Drink against the King’s evil

Tongue, Liverwort, Agrimony, and Ground- Ivy, 2 Handfuls each; Crude Antimony, 1 Pound groslypowder’d, and ty’d in a Rag by it self.

This is good against that Kind of Scurvy, which arises from Excels of Choler, and hot adult Humours; because most of the Ingredients are of a softening Nature and will blunt the rigid irritating Particles of the Blood, and prevent the Mischief it does to the Fibres, and small Glands.

The continued use of it will be of great service to smooth and soften sharp Humors, and remove all those Disorders that arise from a hot irritating Blood. It may be drank and Discretion.The Wortmust be very strong, else the Juices will make it turn sour.Of this kind of Anti-scorbuticks, he says we have the least Choice, tho’ it deserves as much Regard as any.

The Third he calls An opening Drink against the Scurvy. Take Roots of sharp-pointed Dock, half a Pound; Horse-Raddish, 2 Ounces; Guaiacum, 4 Ounces; Juniper-berries, Orange-peel, of each 1 ounce; Winter-Bark, Mustard-Seed, Long-Pepper, Cloves, 2 Drachms each;Raisins of the Sun4 Ounces; Scurvy grass, Brook-lime, Water Cresses, Clivers, 4 Handfuls each; put all in a bag and hang it in 4 Gallons of Ale.

This is most convenient where People are over bulky, and inclinable to Rheumatisms, and Dropsies; for it fills the Blood with subtil, volatile, and pungent Particles, and renders it more fluid, and fitter for Circulation; so that ‘tis quite contrary in it’s Use and Design, to the Scurvy- Drink last mention’d.

The Fourth is a Drink against the King’s Evil, and prepar’d thus: Take Sarsaparilla, 6 Ounces; Guaiacum, eight Ounces; Bark of Walnut-tree; Roots of Scrofulavia and Sassafras, each two Ounces; Herb Robert, three Handfuls; Raisinsston’d, living Millepedes, a Pound each. Put ‘em into a Bag among 4 Gallons of Ale, but the Doctor says, ‘tis better to boil the Woods in the Wort, and to put the tender Ingredients with the Hog-Lice into a Bag, and hang it in the Barrel; but thinks the Quantity of the Guiacum, too large. He says, it is very good in a high Scurvy; for he reckons the Evil to be a Distemper of that kind, and says this Drink cannot fail of doing service, if continu’d for sometime as common drink.

The Fifth is another Ale against the King’s Evil, and prepar’d thus: Take Chips of Guaiacum, Sassafras, Walnut-tree-bark, Roots of sharp-pointed Dock, Filipendula and Hounds-Tongue, each 2 Ounces; Herb-Robert, Arch-angel, each four Handfuls; Raisins of the Sun ston’d and living Millepedes, of each a Pound: Prepare all these for 4 Gallons.

The Doctor here also, as well as in the former, advises, that the Guaiacum, and Sassafras, be boil’d with the Wort, and then strain’d, for they will not give out their Virtues so much in the Fermentation. He says, ‘tis very assisting in the cure of old running Ulcers, and an effectual Cleanser of all Foulnesses of the Skin, and even the Leprosy.

He adds, that it ought to me made a common Drink and continued some Time to answer in any Intention of Moment.