MatLab = “Matrix Laboratory”

Plan of Study

The four sessions are designed to be work-at-your-own-pace tutorials and assumes no prior programming knowledge. The 1st lesson slowly introduces the student the MatLab environment. The 2nd & 3rd lessons provide demonstration scripts that the student must modify for practice. The 4th lesson provides mini-projects allowing the student to tie together the concepts they have learned.

Why MatLab?

o  MatLab handles arrays (boxes of numbers) in a simple way.

o  MatLab prepares you for more advanced languages like C++ and FORTRAN.

o  MatLab has a well-designed user interface for easy and speedy programming.

o  Engineers & scientists use MatLab for small, quick projects.

o  MatLab has built in graphics unlike C++ and FORTRAN.

o  MatLab tells you where the error is and is very quick to debug.

o  Remember, human time is more valuable than computer time. Often an easier programming language is better than a more powerful language.

o  Other tutorials at: & > Introduction

Learning Objectives

o  Participants become proficient with quick use of MatLab visualization tools (2-D and 3-D) for future scientific work (& future science course homework).

o  Participants develop better understanding of fundamental linear programming techniques for immediate use in MatLab and C++ programming. This includes among others

o  array manipulation

o  if-then logic

o  while loops & for loops

o  creating subroutines

o  porting data

o  Participants are immediately useful to faculty advisers in computational aspects of research.

Lesson Contents

Lesson 1

o  Using MatLab as a calculator at the command line in the command window.

o  Arithmetic.

o  Variables.

o  Symbolic and help menu.

o  Linear algebra.

o  Arrays.

o  Simple 2-D plotting.

o  Introduction to scripting with M-files.

o  Intro to 3-D plotting: surf.

o  User input.

o  If-then logic.

o  Numbered loops.

Lesson 2

o  Review simple 2-D plotting, legends.

o  More 3-D graphing: surfc, contour, plot3, colormaps.

o  While loops.

o  Outputting data to files.

o  Inputting data to files.

o  Inline Functions.

Lesson 3

o  More 3-D graphing: isosurface.

o  Multiple graphs: separate figures vs. subplots.

o  Running M-file programs within other M-files.

o  M-file functions.

Lesson 4

o  Targeted practice with mini-projects.