Diocesan Mission Fund

GrantApplication Form:

Large Grants: over £10,000

The Diocesan Mission Fund has been created to provide funding for mission projects which aim to reflect the Diocesan Vision.

A family, rooted in Christ committed to transforming lives by:

Gathering as God’s people

Growing more like Jesus

Going out in the power of the Spirit.

Please read the ‘Funding Priorities and Practicalities’ before you fill in the application form.

You can fill in this form electronically but try to be as concise as possible.If you have any questions about how to fill in the form or about whether your project is eligible, please get in touch (contact details at the end of the form).

IMPORTANT: If you are filling the form in by hand and need to use additional sheets, please make sure that the name of the Project isprinted clearly at the top of every page.


Project Name:

Applicant:(Parish, Benefice, Deanery, Ministry Area, etc)

Date of Application: Proposed Start Date:





Post Code:

Tel No: Email Address:


The Project

a) How will your project transform the lives of the people in your communities?

b) Describe briefly how you think your project reflects the Diocesan Vision.

c)Why have you decided to do this particular project?

d) Have you investigated similar projects which have been carried out elsewhere, and what did you find out?

e)How long will the project last?

Please note that grants can only be committed for one year. Whilst further applications would be welcomed there can be no guarantee that they would be successful.

f) What specific goals do you have and how will you know if you have achieved them?

g) 1. What risk and problems do you envisage in achieving your goals?

2. What have you put in place to minimise these risks?


Management of your Project

a) What experience and skills does the Project Leader have which are relevant to delivering the project?

b) What process is in place for monitoring the project?

c) What support is there for the project from other local churches and/or from the local community?

d) It is a condition of any grant that you will be required to complete a standard feedback form. Please tick the box to confirm that you have read and understood this condition.



a) Resources Required- Please list your TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS

Item / Estimated cost
Total / £

b) What are the sources of your match funding for this project:

Source / Estimated income
Contribution from PCC(s):
Total / £

c)TOTALamount of grant you are requesting from the Diocesan Mission Fund: £

d) If you are not up to date with the payment of your Parish Share please describe the arrangements for getting up to date.

e)Additional financial information will be taken from the Annual Financial Returns held by the Diocesan Office.

Payee name of the bank account to which the cheque should be made payable:

SECTION 6Please also provide:

1. A Project Plan. Guidance on how to write project plan is included in the Application Pack.

2. Copy of the PCC minute agreeing this project.

3. If the application is for a grant towards employment costs a copy of the job description should also be included.

Signed: Name: Project Contact

Signed: Name: Incumbent

Signed: Name: Area Dean


Please return, by email to:

Diocesan Mission Fund

Swansea and Brecon Diocesan Office

Cathedral Close



If you have enquiries about this form or need clarification please contact the Diocesan Mission Fundon 01874 623716.

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