i)The dataset q1.csv contains the locations and pH values from a wheat field over five years of progressive monitoring. The pH magnitude is indicates suitable growing conditions. Irrigation and fertiliser use can significantly change these values over time. Perform a full spatial anal- ysis of the pH magnitudes across the field for each of the years. Does there appear to be a change in the spatial structure of the pH over the years? Use the semi-variogram parameter estimates and predictive maps to assess.


ii)The dataset q2.csv reports on the number of sitings of koalas at select eucalypt trees within a conservation area. Perform a spatial analysis on this data set the objective being produce a map of expected koala count across the reserve. Are there preferred zones used for the koalas?
This information will assist with tourist impact management and koala population monitoring programs.


iii)The dataset q3.csv contains the average concentration of cyanide levels in parts per billion (ppb) from a survey of ground water conducted over a previously contaminated inustrial site. The safety threshold is 200 ppb any higher is not safe to drink. Perform a full spatial analysis of
this data set. In particular, identify any zones greater than the safetythreshold, taking into account model prediction uncertainty. A prior survey estimated the semi-variogram parameters to be: (10,23,0.25) for the nugget, partial sill, and range of an exponential model. Use this information to refine your spatial model.

Each of the above questions have equal weighting. All analyses must in-cludenumerical and non-spatial exploration of the data sets, assessment of spatial auto-correlation and directional effects via semi-variograms, statisti-cal estimation of model parameters, geostatistical methodology to estimate the predictive maps, and a critical assessment of the models proposed as well as the prediction uncertainity. Provide code as well as your results!

Dear writer,

This assignment for Unit called it [Geo-Spatial Statistics] and I hope to get for statistics expert to check my answers and inform me if I have answered the questions accurately and give me his honest feedback.

I have attached you all files for the assignment.

Please note the following information for assignment:

Look at the marking guidelines - what we need to see is more critique of the analysis and trying of different models. Don't just present the results - always remember that as an examiner I need to see evidence that you have understood the unit. You should approach the exam questions in a similar manner to that set out in the marking guidelines for the assignments.

If you do similar tasks then you are probably going to be on track with the exam questions.

Remember to use the demonstration code for the assignments and on Moodle/Dropbox, if you can do that and reshape it for your exam questions then you are well on your way to a good mark.

The question style is quite open, I want you to analyse the data and report on the analysis (i.e. short paragraphs) so that way I can get an appreciation of your understanding of the course and see how you will go in real life geostatistical consulting.

All analyses must include numerical and non-spatial exploration of the data sets, assessment of spatial auto-correlation and directional effects via semi-variograms, statistical estimation of model parameters, geostatistical methodology to estimate predictive maps, and a critical assessment of the models proposed and prediction uncertainties.

You will get 3 questions. The major difference will be in the properties of the data set i.e. distribution assumptions. It will then be up to you to detect and apply/justify the correct geostatistical methodology and then produce a corresponding map.

Hope that helps and that all is well.


