[Type text][Type text]BSS news – No. 107 September 2016


Subtitle in Arial 15 point and Bold Sentence Style with main words having initial Capital Letter.

Example line of text in format Arial 15 point. Margins 2.5 cm top and bottom with 2 cm side with heading at 1.5 cm. Text is justified with first paragraph with no first line indent.

For second and subsequent paragraphs, first line of the paragraph is indented by 1.27 cm. Use single line spacing with no space before paragraphs and 6 pt space after each paragraph.

Name and preferred credentials of author

in Arial 14 point positioned to the right.

Add email address or

other address as preferred by author-this will be printed.

References in Arial 14 point, with hanging style as shown below. With 6 pt space after the text of each ref and 1.27 cm hanging for example.

Henderson, D.M. and Dickson, J.H. (1994). A naturalist in the Highlands. Scottish Academic Press, Edinburgh.

Tutin, T. G. (1952/62). Umbelliferae, in Clapham, Tutin & Warburg, Flora of theBritish Isles. Cambridge University Press.

Robin, C., Piou, D., Feau, N., Douzon, G., Schenck, N. and Hansen, E.M. (2010). Root and aerial infections of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana by Phytophthora lateralis: a new threat for European countries. Forest Pathology, doi: 10.1111/j.1439 0329.2010.00688.x

Place AUTHOR name and postal address here - this will not be printed. This address is for sending paper copy only – particularly useful when the contributor is not a member of BSS.

Other notes:

1) Black and white line drawings, graphs, figures and tables, and black and white photographs can be printed on text pages. Colour photographs that will successfully reproduce as black and white can be submitted for text pages.

2) Colour photographs are welcome for display on the covers.

For photographs give the names of the files and content here. With suggested captions.

Photographs should be xxx.jpg if possible and should be separate from the article, as the resolution of photographs in a word document is not always sufficient for printing. Placing them in the article with titles etc. will help attribution and captions for photographs.

Remember to credit photographs separately if different from the author of the article.

3) Add name of author and indication of content to the name of all document files and photographs both those emailed or uploaded to web site.

4) When sending by email please put ‘BSS news’ and indication of article title in the subject line