Village of Campbellsport


6/9/2014, 7 pm

Village Council Room - 177 East Main Street

Members present: Pat Twohig, Steve Schickert, Joanne DelPonte, Janet Hafemann, Dave Schellhaass, Dave Krebs, and Gene Wenzlaff.

Others in attendance: Becky Tellier, 4 Boy Scouts, Ryan Casey, Bill Jaeger, Carol Hohl, Kevin Harvey, Jason Johnson with Advanced Disposal, Jay Zautner, Jen Vodak, Mark Gruber, Bill Hess, Mary Baker, Duane Fenrick, Bart Walsh, Jim Beck, Craig Olson, Tom Miller, Jamie Kreitinger, Andrea Hansen Abler, Butch Hafemann, Bill Grede, Jeff Klotz, Al Hohl, Brian Miller, Don Schrauth, Heidi Twohig, and Ray Lavrenz.

PR Twohig called the meeting to order at 7pm.

Clerk-Treasurer Tellier swore Gene Wenzlaff into office as a Trustee for the term ending April 2016.

Jason Johnson from Advanced Disposal presented information to the board about renewing our contract with them. TR Krebs made the motion to keep the same services and renew the contract for 10-years effective July1, 2014, and TR Schellhaass seconded the motion. Motion carried. (Aye-7, Nay-0)

The Fire Fighters Auxillary is partnering with the Fire Department and would like to do a 5K Run/Walk in the Village Saturday, September 20th at dusk. They plan to have an EMT at each mile marker. There is also a possibility of a band being at Fireman’s Park after the event. TR Schellhaass made the motion to pass Resolution #651 to allow the Fire Fighters Auxillary and Fire Department to hold a 5K Glow Run/Walk on September 20, 2014, beginning at dusk in the Village. TR Hafemann seconded the motion. Motion carried. (Aye-7, Nay-0)

A resident has complained that some vacant lots are not being mowed. In July 2013, the board voted to fully mow the lots in Theisen Trails. Bart Walsh owns several lots and does not crop the land, so he pays full taxes. He explained that his lots get fully mowed at least twice per year and keeps the terrace and about 12-feet in on the other side of the terracemowed throughout the warm months. Chief Zautner has been in contact with foreclosed property owners and has stressed our ordinance height of 6-inches. This is an on-going and time-consuming process, though, and the Chief is having to make calls every time the lawns need mowing. For now, the policy that was passed in July 2013 stating that the lots in Theisen Trails need to be fully mowed is still in effect.

The Planning Commission made a recommendation that curb, gutter, and sidewalks at the current Piggly Wiggly location be delayed until such a time when safety issues arise. TR Schickert made the motion to follow the Planning Commission’s recommendation and TR Krebs seconded the motion. Motion carried. (Aye-6, Nay-1 Twohig)

Our auditor recommended that we do a sewer and water increase. To do more than a 3% water rate increase, it would cost us up to $7000 to have the auditors do the application for the Public Service Commission. TR Krebs suggested we find the information that the auditors have done in the past and see if we are able to do the application ourselves. The water rate increase was postponed until the July meeting.

The sewer utility currently charges a $15/quarter base rate. TR Schellhaass made the motion to increase the sewer base rate by $5 ($20/quarter base rate) and increase the sewer volume charge by 8% (from $9.13 to **********) beginning with Quarter 3, 2014. The motion was seconded by TR DelPonte. Motion carried. (Aye-5, Nay-2 Krebs, Schickert)

Applications are being accepted for the cleaning position at Village Hall. Only two people have applied so the ad is going to be run again in the Campbellsport News and this will be discussed again at the July meeting.Motion was made by TR Krebs and seconded by TR DelPonte to pass Resolution #650 for CMAR Compliance as required by the WPDEP permit. Mark Gruber and Bill Hess were asked to come up with some money saving ideas. The rate increases from agenda item 11 will also be used for item 2 of this resolution. Motion carried. (Aye-7, Nay-0)

Fifteen communities along the Milwaukee River have been invited to join in a study being performed by Ruekert-Mielke. Four communities have joined at this point. There is a meeting at the Village of Jackson June 26 from 10 am – 2 pm that Mark Gruber and PR Twohig will plan to attend.

Motion to approve the Class A Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor Licenses for the term July 2014-June 2015 for MSM Chahal 2 LLC (DBA MSM Mart 2) and MEP Corp (DBA Piggly Wiggly 152) and the Class A Fermented Malt Beverage License for Fredon Holdings LLC (DBA Campbellsport BP) was made by TR Schickert and seconded by TR Krebs. Motion carried. (Aye-7, Nay-0)

Motion to approve the Class B Fermented Malt Beverage Licenses for the term July 2014-June 2015for Brown Jug LTD (DBA CC Codys Brown Jug), King Pin Lanes Inc, Somewhere in Time LLC (DBA Elvira’s Playground), Somewhere in Time LLC (DBA Tall Tales Saloon), Moosenuckles LLC, and Scott Remmel (DBA Campbellsport Inn) was made TR DelPonte and seconded by TR Schickert. Motion carried. (Aye-7, Nay-0)

Motion to approve the Temporary Class B Fermented Malt Beverage License for the Campbellsport Jaycees at Columbus Parc July 25, 26, and 27, 2014 and the Temporary Class B Fermented Malt Beverage License for the Campbellsport Fire Department at Fireman’s Park July 3 and 4, 2014 was made by TR Schickert and seconded by TR Krebs. Motion carried. (Aye-7, Nay -0)

Motion to approve the Tobacco Products Licenses for the term July 2014-June 2015 for MSM Chahal 2 LLC (DBA MSM Mart 2), MEP Corp (DBA Piggly Wiggly 152), and Fredon Holdings LLC (DBA Campbellsport BP) was made by TR Schickert and seconded by TR DelPonte. Motion carried. (Aye-7, Nay-0)

Motion to approve the list of operator’s licenses for the term July 2014-June 2015 was made by TR Schickert, seconded by TR Krebs. Motion carried. (Aye-7, Nay-0)

TR Schickert made the motion to follow the recommendation from the Planning Commission and and delay action on sidewalks, and curb and gutter at the Piggly Wiggly location until such a time when safety issues arise. TR Krebs seconded the motion. Motion carried. (Aye-6, Nay-1 Twohig)

Discussion took place on what information to send with Quarter 2 Water and Sewer bills. It was decided that a full page bill would be send along with and informational letter on chloride levels in our water.

Internet and network connectivity issues have caused downtime at Village Hall for over a week. A piece of equipment was bypassed, the software on the clerk’s computer was deleted and reinstalled, and connectivity to the network was restored. The deputy clerk’s computer will also need some work to repair network issues.

TR Hafemann made the motion to have the flags put up for Flag Day on Saturday June 14 and TR Wenzlaff seconded the motion. Motion carried. (Aye-7, Nay-0)

Discussion on the costs of repairs at Fireman’s Park was postponed until all bills have been submitted.

Discussion on the Aurora building was postponed until the July meeting.

Discussion on necessary sidewalk repairs in the village was postponed until measurements can be taken

Nothing new to report on the copper pipe along Allison Way.

Discussion on the handbook was postponed until the July meeting.

TR Schellhaass made the motion to approve bills for payment in the amount of $86,952.64 and TR Krebs seconded the motion. Motion carried. (Aye-7, Nay-0)

Clerk-Treasurer Tellier informed the board that Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Stoll resigned from her position with her last day being June 20. Due to Clerk-Treasurer Tellier going to UWGB during the week of the regular meeting, July 7th will be the next regular monthly meeting.

TR Schickert made the motion to adjourn at 10:10 pm. Motion carried on a voice vote.

Respectfully submitted,

Becky A Tellier
