Philosophy Paper Leisure, Recreation, Play

By Kathryn Olmstead

I have neither given nor received help on this work, nor am I aware of any infraction of the honor code.

In this paper I will be discussing and revealing my opinions and views regarding my personal leisure, recreation, and play, and work pursuits. This paper will include the definitions of the terms leisure, recreation, play, and work defined in my own words. In addition to the definitions of the terms leisure, recreation, play, and work defined in my own words I will include synonyms for these terms and additional definitions. Examples of activities I participate in for leisure, recreation play, and work and why I label these activities as such will also be included in this paper. Also included in this paper will be the definition of work put into my own words. Leisure, recreation, play, work pursuits, and how I participate in them are the major themes of this paper.

Leisure, recreation, and play are inter-related but also contain some differences amongst them. Leisure can be described in terms of a noun or an adjective. Leisure when used as a noun means time free from the demands of work or duty, when one can rest or enjoy hobbies or sports. If I defined leisure in my words I would define it in three words, free unobligated time. Synonyms for the term leisure include the words decompression, ease, rest, relaxation, and repose. Recreation is defined as refreshment of strength and spirits after work or a means of refreshment or diversion. Synonyms for the termrecreation include the words dalliance, frolic, frolicking, fun, fun and games, play, relaxation, rollicking, and sport. In my own words recreation means freedom from work which may include but it is not limited to structured sports and activities with rules. The definition of play is a recreational activity especially the spontaneous activity of children. Synonyms for the term play include the wordsrevel, make merry, carouse, cavort, and romp. If I had to put the definition of play into my own words I would define it as completely unstructured, free, and spontaneous.

An activity I would best describe as leisure is reading books and novels for my own personal enjoyment. I consider reading as a leisure activity because I read in my free time and am not obligated to read. One of my favorite authors is Jodi Picoult and I am currently reading her novel Picture Perfect. I love to read because I am not obligated to and feel fully free when I am participating in this activity. I began participating in this activity in when I learned to read. My family was heavily involved in teaching me to read by reading me bed time stories in my bedroom or theirs almost every night. My mother and father would read me children’s books like Goodnight Moon and Where the Wild Things Are. When I grew up a little my mother and I started reading the Harry Potter series together. My friends were also reading the series at about the same time I was. Sometimes other people are involved if I go and read in the library or it is a solitary activity I participate in in my dorm room. I prefer to engage in this activity alone. I have participated in reading books and novels since I learned to read as a child. The benefit I derive from this particular activity is reading is a major stress reliever for me. I spend one to three hours engaged in reading books and novels for my personal leisure activities.

One activity I participate in for recreation is swimming on a swim team. This is recreation because it is structured and has rules. I participated in this activity because my swim lesson teacher, the life guard that was teaching me and my brother how to swim, said we had learned all she had to teach us and suggested that my brother and I join the swim team on base. My brother still participates in this activity because he has one more summer on the team as well as many of my friends who still have a few years on the team before they age out. The team has a little over one-hundred- and-fifty people swimming on it. I can swim alone and will if I am swimming laps but if I am swimming competitively I will swim with others. I have participated on my high school’s team for five years and belonged to my military base’s team for eleven years until I became too old to swim two years ago. Swimming is the perfect way for me to burn excess energy and to relieve stressful emotions. I can swim for several hours if I possessed the time and energy to keep up with the activity.

Work is defined as exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something, or participating in labor or toiling. Synonyms for the term work include the wordspursuit, labor, travail, toil, drudgery, and grind. I would define work in my own words participating in an activity that is structured, obligated, and, that is participated in solely for the purpose of earning extrinsic rewards and is extrinsically motivated. An activity I consider as work is starting, doing, and completing my homework. I consider this activity work because it is structured, obligated, and extrinsically motivated. The benefits that I derive from work are extrinsic rewards like grades, personal gains, life skills, and improved knowledge. About eighty percent of my time is engaged in homework because I have to devote a certain amount of it to studying, classes, online classes, class work, and homework.

In conclusion to this paper I will provide a summary of the content that I have discussed in my paper. At the beginning of my paper I stated what I would discuss and reveal in my paper. I revealed the definitions of leisure, recreation, and play in my own words. In addition to defining leisure, recreation, and play in my own words I also included an example of activities that I consider leisure, recreation, play, and work. I have also added additional definitions of the terms leisure, recreation, play and work. I have also included synonyms for the terms leisure, recreation, and play. Leisure, recreation, and play are essential to daily life and should not be neglected!