Name: ______Date: ______Class: ______
Normalcy and Good Times
DIRECTIONS: MATCHING Put the choices in Column A in the proper sequence in the diagram.
Write the letters from the diagram in the blanks provided. (3 points each)
Column A
____ 1. lower car prices for consumers
____ 2. less time required to build cars
____ 3. adoption of the assembly line at Ford
____ 4. lower production costs
DIRECTIONS: MATCHING Match each item in Column A with the items in Column B.
Write the correct letters in the blanks. (3 points each)
5. installed the first moving assembly line in 1914 / A. Calvin Coolidge6. first cabinet officer in history to go to prison / B. Albert B. Fall
7. presidential nominee of the Progressive Party in 1924 / C. Henry Ford
8. made first solo transatlantic flight / D. Charles Lindbergh
9. sold medical supplies from veterans’ hospitals / E. Charles R. Forbes
10. “Four-fifths of all our troubles in this life would
disappear if we would only sit down and keep still.” / F. Robert La Follette
DIRECTIONS: MULTIPLE CHOICE Choose the item that best completes each sentence or answers each question. Write the letter in the blank (4 points each)
____ 11. The Ohio Gang was
A. a powerful crime syndicate. C. a group of Coolidge’s friends.
B. a group of notorious bank robbers. D. a group of Harding’s friend.
____ 12. In the Teapot Dome scandal, a government official received bribes for
A. allowing private interests to lease lands containing U.S. Navy oil reserves.
B. allowing private interests to drill for oil in a national park.
C. allowing lumber companies to cut trees in national forest.
D. promising immunity for businessmen who overcharged the U.S. Navy.
____ 13. Calvin Coolidge grew up
A. on a Midwestern farm. C. in a wealthy section of Boston.
B. on a Vermont farm. D. on a ranch in Wyoming.
____ 14. An innovation instituted by International Harvester in 1926 was
A. a 5-day workweek C. an annual 2-week paid vacation.
B. mass production. D. an 8-hour workday
The American Vision
Name: ______Date: ______Class: ______
____ 15. Henry Ford’s business philosophy was to increase sales by
A. providing consumers with a variety of styles and colors.
B. advertising.
C. lowering the cost per car.
D. constantly improving his cars’ mechanical reliability.
____ 16. Aviation did not experience the same post-war boom as the automobile industry
A. Americans did not recognize the airplane’s potential.
B. Americans still thought of planes as dangerous novelties.
C. planes could not yet fly far enough to be commercially useful.
D. planes could not yet carry enough passengers to be commercially useful.
____ 17. An unintended affect of the Fordeny-McCumber Act was
A. an increase in prices of foreign goods for American consumers.
B. a decrease in process of foreign goods for American consumers.
C. a reaction in foreign markets against American agricultural products.
D. an increase in demand in foreign markets for American agricultural products.
____ 18. Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover believed that waste could be reduced and
costs lowered if trade associations would
A. voluntarily share information with one another.
B. voluntarily share information with the Bureau of Standards.
C. collaborate to set reasonable wage rates for workers in similar jobs.
D. collaborate to set reasonable prices for similar products.
____ 19. After World War I, most Americans wanted to avoid future wars by
A. joining the League of Nations.
B. excluding Germany from the League of Nations.
C. avoiding involvement in European affairs.
D. forbidding Germany to rebuild its armed forces.
____ 20. The result of the Dawes Plan was
A. Europe’s deeper descent into debt.
B. Europe’s gradual economic recovery.
C. lower prices for European products sold in the United States.
D. Higher prices for European products sold in the United States.
DIRECTIONS: Essay Answer one of the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. (10 points)
21. Compare the personalities of Calvin Coolidge and Warren G. Harding.
22. How did the automobile affect American business and society in the 1920s?
The American Vision
Name: ______Date: ______Class: ______
DIRECTIONS: GRAPHICS AND DOCUMENT-BASED QUESTIONS Choose the item that best completes each sentence or answers each question. Write the letter of the item in the blank to the left of the question. (4 points each)
TREATY / SIGNERS / TERMS / WEAKNESSESFour-Power Treaty / United States,
Great Britain, France, Japan / *All agreed to respect
the others’ territory in
the Pacific
*Full and open negotiations in
the event of disagreements. / *Mutual defense of
other co-signers not
Five-Power Treaty / United States,
Great Britain, France, Japan, Italy / *All agreed to freeze naval
production at 1921 levels
and halt production of large
warships for 10 years
*U.S. and Great Britain would
not build new naval bases in
the western Pacific / *No restrictions on
the construction of
smaller battle craft
such as submarines
and naval destroyers
*Did not place
restrictions on the
ground forces
Nine-Power Treaty / United States,
Great Britain, France, Japan, Italy, Belgium, China, the Netherlands, Portugal / *All agreed to preserve equal
commercial rights to China-a
reassertion of the “Open
Door Policy” / *No enforcement of
the terms of the
“Open Door Policy”
____ 23. When the countries agreed to reassert the “Open Door Policy” under the Nine-Power
Treaty, they failed to
A. accept Belgium, China, and Japan as partner countries.
B. preserve the equal commercial rights open to China.
C. negotiate the terms of the treaty.
D. specify how they would actually police the conditions of the treaty.
____ 24. The excerpt likens Andrew Mellon to a magician for his ability to
A. direct the U.S. treasury. C. make problems disappear.
B. make money. D. move quietly in the dark.
The American Vision
Name: ______Date: ______Class: ______
WARREN G. HARDING / THE OHIO GANG / THE TEAPOT DOME SCANDALBecame president of the United States in 1920 / Group of Harding’s poker-playing friends with whom he drank and smoked / Secretary of Interior Albert B. Fall allowed private interests to lease lands belonging to the government
Believed he lacked the intellectual capacity for the job of president / Some used their position and influence to sell government jobs, pardons, and protection from prosecution / Fall received bribes from private interests; bribes exceeded $300,000
His charm and genial manner endeared him to the nation / Harding felt Ohio Gang had betrayed him and complained bitterly / Senate investigated; Fall became first cabinet officer to go to prison
____ 25. What, according to the chart, distinguished Albert B. Fall?
A. He became the first cabinet officer to go to prison.
B. He became the first cabinet officer to bribe the president.
C. He was the first cabinet officer to be elected president.
D. He was the first secretary of the interior.
DIRECTIONS: SHORT ANSWER Answer each of the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. (4 points each)
26. Explain the trend in farm wages during the 1920s FARM WAGES
$55$50 /
$40 /
$35 / / /
$30 /
as shown in the graph on the right.
Monthly Wages
(including room and board)
1920 1922 1924 1926 1928 1930
Source: Historical Statistics of the United States Colonial Times to 1970.
27. Why were road conditions such a large consideration when testing cars in the early 1900s?
The American Vision
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