, Region 6 Representative and World Service Delegate, Nate O. from the Wednesday Harvard Square meeting (via Skype), Blair P. Vice Chair, Jen B. Chair, Elizabeth G. from the Sunday Brookline meeting, Margaret Ann B. Corresponding Secretary, Briana T. from the Sunday Framingham meeting, and Terri O. from the Tuesday Newton meeting.

Jen B. opened the meeting at 9:05 am. with the Serenity Prayer and an introduction of those present and the purpose of our meeting and its etiquette. Blair P. read the 12 Steps, Terri O. read the 12 Traditions, and Elizabeth G. read the Concept of the Month.

Terri O. and Blair P. volunteered to review the minutes of the meeting.

Rachel S. gave the treasurer's report. She informed us that the contributions for the 4th quarter and the registrations for the World Service Business conference have been sent to World Service. Our bank account total has remained about the same from last year. There was a budget meeting planned for later today and Rachel S. will present the new budget in February.

Margaret Ann B. reported that the planning meeting with the representatives from the other intergroups for Unity Day on February 24, 2018 with the theme of OA World Service's Year of Diversity within OA went well. Passports will be presented to participants to show how we practice diversity but are still united. Lisa Dee P.W. will submit minutes of the planning meeting to the intergroup. A collection of recordings from the 2016 World Service Convention will be donated as a raffle prize.

Margaret Ann B. informed us that Maria C. was asked to lead the 2018 MWI Retreat, June 8 to June 10, at the Sacred Heart Retreat Center in Wareham, MA. Margaret Ann B. and Veronica are the co-chairs of the retreat.

Ed R. reported that he spoke to Steve M. about website management. Steve M. is available to help support website management on a temporary basis. Nate O. will take over “web sitter” position form Elizabeth G. and will communicate to the group when the transfer has occurred. Nate O. will monitor and upload items to the website. Nate O., Elizabeth G., and Lisa Dee P.W. will examine what is the purpose/mission of the website so that we can hire a professional to upgrade the website.

Lisa Dee P.W asked that agenda items for Liability Insurance and the Form for Sponsor Bank be tabled.

Nate asked for feedback on the content of the Member Survey draft. He will wait one more week to consider edits for the Member Survey and then send it out to the intergroup board members and representatives.

The Metrowest Meeting List on the website is in the process of being updated (last update was 2014). Blair will compile a list of contact people from www.oa.org and send the list to the intergroup board and representatives to call and confirm.

The World Service Business Conference registration fees for Ed R., Lisa Dee P. W. and Jen B. were paid.

Jen B. asked that people review the Questionnaire Summary before the February MWIG meeting. At that meeting, we will discuss which items members do not want on the agenda at the World Service Business Conference.

We voted to set up a system to include members who wished to attend MWI intergroup meetings remotely. A question will be added to the survey to see how many people would be interested. Jen B. will look into Zoom as a possibility of setting up a conference system.

The Harvard Addictions Conference ‘Treating The Addictions’ is March 2 and 3 at the Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel.

Margaret Ann B. will order more professional outreach literature.

Medical students have been attending local meetings.

Jen B. suggested that we end each business meeting with a Summary of Announcement s for Intergroup Representatives. The Recording Secretary will send out the summaries when the minutes are completed.

The meeting adjourned at 10:26 am. with Rozanne's Prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Ed R. Recording Secretary