Enclosure 2

PTIPS Activity Report:

Region: R5 (Pacific Southwest Region)

Insect, Pathogen, or Other: True fir dwarf mistletoe

Status of Project:

__X_Continuing (funds are being requested for next fiscal year)

____Continuing (work continues, but no PTIPS dollars are requested)

____ Completed (re-measurements will continue at a later time)

____ Completed (no re-measurements necessary)

Location: various locations in the Sierra Nevada

Purpose or Objective: Determine impact and trends for true fir dwarf mistletoe (Arceuthobium abietinum f. sp. concoloris and Arceuthobium abietinum f. sp. magnificae) on Abies concolor and Abies magnifica. Maintain a system of permanent plots tracking growth and yield in dwarf mistletoe-infested stands thinned to different basal areas.

Overview Description of Project: In 2004 contractor Don Triplet tallied annual mortality on 37 true fir dwarf mistletoe plots on five national forests (Klamath, Lassen, Tahoe, Stanislaus, Sequoia) and Latour Demonstration State Forest. Annual mortality was to again be tallied on the plots in 2005, but due to FHP lead person being on a 120 day detail and then accepting a new position at PSW, the contract for the work was not initiated or awarded. The 37 plots need to be measured for mortality in 2006.

Year plots were established: 1981.

Schedule for re-measurement: Annual mortality.

Forest type: True fir/mixed conifer

Age class: Stands are mixed age with some overstory older fir and understory fir

that grew in after thinning in the 1980s. The average tree age is about 55 years.

Treatment: Thinned to various densities in the 1980s when the plots were


Additions or changes: None

FHP Person(s) Leading the Project: John Kliejunas, R5 permanent plot coordinator

Cooperator: Don Triplat, Contractor, Truckee, CA

First Year Funded: FY90.

Year Scheduled to End: As these plots are a high priority for the Pacific Southwest Region, we intend to measure annual mortality for the foreseeable future.

Year Data will be Loaded/Entered into National Database Structure:

Brief Description of Proposed Accomplishment and Results: Annual plot mortality has been measured since 1990. Mortality was not measured in 2005. The data is maintained in excel spreadsheets that could be readily converted to any other format. Sylvia Mori, Statistician, Pacific Southwest Research Station, assists in organizing and checking that the data is recorded accurately. The data was provided to Brian Giles and Helen Maffai for use in FVS Dwarf Mistletoe Model improvements.

The measurements for 2004 were completed, but not done in 2005.

Documentation Associated with Study: Only spreadsheets with data. Contact .

Funds Obligated from Beginning to Present Time: $140, 500.