TSA Practice Paper 2


Part / BC Descriptor / Assessment Focus / Score
1 / Use a small range of strategies to understand the meaning of short and simple texts on familiar topics which are delivered slowly and clearly in familiar accents (IS, KS, ES) / Listen for gist
Identify key words / 9
2 / Use a small range of strategies to understand the meaning of short and simple texts on familiar topics which are delivered slowly and clearly in familiar accents (IS, KS, ES)
Discriminate between words with a range of vowel and consonant sounds (KS) / Identify key words
Extract specific information / 9
3 / Use a small range of strategies to understand the meaning of short and simple texts on familiar topics which are delivered slowly and clearly in familiar accents (IS, KS, ES) / Listen for gist
Discriminate between intonation for a small range of purposes / 8
Total Score / 26

Answer Key

Part 1

  1. D
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. A
  6. C
  7. A
  8. D
  9. B

Part 2

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. A
  5. D
  6. D
  7. C
  8. B
  9. A

Part 3

Audio Script

Narrator:Part 1
Judy is listening to a news report on the radio.
Listen to the news report. The news report will be played two times.
When you hear a beep (beep), answer the question.
You now have 8 seconds to study Questions 1 to 3.(8-second music)
Listen to the first part of the news report.
The news report will begin now.

[Newsreader:Good morning, I’m Helen Baker. A strong typhoon hit the Philippines yesterday and caused damage in many cities.Five people were reported dead and twenty-five injured. The airport was closed yesterday because of the thunderstorm.The electricity system was out of operation.All the lights and computers were down for three hours. For safety reasons, all flights were cancelled.]

Narrator:Question 1. Which country did the typhoon hit?(beep) (8-second pause)
Question 2. How many people died in the typhoon?(beep) (8-second pause)

Question 3. Why was the airport closed yesterday?(beep) (8-second pause)

You now have 8 seconds to study Questions 4 to 6. (8-second pause)
Listen to the second part of the news report.

[Newsreader:An accident happened whileamanwas hiking yesterday afternoon.Hehurt oneof his legs and couldn’t walk. Hecalled the police for help. Thirty minutes later, the police arrived and rescued him. The injured man was sent to St.Joseph’sHospital. The police advised people not to go hiking alone and to make sure that they inform their family or friends.]

Narrator:Question 4. When did the accident happen?(beep) (8-second pause)
Question 5. Why did the man call the police?(beep) (8-second pause)

Question 6. The man was sent to .(beep) (8-second pause)

You now have 8 seconds to study Questions 7 to 9. (8-second pause)
Listen to the last part of the news report.

[Newsreader:Here comes the weather forecast for tomorrow. It’ll be sunny in the morning.
Thehighest temperature will bethirty-one degree Celsius.It’ll turn cloudy andrainy intheafternoon. The temperature at night will drop to twenty-four degrees. This is the end of the news report. Thanks for tuning in.]

Narrator:Question 7. What will the weather be like tomorrow morning? (beep) (8-second pause)
Question 8. What is the highest temperature tomorrow? (beep) (8-second pause)
Question 9. What do we need to bring if we go out tomorrow afternoon?(beep) (8-second pause)

Listen to the news report again and check your answers.
The news report will begin now.

(Repeat )

This is the end of Part 1.

Narrator:Part 2
Judy’s brother, Andy, had an accident. Judy is talking with him.
Listen to the conversation. The conversation will be played two times.
When you hear a beep (beep), answer the question.
You now have 40 seconds to study the questions.(40-second music)
The conversation will begin now.

[Andy:(sound of door opening) I’m back.

Judy:Oh, Andy. Look at you! What happened to your arm?

Andy:I hurt my arm at schoolthis morning.

Judy:How did you hurt your arm?

Andy:It happened during recess when my friend Edwinand I were on the way to the tuck shop. We were hungry and wanted to get something to eat. We ran down the stairs and I fell.

Narrator:Question 1. Where did Andy get hurt?(beep) (8-second pause)
Question 2. What is the name of Andy’s friend?(beep)(8-second pause)

Question 3. When the accident happened, Andy was .(beep) (8-second pause)

Judy:Did your arm bleed?

Andy:No, it didn’t bleed. But I was in great pain and could not move my arm.

Judy:What happened next?

Andy:Then Edwinimmediately went to the teachers’ room to callfor help. Mr Lau and Miss Chan came. Mr Lau told me to stay there to wait for the ambulance. The ambulance came a few minutes later.

Narrator:Question 4. Which sentence about Andy is true?(beep) (8-second pause)
Question 5. Where did Andy’s friend go after Andy got hurt?(beep) (8-second pause)

Judy:So Mr Lau took you to hospital after that?

Andy:It was Miss Chan who took me to hospital. Mr Lau is the coach of our school’s basketball team. He had to take the team to a match this afternoon.

Judy:I see. What did the doctor say then?

Andy:He said I hurt my joint,but it wasn’t that serious. He told me not to move my injured arm or do exercise for a while. I’ll need to see the doctor once every twoweeks until I’m completely recovered.

Judy:How long does it take to recover?

Andy:The doctor said it would take about two months.

Narrator:Question 6. Mr Lau did NOT take Andy to hospital because he had to .(beep) (8-second pause)
Question 7. How often does Andy need to see the doctor?(beep) (8-second pause)

Judy:Your test week is coming next month! How can you take the tests?

Andy:I can’t write so I can’t take the tests. Miss Chan told me not to worry about it.
The school will arrange the tests for me later when I have fully recovered.

Judy:Andy, you should bemore careful next time. You should not run on the stairs. It’s too dangerous and accidents can happen easily.

Andy:I’ll never do it again.

Narrator:Question 8. Why can Andy NOT take the tests?(beep) (8-second pause)
Question 9. What advice did Judy give to Andy?(beep) (8-second pause)

Listen to the conversation again and check your answers.
The conversation will begin now.
(Repeat [ ] without questions and pauses)
This is the end of Part 2.

Narrator:Part 3
Judy and her father are discussing what to pack for their trip.
Listen to the conversation.The conversation will be played two times.
When you hear a beep (beep), answer the question.
You have 40 seconds to study the list. (40-second music)
The conversation will begin now.

[Dad:Judy, we need to get things packed by tomorrow. Come and help me make a packing list first.

Judy:OK. What do we need to put into the luggage?

Dad:The weather forecast says there’ll be plenty of sunshine in Thailand in the next few days. We need something to block the sunshine.

Judy:We can take our hats.

Dad:Hmm … Hats are too bulky to carry around. Let’s bring sunglasses instead. (beep) (8-second pause)

Judy:Are we going to any beaches in Thailand?

Dad:Yes, we’ll go to the beach on the second day of the trip.

Judy:Hurray! We can swim! Dad, I want to take my swimsuitwith some flower patterns.

Dad:Sure. Don’t forget to take the sunscreen lotion with you as well. You can easily get sunburned without it.

Judy:Right! I got sunburned last time when we went to the beach. It really hurts. (beep) (16-second pause)

Dad:Do you want to build sandcastles on the beach? I remember you have a bucket set.

Judy:I don’t want to build sandcastles this time. What else can we do on the beach?

Dad:Hmm … How about playing beach ball? It is fun and exciting.

Judy:Great! Let’s take a beach ball then. (beep) (8-second pause)

Dad:I want to take lots of pictures, so we’ll need a camera.

Judy:Dad, don’t you remember? Our camera is broken and it hasn’t been fixed yet.

Dad:Oh! You’re right.

Judy:Let’s record videos instead of taking pictures. That’s more interesting I think.

Dad:That’s a good idea!

Judy:It’s quite boring on the plane. I want to listen to my favourite songs.

Dad:That’s easy. Just take the gadget you need. (beep) (16-second pause)

Judy:What else do you need?

Dad:There’ll be a half-day free time on the fourth day of the trip. Wecan walk around in Bangkok by ourselves.

Judy:But we don’t know the directions.

Dad:So we’ll need something to help us find our way. (beep) (8-second pause)

Dad:Haven’t you forgotten something?

Judy:Oh, Mum reminded me to tell you that she doesn’t want to use the toothbrushes and towels in the hotels.

Dad:Bringing our own towels is fine. But we can buy the toothbrushes when we arrive in Thailand.That’d be more convenient.

Judy:OK. I’ll tell Mum about this.

Dad:I think that’s everything for the list. Now, let’s start packing. (beep) (8-second pause)]

Narrator:Listen to the conversation again and check your answers.
The conversation will begin now.
(Repeat [ ] without pauses)
This is the end of Part 3.
This is the end of the listening paper.

©Educational Publishing House Ltd 20101P6 TSA Practice Paper 2 Listening