weekly newsletter 11/03/16

Dear Parents


We regret to inform you that Sue Rush, a cheerful and much valued member of our ‘school dinner lady’ team for many years, who continued to ‘fill in’ when required until quite recently, died peacefully on Friday 4 February. Our thoughts are with her family and friends at this time.


We’re very excited to announce that we have begun working with Outdoor Play And Learning, one of the UK’s most respected advisors on children’s play, to develop our outdoor offer for your children. We are in the early stages at the moment, but our vision is to create a culture of play in our school that develops your children’s creativity, curiosity, physical competency and problem-solving skills. We are looking at a process of between 18 and 24 months, but your children may start seeing some small changes much quicker than that. We are in the process of putting together an information pack for parents, and there will be lots of opportunities for you to find out more and get involved as the process goes on. If you wish to find out more in the meantime, either speak to me or Mr Campbell, or you can search for “outdoor play and learning” on the internet.


We will be holding a YR/KS1 Phonics Information Session on Wednesday 23 March from 3:30 until 4.30 pm. We will be sharing information about Phonics,how we teach phonics at Luckwell and providing ways you can support your children at home. There will be a creche available.


Thank you to everyone who attended the parent helper meeting last Friday. If you were unable to attend the information morning but are interested in helping please get speak to Mrs Noble. Our first parent helper coffee morning will be held at 9 am on Thursday 24 March.

KS1 Phonics Information Session - Wednesday 23rd March


We had a great session yesterday. Thanks for your support.


We encourage you to log in to your account on a regular basis to check for any arrears, particularly on your dinner money account. If you have not already done so, we recommend that you set up a low balance alert to avoid falling behind in your payments. If you have not yet set up your account we would urge you to do so, as we are slowly moving towards a cashless/paperless system. Replacement activation letters may be requested from the school office, along with advice on any queries you may have.


Thursday 23 June 2015 EU Referendum - closed to pupils

Friday 1 July 2015 Open to pupils


Robert Marson would like to restart the Y1-3 Choir Club (Wednesdays 3.15-4.15) after Easter, with a view to some kind of performance towards the end of June. He is looking to employ an assistant to help him run the sessions. More important than any particular musical ability is an interest in working with children. If you would be interested please leave your details with the school office.


It’s great to see so many people using the park again. To make it a safer and more enjoyable place for everyone, there will be a spring-clean of the park, courts and bushes to gather up the litter that has accumulated over the winter months. Please come along from10amon Saturday 12 March.Even if you can only spare half an hour, the more helpers the better! All equipment will be provided.


Next week is Week 1.


This week’s winners are Y3 with a terrific 97.4%. Well done!


Ennis have come out top with 189 points.


The Create Centre is hosting a half term MetroBus exhibition from Monday 4 April until Wednesday 13 April, with a children’s activity afternoon between 2 & 5 pm on Wednesday 6 April featuring fun building activities and competitions. The exhibition will include information about MetroBus construction and the refurbishment of Ashton Avenue Swing Bridge. Old Photographs of the Grade 2 listed bridge from the Bristol Record Office collection will also be on show.


Kevin Jones