Patient Survey 2013/14 Including Results

Number of Responses: 26

Please help us to improve

The Practice and the Patient Participation Group (PPG) run an annual patient survey to seek patients’ views on where the Practice needs to improve in order to prioritise its future activities.

This short questionnaire will be used to identify the issues you feel are important and there are a number of ways in which you can express your views:

- Complete the Questionnaire online

- Pick up a survey in a waiting room or from Reception. Complete the Questionnaire and either hand it to Reception or place it in the Suggestion Box on the ground floor (on the windowsill by the entrance)

- Ask for help at Reception to complete the Questionnaire

- Return the Questionnaire by post addressed to The Practice Manager, Cavendish Health Centre, 53 New Cavendish Street W1G 9TQ

- Include your suggestions in a letter addressed to the Practice Manager, placed in the Suggestion Box or handed to Reception

Please complete / return by 19 February 2014.

Your views and suggestions will remain anonymous unless you indicate otherwise.

The PPG will review this information and identify key areas of concern for further discussion with the practice.

Thank you for your time and input.

If you would like to join the Patient Participation Group (PPG) please enter your name and contact details below:

1 patient expressed an interest in joining the PPG

If you do not want to attend the PPG meetings but would like to receive information from the PPG or the Practice please enter your name and email address here:

5 patients confirmed they would like to receive information from the PPG / Practice

2012/13 Patient Survey Results

Last year we asked for your views on access, information and premises and the results indicated that out of 109 patients who completed the survey:

85% were ‘Satisfied’ or ‘Very Satisfied’ with the Practice’s Access & Information

87% were ‘Satisfied’ or ‘Very Satisfied’ with the Suitability & Access to the Practice’s Premises

2013/14 Patient Survey

This year we would love to hear what you think about our services and the NHS changes which may affect your care.

What is your current age?

0 – 9: 0%10 – 19: 3%20 – 29: 15%

30 – 39: 3%40 – 49: 23%50 – 59: 15%

60 – 69: 15%70 – 79: 15%80 – 89: 3%

90 – 99: 0%100+: 0%No response: 8%

Are you male or female?

Male: 42%

Female: 53%

No response: 5%

What is your ethnic origin?

White – British: 57%

White – Irish: 0%

White – Any other white background: 19%

Mixed – White and Black Caribbean: 0%

Mixed – White and Black African: 0%

Mixed – White and Asian: 0%

Mixed – Any other Mixed background: 3%

Asian or Asian British – Indian: 0%

Asian or Asian British – Pakistani: 0%

Asian or Asian British – Bangladeshi: 0%

Asian or Asian British – Any other Asian background: 0%

Black or Black British – Caribbean: 0%

Black or Black British – African Black: 3%

Black British – Any other Black background: 0%

Chinese: 3%

Any other ethnic group: 3%

I’d prefer not to say: 3%

No response: 9%

1 Are you satisfied with the range of services offered by Cavendish Health Centre?

Very Satisfied (5): 46%Satisfied (4): 42%

Indifferent (3): 7%Dissatisfied (2): 0%

Very Dissatisfied (1): 0%No response: 5%

2 Are you aware of all the services we provide in house and local NHS services you can access?

YES: 38%

NO: 50%


No response: 5%

Services available at Cavendish Health Centre

Cryotherapy, curettage, cautery

Minor surgery

Cervical cytology (smears)

Family planning including contraception implants

HIV testing and sexual health screening

Antenatal and Postnatal care

Child health including baby clinic

Immunisations for adults and children

Travel advice and vaccinations including yellow fever

Wound care, dressings and removal of stitches

Ear syringing

Health checks – NHS & Elderly checks

Spirometry, COPD and asthma clinics

Diabetes clinics


Hearing tests

Blood tests

Anticoagulation clinics



Coaching for health

Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT)

Enhanced Counselling Service (step 2, step 3 interventions including group therapy, yoga and Pilates classes)

Services available to you when we are closed

NHS 111 service – dial 111 for advice out of hours

Weekend GP and Nurse walk-in service at The Connaught Square Practice: 41 Connaught Square W2 2HL / Tel: 020 7402 4026) Open 10am – 6pm Saturdays and Sundays

Out Of Hours GP Service (London Central and West Unscheduled Care Collaborative) 020 8962 7777 – call for urgent medical advice

Soho Walk-in Centre: 1 Frith Street, London W1V 50S, Telephone 020 7534 6500 (Open Mon – Fri 07:00 - 20:30 and Sat, Sun & bank holidays 10:00 - 20:00)

3 Locally there are a number of new projects and projects under review which need patient representation. Would you be interested in contributing your views to any the following?

Adult mental health: 3%

Care coordination: 3%

Physiotherapy and MSK: 0%

Cancer: 0%

Deep Vein Thrombosis: 0%

Behavioural change: 3%

Interpreting services: 0%

Dementia: 0%

Diabetes: 19%

Medicines Management: 3%

4 Are you interested in finding out about NHS organisational changes and the integration of aspects of care?

YES: 34%

NO: 50%

No response: 16%

If yes, how would be best to communicate this to you?

  • Email
  • Write
  • Collect from front desk

5 Do you have any general comments for us?

  • Excellent practice. Very good doctors. Very pleasant and helpful receptionists.
  • Very good surgery.
  • I appreciate that there has been a lot of effort made recently to improve the premises and make life easier, where possible, for disabled patients. Also the patient, reception, doctor system to make an appointment is now much better.
  • The receptionists are always very pleasant and helpful and your system of dealing with patients who telephone for help when requiring a Doctor’s appointment is excellent.
  • Good.
  • Every time I see a different doctor. I would prefer some consistency.
  • Pretty efficient.
  • Very prompt and excellent service.
  • Thank you for always being here. You probably don’t get that enough 
  • I am overall happy with the services.