
Applying Integer Operations

Practice and Problem Solving: C

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Complete the table to answer 1–4.

You Own / Company / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Net Gain or Loss
1. / 5 shares / ABC / $2 / $5 / $1
2. / 2 shares / DEF / $8 / $7 / $10
3. / 8 shares / GHI / $2 / $9 / $6
4. / 7 shares / JKL / $5 / $12 / $3

5.What expression shows your net gain or loss on GHI Company?


6.How much value did you gain or lose overall? ______

Write an expression to represent each situation. Then, find the value of the expression to solve the problem.

7.A submarine cruised below the surface of the water. During a training exercise, it made 4 dives, each time descending 45 feet more. Then it rose 112 feet. What is the change in the submarine’s position?


8.A teacher wanted to prevent students from guessing answers on a multiple-choice test. The teacher graded 5 points for a correct answer, 0 points for no answer, and 2 points for a wrong answer. Giselle answered 17 questions correctly, left 3 blank, and had 5 wrong answers. She also got 8 out of 10 possible points for extra credit. What was her final score?


9.Hugh wrote six checks from his account in the following amounts: $20, $20, $12, $20, $12, and $42. He also made a deposit of $57 and was charged a $15 service fee by the bank. What is the change in Hugh’s account balance?


10.a.Without finding the product, what is the sign of this product? Explain how you know.



b. Find the product. ______

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