Department Chairs Council – Meeting
14 April 2011
Carl Sjovold was re-elected as DCC chair with no opposition.
Alan Keys
Alan provided a Course SLO Assessment Status by Division (as of 4/13/2011). Please send in your SLO Assessments to Alan Keyes as soon as you can.
The process of turning in the SLO Assessments has slowed and pretty much stopped...need to restart it and get them in to Alan.
A few GELO Grids have not been turned in at this time.
2012 – Our midterm report is due for Accreditation. Regarding SLO’s in Accreditation, the Accred report requested that we ramp up the SLO Assessment process. We should be good in terms of our work regarding course SLOs but not so good with Program SLOs. Program Level Outcome Assessment will be receiving more attention this coming Fall Semester. For Accred, we are moving from a Development Stage to a Proficiency Stage. More scrutiny is coming on the college as compared to the prior Accreditation report since we are beyond the “Development” phase.
For Program Review, Alan will send a link to the various submitted Program Reviews so that we can take a look at some examples.
Mel Duval – PRIE Committee
Over 3,200 freshmen for the fall of 2010 semester.
At the end of the Fall 2010 semester, approximately 23% of first time freshmen had earned a 0.0 GPA. Of these students, 38% received financial aid. In comparison, 51% of freshmen who had a grade point higher than 0.0 received financial aid. 56% of the 0.0 freshmen who did not receive financial aid were below the federally established poverty line for household size.
Who are these SCC Freshmen who fail? Most are taking few units (51%). Some have no high school diploma (14%). Most are poor (60.5%). Over half are unemployed and seeking work (53%). Over half are first generation college students (54.5%). These students are all W’s or F’s. Most of these students are taking less than 6 units.
Many first time freshmen assess into pre-transfer level classes. In Fall 2010, of the 7,131 unduplicated students enrolled in a pre-transfer level math, English, or ESL class - about 21% were first time freshmen (1,488 students).
Sierra College has a mandatory freshmen orientation...SCC does not do this.
The Work Ahead: What data do we need to better tackle this issue and support our students? We need to be proactive (Basic Skills committee, task force looking at SB 1140, methods in our classroom).
A group that can find out why students drop out with W’s could be an interesting data set.
A potential way to address these issues is to highlight the success stories and how they “made it” through the process and to not highlight the “what not to do” examples.
Carl Sjovold
Daniel Styer
Phil Cypret
Pat Hogarty
Heidi Emmerling
Jesus Martinez
Jeff Knorr
David Fabionar
Alan Keys
Mel Duvall
Linda Nuss
Cathy Chenu-Campbell
Glenda Wagner
Tricia Warrell
Marybeth Buechner
Luther Hansen
David Wyatt
Next Meeting: Fall 2011