GLCD 5225–The Golden Age of Light Music: More Gems From The 1930s

This is Guild’s fourth CD devoted exclusively to light music recordings from the 1930s (previous collections are on GLCD 5106, 5116 & 5163) and focuses on some of the numerous European orchestras popular at that time. Many of them were eponymous, with those of Marek Weber, Dajos Bela, Ferdy Kauffman, Barnabas Von Géczy and Edith Lorand achieving worldwide fame. Other orchestras were equally famous but anonymous, with their recordings sometimes appearing under different names in different countries. Today we have no idea who was responsible for The Elite Novelty Orchestra or The Viennese Café Orchestra, to say nothing of the prolific “International Novelty Quartet” which was often, as on the recording in this collection, not a quartet as the label claimed but an orchestra. One thing is certain, the playing of all the orchestras featured here is of a very high standard and the considerable technical improvements since the introduction of electrical recording in the mid 1920s combined with modern restoration techniques mean that we can enjoy them to the full. One of the highlights is Bertini and The Tower Ballroom Blackpool Dance Band in what is believed to be the only recording of the complete version of Carl Robrecht’s musical tour de force “Samum”.
Tr. / Title / Composer / Artist / Label / Time / ISRC
1 / Wedding Of Mr Mickey Mouse / Franz Vienna, real name Franz Steininger / DAJOS BELA AND HIS ORCHESTRA / Odeon 250581 1933 / 2:41 / CH6631552501
2 / Buddha’s Festival Of Love / Heini Kronberger, Mary Marriott, arr. Ralph / FERDY KAUFFMAN AND HIS ORCHESTRA / HMV B 3365 1930 / 3:26 / CH6631552502
3 / A Frangesa (The French Girl) / Mario Pasquale Costa / GEORGE GROHROCK-FERRARI AND HIS ORCHESTRA / Parlophone F 1251 1938 / 2:39 / CH6631552503
4 / Temptation Waltz / Charles Ancliffe / THE MAYFAIR ORCHESTRA / HMV C 2091 1931 / 4:10 / CH6631552504
5 / Red Devil (Roter Teufel) / Erich Plessow / BARNABAS VON GÉCZY AND HIS ORCHESTRA / VSM K 8971 1938 / 2:54 / CH6631552505
6 / A Visit To The Woodpecker / Percy, arr. Zimmer / FERDY KAUFFMAN AND HIS ORCHESTRA / HMV B 3784 1931 / 3:18 / CH6631552506
7 / Samum - A Classical Fox-Trot / Carl Robrecht / BERTINI AND THE TOWER BALLROOM BLACKPOOL DANCE BAND / Regal Zonophone T 6188 1932 / 6:00 / CH6631552507
8 / Golden Kisses - Waltz / Sando Dicker / EDITH LORAND AND HER VIENNESE ORCHESTRA / Parlophone R 1533 1933 / 3:00 / CH6631552508
9 / Viennese Puppets (Wiener Puppen) / Rheinlander / CARL WOITSCHACH AND HIS SALON ORCHESTRA / Kristall 1282 1932 / 3:11 / CH6631552509
10 / Dancing Butterfly / Joseph Young, Bernice Petkere / GERSHOM PARKINGTON QUINTET / Edison Bell A 5571 1933 / 2:58 / CH6631552510
11 / Intermezzo (from “Dance Suite”) / Eduard Künneke / BERLIN PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA Conducted by EDUARD KÜNNEKE / Telefunken E 2493 1938 / 4:19 / CH6631552511
12 / The Dwarfs’ Patrol / Erich Plessow / ADALBERT LUTTER AND HIS ORCHESTRA / Telefunken A 10035-557 1939 / 3:02 / CH6631552512
13 / Sefira - Intemezzo / Ludwig Siede / ELITE NOVELTY ORCHESTRA / Panachord 25830-B 1936 / 3:14 / CH6631552513
14 / Japanese Lantern Dance / Kitano Yoshitomo / MAREK WEBER AND HIS ORCHESTRA / HMV B 3407 1930 / 3:12 / CH6631552514
15 / Parade Of The City Guards / Leon Jessel / ORCHESTRE RAYMONDE / Columbia DB 1362 1934 / 3:12 / CH6631552515
16 / Julika / E. Lanyi / GEORGES BOULANGER, HIS VIOLIN AND ORCHESTRA / VSM K 8971 1938 / 2:55 / CH6631552516
17 / In Pierrette’s Garden - Intermezzo / Clifton Brookes / THE VIENNESE CAFÉ ORCHESTRA / Piccadilly 590 1930 / 3:01 / CH6631552517
18 / The Doll And The Showman / Ludwig Siede / FERDY KAUFFMAN AND HIS ORCHESTRA / HMV B 4233 1932 / 2:38 / CH6631552518
19 / The Merry Mill / Peros / INTERNATIONAL NOVELTY QUARTET / Zonophone 5777 1931 / 2:40 / CH6631552519
20 / Roses Of The Orient - Waltz / Iosif Ivanovici / EUGENE’S VIENNESE ORCHESTRA / Columbia FB 2077 1936 / 3:05 / CH6631552520
21 / The Merry Teddy / Pata / FERDY KAUFFMAN AND HIS ORCHESTRA / HMV B 4233 1932 / 3:04 / CH6631552521
22 / Finckiana - A Fantasia on the Works of Herman Finck / Herman Finck / HERMAN FINCK AND HIS ORCHESTRA / Columbia DX 677 1935 / 8:50 / CH6631552522

Bar Code:795754522525- Total Time:78:39– All in mono


Franz Vienna, Heini Kronberger, Mary Marriott, Mario Pasquale Costa, Charles Ancliffe, Erich Plessow, Percy, Carl Robrecht, Sando Dicker, Rheinlander, Joseph Young, Bernice Petkere, Eduard Künneke, Erich Plessow, Ludwig Siede, Kitano Yoshitomo, Leon Jessel, E. Lanyi, Clifton Brookes, Ludwig Siede, Peros, Iosif Ivanovici, Pata, Herman Finck,

Composer & Tracklist:

Franz Vienna, real name Franz Steininger - Wedding Of Mr Mickey Mouse; Heini Kronberger, Mary Marriott, arr. Ralph - Buddha’s Festival Of Love; Mario Pasquale Costa - A Frangesa (The French Girl); Charles Ancliffe - Temptation Waltz; Erich Plessow - Red Devil (Roter Teufel); Percy, arr. Zimmer - A Visit To The Woodpecker; Carl Robrecht - Samum - A Classical Fox-Trot; Sando Dicker - Golden Kisses - Waltz; Rheinlander - Viennese Puppets (Wiener Puppen); Joseph Young, Bernice Petkere - Dancing Butterfly; Eduard Künneke - Intermezzo (from “Dance Suite”); Erich Plessow - The Dwarfs’ Patrol; Ludwig Siede - Sefira - Intemezzo; Kitano Yoshitomo - Japanese Lantern Dance; Leon Jessel - Parade Of The City Guards; E. Lanyi - Julika; Clifton Brookes - In Pierrette’s Garden - Intermezzo; Ludwig Siede - The Doll And The Showman; Peros - The Merry Mill; Iosif Ivanovici - Roses Of The Orient - Waltz; Pata - The Merry Teddy; Herman Finck - Finckiana - A Fantasia on the Works of Herman Finck;

Tracklist with Composer and Artists:

Wedding Of Mr Mickey Mouse - Franz Vienna, real name Franz Steininger, DAJOS BELA AND HIS ORCHESTRA; Buddha’s Festival Of Love - Heini Kronberger, Mary Marriott, arr. Ralph, FERDY KAUFFMAN AND HIS ORCHESTRA; A Frangesa (The French Girl) - Mario Pasquale Costa, GEORGE GROHROCK-FERRARI AND HIS ORCHESTRA; Temptation Waltz - Charles Ancliffe, THE MAYFAIR ORCHESTRA; Red Devil (Roter Teufel) - Erich Plessow, BARNABAS VON GÉCZY AND HIS ORCHESTRA; A Visit To The Woodpecker - Percy, arr. Zimmer, FERDY KAUFFMAN AND HIS ORCHESTRA; Samum - A Classical Fox-Trot - Carl Robrecht, BERTINI AND THE TOWER BALLROOM BLACKPOOL DANCE BAND; Golden Kisses - Waltz - Sando Dicker, EDITH LORAND AND HER VIENNESE ORCHESTRA; Viennese Puppets (Wiener Puppen) - Rheinlander, CARL WOITSCHACH AND HIS SALON ORCHESTRA; Dancing Butterfly - Joseph Young, Bernice Petkere, GERSHOM PARKINGTON QUINTET; Intermezzo (from “Dance Suite”) - Eduard Künneke, BERLIN PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA Conducted by EDUARD KÜNNEKE; The Dwarfs’ Patrol - Erich Plessow, ADALBERT LUTTER AND HIS ORCHESTRA; Sefira - Intemezzo - Ludwig Siede, ELITE NOVELTY ORCHESTRA; Japanese Lantern Dance - Kitano Yoshitomo, MAREK WEBER AND HIS ORCHESTRA; Parade Of The City Guards - Leon Jessel, ORCHESTRE RAYMONDE; Julika - E. Lanyi, GEORGES BOULANGER, HIS VIOLIN AND ORCHESTRA; In Pierrette’s Garden - Intermezzo - Clifton Brookes, THE VIENNESE CAFÉ ORCHESTRA; The Doll And The Showman - Ludwig Siede, FERDY KAUFFMAN AND HIS ORCHESTRA; The Merry Mill - Peros, INTERNATIONAL NOVELTY QUARTET; Roses Of The Orient - Waltz - Iosif Ivanovici, EUGENE’S VIENNESE ORCHESTRA; The Merry Teddy - Pata, FERDY KAUFFMAN AND HIS ORCHESTRA; Finckiana - A Fantasia on the Works of Herman Finck - Herman Finck, HERMAN FINCK AND HIS ORCHESTRA;