Havelock Grange Practice

Patient Participation Group (PPG) Forum

Minutes of Meeting

Wednesday 11th March 2015


Present: MS (Vice Chair), MM (panel member), EC, BC, IC, MC, JY, EJ, BK, RM

Dr Eaton & Michelle Martin

1.  Apologies


2.  Minutes of the Last Meeting

Insert following wording “on behalf of patient” to 7g. Deemed a true record, firstly by MC, secondly BK

3.  Matters arising

i.  Patient suggestion (see minutes point 7a). Primarily for anyone who did not attend last meeting is it ok to have their full name listed – all those present gave permission to use full names in minutes and for this information to be available via the folders in reception & Practice website)

ii.  Guest speakers – KH to attend meeting on Wednesday 13th May. MS recently invited to HBC meeting in which confirmation was sought to invite ST to the meeting after 13th May, this was approved, update to be given on the way forward re GP’s, also will give talk on Dementia.

iii. Prescriptions – Dr Eaton has been very busy as is the Pharmacy which has prevented any communication being established to ascertain what happens with prescriptions, however this issue has now been resolved.

iv. New Hospital – No further information available, new Hospital has been deferred, Hartlepool MP Mr I Wright was in talks with Health Secretary, J Hunt. There was little hope from the group that Hartlepool Hospital will re-establish A&E department unless money is sourced from a provider.

v.  CQC Ratings - any further information from Dr Eaton regarding the retraction of the ratings which was published on the CQC site – no retraction has been made by CQG for Havelock Grange Practice. Issue highlighted that automated appt service did not give which site the appt was at. Without specific patient details this cannot be checked.

vi. Text Reminder – update, Michelle M informed the group that another option maybe available to the Practice, which is cheaper than the option being explored at present - on-going.

vii.  The Friends & Family Test Card - update. Can we compose an In-house one (survey) and possibly have patient members to carry out in the surgery - volunteers for it, I include myself GP. This was discussed and although not many in favour, it was agreed to push forward with a questionnaire. Thoughts on questions to be considered, MS & MM keen to assist with developing questions and facilitating process in reception along with GP.

4.  Emergency Appointments – issue highlighted by BC regarding Duty GP service. Incorrect telephone details were recorded by admin personnel, which then resulted in the Duty GP calling the wrong number, it was queried whether GP’s check such details, which Dr Eaton stated sometimes it is checked but not always. This will be taken back and highlighted with both teams.

5.  Dignity Action Day - MS is unable to attend this event.

6.  National Adverts (Flu) – BK highlighted that national newspapers are signposting patients to local Pharmacies, the adverts were felt to be a waste of tax payers money and appeared to be stopping patients going to see their GP. Dr Eaton stated that they are to help with current crisis which is being felt by both GP Practices & front line staff i.e. A&E. The campaign is aimed to sign post people to the most appropriate service. In view of the increasing viral infections at present a lot of cases can be treated if people self medicate rather than attending their GP Practice or A&E.

7.  Guest speaker – Noted again, KH to attend next meeting which will look at artwork specifically for Mental Health patients. MS stated that these services can provide help, training and job search assistance and is waiting on information regarding this.

8.  AOB

a.  Easter closing – clarification was sought as to the opening of the Practice during this period. We will not be open on Good Friday & Easter Monday however there will still be the usual pre-booked clinic at Brierton Medical Centre on Saturday 4th April.

b.  Nursing Staff, re Diabetic Care – training of new nurses is very much work in progress. Courses are constantly sourced for the new staff members to enable them to help with other areas currently under pressure i.e. smears & vaccinations. It was noted that SM has returned on a temporary basis to help training and mentor staff with chronic disease.

c.  Care Data – MS suggested that Facebook could be introduced by the Practice to inform patients of practice news, staff and future notifications re open day/flu etc. via a closed group and members would be invited into the group. There did not appear to be much enthusiasm for this and also there would need to be a responsible person for the project.

d.  NHS Choices – Dr Eaton highlighted comments (5 in the past 2years) that had been posted on the NHS Choices website (www.nhs.uk). The Practice acknowledges that we have not replied to any of these however during a recent Practice meeting it was agreed that a general response will be posted and offers to invite those patients who experience problems with the service to come in and discuss it further. The group were keen to view these comments and so were given the website address.

e.  Ambulance Trust Letter – Dr Eaton has drafted a letter regarding ambulance response times. The group approved the content and the letter will be sent to Ambulance Trust and copy sent to the CCG.

f.  Quality Improvement Scheme – the Practice has recently agreed with the CCG to 3 targets areas, these are: -

Ø  Hypnotics – aims to reduce/stop medications, which has been researched and found to increase risks regarding Dementia

Ø  Frailty – to identify patients who are frail

Ø  Medicines waste – to look at ways at reducing waste relating to prescriptions currently being requested especially via Pharmacy and question whether the patient really requires all their medication

9.  Date of the Next Meeting

13th May 2015, 17:00