Statement of Work CSE & Judicial Data Information Sharing (DISH)

Colorado Department of Human Services Division of Child Support Enforcement & Colorado Judicial Branch

Statement of Work for the
Data Information Sharing (DISH) Project

Prepared by: / Chris Kain
Version: / 1.1
Document Id: / DISH SOW.doc
Date: / 09/12/07

Page 3 DISH SOW (2).doc

Revised 4/04/04

Statement of Work CSE & Judicial Data Information Sharing (DISH)



Document Revision History ii

1. Background 1

2. Objectives 2

3. Scope 4

3.1 Inclusions 4

3.2 Exclusions 5

3.3 Constraints 6

3.4 Work Approach 6

4. Key Project Deliverables 8

5. Project Authority 8

5.1 Authorization 8

5.2 Project Manager 8

5.3 Staffing 8

6. Project Schedule Planning 9

7. Management Approach 10

7.1 Quality Management 10

7.2 Risk Management 10

7.3 Change Management 11

7.4 Communication Management 12

8. SOW Approvals 14

Appendix A. Risk Register 15

Appendix B. Project Budget 18

Document Revision History

Revision / Author(s) / Description of Version / Date Completed /
0.1 / Chris Kain / Initial draft / 4/10/07
0.2 / Chris Kain / Added Risk Section plus other minor corrections / 4/30/07
0.3 / Chris Kain / Added Appendix for Project Budget
Added entries to the Risk Registry
Additions & Clarifications to Scope, Project Authority, and Project Plan / 5/09/07
0.4 / Chris Kain / Added Change Management section and modified the SOW approval page / 5/15/07
0.5 / Chris Kain / Updated based on 7/17 review with Alicia Davis, Bob Roper, Chris Kain, Curtis Rose, Danielle Stecco, Diana Coffey, and Maureen Leif / 7/19/07
0.6 / Chris Kain / Updated based on 8/6 review with Alicia Davis, Chad Cornelius, Chris Kain, Craig Carson, Dan Welch, Diana Coffey, and Maureen Leif
Updated Project Schedule Planning, Quality Management & Risk Management sections
Added Communication Management section / 08/08/07
1.0 / Chris Kain / Incorporated comments from final DISH management team review / 08/15/07
1.1 / Chris Kain / Incorporated comments from John Bernhart’s and Bob Roper’s review / 09/12/07

Page 17 DISH SOW (2).doc

Revised 9/12/07

Statement of Work CSE & Judicial Data Information Sharing (DISH)

1. Background

Project DISH (Data Information SHaring) is the result of a grant awarded to the Colorado Department of Human Services Division of Child Support Enforcement (CSE) by the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement in September 2006 in response to a Research and Demonstration Project proposal submitted on May 23, 2006. The grant awarded funding for a project that is anticipated to last 36 months with a total cost of $1,034,483. As specified in the project proposal, the purpose of this project is to:

“allow the Colorado Department of Human Services Division of Child Support Enforcement (CSE) to collaborate with the Colorado Judicial Department on a 36-month project to plan, implement, and evaluate a process to allow for the electronic filing of child support cases with the court. It builds on work conducted by the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) to encourage collaboration between courts and child support agencies, and specifically on work to create an adaptable means of electronic case filing and information exchange”

This project is currently in the initiation and planning stages. The project was officially kicked off on October 18, 2006 with the initial project steering committee meeting, and the following activities have been completed to date.

·  Formed project steering committee, including members from CSE and Judicial from both the state and county/district level. Held regular meetings held starting on October 18, 2006

·  Formed CSE and Colorado Judicial Department (Judicial) user groups

·  Formed a joint CSE and Judicial project management committee

·  Held joint project chartering event on January 11, 2007

·  Established project scope and objectives based on project chartering outcome and steering committee input

·  Established project budget

·  Established an interagency agreement between the Colorado Department of Human Services Division of CSE and the Colorado Judicial Department

·  Conducted joint planning sessions, which established a strategy and plan for working with the user group to perform analysis and develop project requirements

·  Expanded the user group to include representatives from 11 county child support enforcement offices and judicial districts in addition to the original representatives from Jefferson County (1st judicial district) and Weld County (19th judicial district)

·  Held 4 joint Judicial and CSE user group meetings designed to establish project requirements based on the agreed upon project scope and objectives. Meetings held on 4/26/07, 5/23/07, 6/21/07, & 8/02/07.

·  Contracted with Center Policy Research as project evaluator.

·  Conducted a statewide survey of CSE and Judicial workers to evaluate current practices and identify preferred future practices.

·  Setup project DISH website for sharing project information with CSE and Judicial staff throughout the state.

·  Produced quarterly status and expenditure reports for OCES.

The remainder of this document provides further detail on the project’s objectives, scope, deliverables, and project management plan.

2. Objectives

Approximately 70 percent of Colorado’s child support cases are established through administrative process (APA). However, the administrative child support establishment process requires interaction between the county CSE units and their respective courts at a number of different steps. Due to the lack of an electronic interface between the Automated Child Support Enforcement System (ACSES) and the Integrated Colorado On-line Network (ICON) this filing process is manually intensive and requires redundant data entry in both systems, resulting in data inconsistency across the system and a significant delay in the execution of a child support order. Furthermore, subsequent modifications to child support orders cannot be automatically communicated between the systems and are often not communicated through the agencies’ representatives.

Figure 1 illustrates a typical high level process flow for the establishment of an administrative child support order, and highlights the points of contact between the agencies. As Figure 1 demonstrates, there are numerous points at which the establishment process is slowed while information is exchanged manually between the court and the child support agency.

The following project vision statement, created during the project chartering session, summarizes the objective of this project:

For families who depend on timely execution of APA child support orders, the DISH project is an electronic case filing and information exchange program allowing CSE and the courts to exchange data electronically. Unlike the current paper dependent systems, this solution will expedite child support orders, reduce redundant data entry, and improve data accuracy.

3. Scope

As outlined in the Objectives section of this document, the purpose of this project is to design, develop, and deliver an automated solution that integrates the ACSES and the ICON, and aids the establishment of APA child support orders.

The following section defines the scope of this project with respect to this objective

3.1 Inclusions

The following items define the scope of this project. Anything not explicitly identified in this section is considered out of scope for this project.

1.  This project will address CSE and Judicial systems and processes that pertain to APA cases.

2.  This project will deliver the capability of performing electronic data exchanges between the ACSES and ICON

3.  This project is required to design, develop, and deliver modifications to the child support enforcement system (ACSES), the judicial system (ICON), and to the processes, procedures, and practices of the CSE and Judicial staff. Specifically, this project will:

·  Provide an interface between ACSES and ICON for the electronic exchange of APA case intake data. The purpose of this interface is to:

o  Reduce manual data entry of APA data at the court

o  Improve data reliability and consistency between ACSES and ICON

o  Improve the speed of the initiation and execution of the corresponding child support order

·  Facilitate the quick assignment of a docket number by ICON to an APA case, and the timely delivery of this information to ACSES electronically

·  Provide automatic and timely notification to ACSES electronically that an APA order has been signed.

·  Provide automatic electronic data updates to the partner system when a data element associated with an existing case/order is modified in the local system. This automatic data exchange will be bidirectional. That is, whenever a data field is updated on ACSES, ACSES will automatically generate and send an update to ICON and whenever a data field is updated on ICON, ICON will automatically generate and send an update to ACSES.

o  It is desired that this data exchange be performed for all cases (newly initiated and existing cases). Newly initiated APA cases will be linked by order number at the time the case is initiated. If technically feasible, existing cases (including nonAPA) will be automatically linked (no manual intervention required) by their existing order number and subsequent updates to these existing cases will be exchanged.

·  Provide centralized information displays that combine data available in both ACSES and ICON. These displays will be implemented in both ACSES and ICON. For example, an ACSES display might provide a user with information on an individual’s existing cases, including cases currently only known to ICON. Likewise ICON might provide a user with information on an individual’s history, which includes child support information. Both of these displays would combine information available in both ACSES and ICON in real time.

·  Produce processes that result in time savings for both judicial and child support staff.

·  Produce processes that provide standardization of the use of court case types JV and DR.

·  Explore best practices related to document filing and make recommendations for the minimum document filing requirements

·  Explore the feasibility and barriers to:

o  the electronic exchange and storage of court documents, and

o  production and delivery of pro se documents on demand.

4.  Program the ICON to receive and send pertinent XML data from the ACSES in real time using the Global Justice XML Data Model (GJXDM). This includes, but is not limited to:

a.  Receiving and processing electronically transferred administrative process action (APA) child support orders from the ACSES into the ICON, as well as electronic receipt and processing of subsequent actions, such as modifications, between the systems and

b.  Obtain docket (case) numbers and notification of signatures from the ICON to the ACSES in an expedient manner.

5.  Unless otherwise specifically agreed to, all system interfaces are defined as real-time interfaces

6.  This project includes pilot deployment and evaluation of the modified systems and processes with Weld and Jefferson counties

7.  This project includes system and processes revisions based on the evaluation and feedback from the pilot deployments

8.  This project includes a statewide rollout of the modified system and processes. This includes the development of training materials necessary to support the statewide rollout.

9.  This project includes an accurate process and limited outcome evaluation by an outside contractor specifically engaged for this purpose.

Note: While the scope of this project is explicitly limited to APA cases, it is possible that system and process changes implemented to address this scope may impact existing processes, system functionality, or system interfaces related to other case types. In the event this does occur, these impacts will be evaluated on an individual basis to determine whether the scope of the project should be expanded to include process, system, or interfaces changes for case types other than APA. An example of an item of this nature is the assignment and activation of FSR account numbers. Currently both systems are responsible for assigning FSR account numbers. These assignments are coordinated through agreed upon processes and a batch interface. It is likely that this interface will be modified to a real-time interface for the assignment of FSR account numbers to APA cases. It is possible that the least costly and lowest risk solution will be to expand this real-time interface to support that assignment of FSR account numbers for all case types. If the evaluation bears out this result, then the scope of this project will be expanded to explicitly include system, process, and interface modifications for the real-time assignment of FSR account numbers for all case types.

3.2 Exclusions

The following items are currently excluded from the scope of this project.

1.  This project is limited to system and process elements that pertain to initiating APA cases only. No other case types or processes will be considered. While it is possible that the results of this project may be applicable (and expandable) to other case types and processes, this project will not consider or address these.

2.  This project is limited to the exchange of data and does not include the electronic transmission of document images.

3.  If it is determined that it is technically unfeasible to automatically link existing cases by their existing order numbers, then cases/orders that exist in either system (ACSES & ICON) prior to the implementation of this project will not be linked to the corresponding case/order in the partner system, and subsequent updates to these cases/orders in either system will not result in an automatic data update to the partner system.

In addition to the required scope identified in section 3.1, this project has identified supplemental features (previously identified as “Maximum Success” items) that are considered desirable for inclusion in the scope of this project. These items are listed below, and are currently excluded from the scope of this project. If, after the currently planned project scope has been addressed, grant budget monies remain unused, the scope of this project will be expanded to include items from this list. Inclusion of any of these items in the planned project scope will be done as the result of a future agreement between the CSE & Judicial agencies. In such an event, this document will be updated to reflect the decision and the change in project scope.

Potential Supplemental Features

1.  Creation, storage, and exchange of electronic court documents

2.  Electronic Storage of Court Documents

3.  The ability to electronically reproduce orders for pro se parties & other jurisdictions