Unit 2 Study Guide

All test questions are derived from the key terms list and the questions on this study guide. QUESTIONS FROM PAST UNITS WILL ALSO BE ON THIS TEST.

  1. What were the causes of the French and Indian War?
  2. What was the purpose of the Albany Congress, and why was it significant?
  3. Who became a hero as a result of the French and Indian War?
  4. What were the terms of the Treaty of Paris in 1763? Who still owned land in America?
  5. What caused Pontiac’s Rebellion?
  6. What is salutary neglect?
  7. What events made England decide to take a more active role in the colonies?
  8. How did England justify increasing its control over the colonies and taxing them?
  9. Overall, how the colonies react to England increasing its control and increasing taxes?
  10. What was the purpose of the Proclamation of 1763, and how did colonists react?
  11. How did many colonial merchants avoid new taxes?
  12. What phrase became popular as a result of new British taxes, and what did it mean?
  13. What was the purpose of the Quartering Act?
  14. What was the purpose of the Stamp Act?
  15. Name three ways in which colonists reacted to the Stamp Act.
  16. How did Britain react to the protests to the Stamp Act? How did they “save face” afterward?
  17. How did the Townshend Acts affect colonists’ legal rights?
  18. How did colonists react to the Townshend Acts?
  19. Why is Samuel Adams significant?
  20. What were the causes of the Boston Massacre, what happened, and what were the consequences?
  21. Why were committees of correspondence significant?
  22. What happened at the Boston Tea Party, and what were its causes?
  23. How did Britain react to the Boston Tea Party?
  24. How did colonists react to the Coercive/Intolerable Acts?
  25. What were the major actions of the First Continental Congress?
  26. What were the major events of Lexington and Concord and why were these battles significant?
  27. What were the major actions of the Second Continental Congress?
  28. What happened at the Battle of Bunker Hill?
  29. Why are Thomas Paine and his pamphlet significant?
  30. What is a republic?
  31. How are natural rights discussed in “Common Sense” and the Declaration of Independence?
  32. Why is Thomas Jefferson significant?
  33. What groups were not treated equally in the United States, even though the Declaration of Independence says “all men are created equal?”
  34. Overall, what were the major causes of the American Revolution?
  35. What are the differences between Loyalists and Patriots?
  36. What were the major advantages and disadvantages of Britain during the American Revolution?
  37. What were the major advantages and disadvantages of America during the American Revolution?
  38. Who were the major leaders during the American Revolution?
  39. What was Britain’s initial strategy in the North? Why was it unsuccessful?
  40. How did George Washington’s leadership impact the Revolutionary War?
  41. Why are the events of Valley Forge significant?
  42. What are two ways that the Battle of Saratoga was a turning point in the North?
  43. Why did Britain change strategies and attack the South?
  44. Why was the Battle of Kings Mountain a turning point in the South?
  45. Why was Nathanael Greene’s strategy successful in the South?
  46. Why did Cornwallis lose the Battle of Yorktown?
  47. Why is the Battle of Yorktown significant?
  48. What were the terms of the Treaty of Paris of 1783?
  49. What ideals became more popular during the American Revolution?
  50. What was the role of women in the American Revolution? How did the war impact women?
  51. Why is Abigail Adams significant?
  52. How did the American Revolution impact blacks in a positive way? What was the role of slavery after the war?
  53. How did the American Revolution impact Loyalists?
  54. What new political ideals emerged during and after the American Revolution?
  55. What were the Articles of Confederation, and what one word describes why they were unsuccessful?
  56. What was the structure of government under the Articles of Confederation?
  57. What were the major strengths and successes of the Articles of Confederation?
  58. Why was the Northwest Ordinance significant?
  59. What were the major weaknesses and failures of the Articles of Confederation?
  60. What problems did the United States have with foreign countries under the Articles of Confederation?
  61. What economic problems did the United States face under the Articles of Confederation?
  62. Why was Congress’ inability to tax under the Articles of Confederation significant?
  63. What were the causes of Shays’ Rebellion?
  64. Why was Shay’s Rebellion significant? How did it expose weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation?
  65. What was the purpose of the Philadelphia/Constitutional Convention? What was the result?