QFD Black Belt® Certificate Course: December 8–12, 2014, Charleston, South Carolina USA Page 1

QFD Training for Facilitators,
Project Leaders, Quality Professionals
Typically given as in-company custom-tailored training, the QFD Black Belt® Course is offered to the public once a year at the QFD Institute's annual Symposium on QFD.
For those who are new to QFD, this is an opportunity to earn a provisional QFD Green Belt® and provisional QFD Black Belt® at the same conference, while learning Modern QFD in both concept and application from internationally-acclaimed instructors.
This course will offer you:
Hands-on practice of QFD on a team project;
Step-by-step instruction of several standard QFD deployments;
In-depth review of important QFD tools and deployments; and
Understanding of the full depth and breadth of Comprehensive QFD;
1,900 pages of QFD materials including the QFD Institute QFD Black Belt® Manual (1,200 pages) and software templates.
Who Should Attend
This is a facilitator-level advanced QFD training for the graduates of the QFD Institute QFD Green Belt® courses.
One of these conditions must be met, in order to enroll in this course.
You are attending the QFD Green Belt® (Dec 3-4, 2014) in Charleston; OR

You earned a Provisional QFD Green Belt®more than 12 months ago and are attending the QFD Green Belt® Update (Dec 7, 2014) in Charleston; OR

You have a Full-status QFD Green Belt® issued by a QFD Institute instructor; OR

You havea Provisional QFD Green Belt® issued within the last 12 months; OR

You have a Provisional or Full-status QFD Black Belt®.

NOTE: There are three (3) registration options for this course, depending on your past certificate status. Please see the details in the “Registration Terms & Conditions” in this document.

You will learn:

Advanced QFD tools and analytic methods for quality, strategy, management, product planning, decision making, invention, and design;

Voice of Gemba– QFD's unique approach to customer visits, and how to design Gemba Visits and new Gemba Analysis tools;

Semi-customized deployments common to many industries, such as project, customer, quality, technology, function, reliability, cost, manufacturability, production, service, etc.;

How to input, process, and output field data for each deployment;

Incorporating Blitz QFD® (matrix-free QFD for immediate results) into Dr. Akao's Comprehensive QFD to speed up the process;

Improved algorithms for defining Customer Needs (Demanded Quality) for "new-to-world" products and services;

Why and how of replacing ordinal scale calculations with ratio scale calculations of customer needs priorities, sales points, competitivebenchmarking, and matrix relationship weights, to improve the accuracy of QFD in a Six Sigma world;

How to expertly link QFD with Design for Six Sigma (DFSS / DFLS);

Introduction to Lifestyle Deployment with Kansei Engineering;

Integration of latest Kano methods;

Enhancing Customer Need Hierarchy Diagram with measures, targets, and Kano categories;

Using Customer Voice Table with specification documents;

Introduction to General Theory of Innovation, a next generation TRIZ-based business innovation method for general business management;

Speed Deployment to additionally accelerate your project.

Textbooks and Materials

QFD Institute’s QFD Black Belt®training Manual (1,200 pages)

CD-ROM with case studies and the Modern QFD templates

Additional case studies and reports

Resulting Benefits

The resulting benefits you may expect upon successful completion of this Course include:

Ability to use generic Modern QFD tools and deployments and knowledge of how Comprehensive QFD works

Knowledge of new-to-world methods in product development, quality and innovation, and how they can be incorporated into projects

Knowledge of how to facilitate a QFD project team

Provisional QFD Black Belt® Certificate.

To assure the integrity of your certificate as demonstrated in application, full status QFD Black Belt® will be earned upon successful completion of:

Having a QFD Master Black Belt® custom-tailor a QFD process for your company;

Co-facilitating a QFD project with the QFD Master Black Belt® using your custom-tailored QFD process (apprentice); and

Facilitating by yourself a second QFD project using your custom-tailored QFD process and submitting your work to a QFD Master Black Belt® for approval (journeyman).


Please use the Registration Form (next 2 pages).

There are three (3) registration options, depending on your past QFD Belt status:

1) Facilitator's Package (no prerequisites)

2) QFD Black Belt® Package #1(For those who earned a Provisional QFD Green Belt® more than 12 months ago)

3) QFD Black Belt® Package #2(For those who have a Full-status QFD Green Belt®, as well as for those who earned a Provisional QFD Green Belt® within the last 12 months)

If you are not sure which option to choose or have questions about this course, please contact us (TEL + 734 995 0847, )

Online Registration Page:

Scan the QR code with your mobile phone, to go to Online Registration.

Things to Bring

Laptop computer with CD drive (with MS Excel®, Word®, and Adobe Acrobat®) as you will receive a CD with QFD software templates.

Relevant marketing and technical data for a small project or a part of a large project that you are working on currently or plan to work on in the future. (You will receive detailed instructions on this when you register.)

You will not be asked to reveal any confidential data. The goal is to make the QFD exercises real and meaningful to you! If it is not feasible to bring such data, you may use a case study related to a hobby or some personal project. You may also bring your project team and learn as you work on a real project, or you may join others on their project.


Glenn H. Mazur
  • Certified QFD Red Belt®
  • 1998 Akao Prize recipient for
    Excellence in QFD
  • Executive Director, QFD Institute & International Council for QFD
  • President, Japan Business Consultants, Ltd.
  • Academician, International Academy
    for Quality
  • National Academies of Science (ret)
  • Adjunct Faculty, U of Michigan (ret.)
  • QFD Architect (QFDI-ID)
  • Convenor of ISO Working Group on QFD Standard
  • Honorary President – Hong Kong QFD Association

Registration Form – page 1

Registration Form: 2014 QFD Symposium & Training

  1. Please select the program that you wish to attend. (Send this and next page)

Program / You will attend / Registration Fees
When you register
BY August 31 / When you register AFTER August 31
Symposium Only / 1 Day
December 5 / $345 / $395
QFD Green Belt® Package / 3 Days
Dec 3 – 5 / $2,045 / $2,095
QFD Green Belt®
Facilitator's Package / 8 Days
Dec 3 – 5
Dec 8 – 12 / $6,695 / $6,845
QFD Green Belt®
+QFD Black Belt®
QFD Black Belt® Package #1 / 6.5 Days
Dec 5
Dec 7 (half-day)
Dec 8 – 12 / $5,545 / $5,695
+ QFD Green Belt® Update
+ QFD Black Belt®
QFD Black Belt® Package #2 / 6 Days
Dec 5
Dec 8 – 12 / $5,150 / $5,195
+ QFD Black Belt®
QFD Black Belt® Update Package / 2 Days
Dec 5 & Dec7 / $1,395 / $1,445
+ QFD Black Belt® Update
QFD Green Belt® Update Package / 1.5 Days
Dec 5
Dec 7(half-day) / $895 / $945
+ QFD Green Belt® Update

Registration Terms & Conditions in this document explains the prerequisites for QFD courses, what are included in your registration fees, discounts, cancellation / substitution policy, late registrations, etc.

For Online Registration, please visit:

For questions, please Contact , TEL +1 734-995-0847 (US Eastern Time), or visit

Registration Form – page 2

  1. Please provide the Attendee Information.

Attendee Name to be printed on Name Badge
Attendee Name to be printed on QFD Certificate
Job Title
Complete Address, to be printed
on your Receipt / Invoice
Email Address
Alternative Email or Telephone (optional)
Food allergy, dietary or barrier free requirements if any
How did you learn about this event?
  1. Please select the Payment Method.

Send 2-page Registration Form to:

FAX +1 206–203–3575 E-MAIL:

QFD Institute, 1140 Morehead Ct., Ann Arbor, MI 48103 USA

Your registration will be acknowledged by e-mail within 24 hours. 

This email will accompany your receipt confirmation or invoice as a PDF attachment.

Registration Form – page 2

Your Total Fees:US $: ______Today’s Date: ______

Pay by Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard or Amex)

By providing the card information, you agree to the credit card charge by the QFD Institute of the amount above.

Card Number
Expiration Date (month / year)
Name on the card
CVC Code /  small 3 digits on the back of Visa / MC;
4 digits on the front of AMEX
Billing Address of this Card, including street address, city, postal code.
Cardholder’s Email Address
Cardholder’s Signature
 Pay by Check(Please see Terms & Conditions on the next page)
 Wire Transfer(Please see Terms & Conditions on the next page )

Send 2-page Registration Form to:

FAX +1 206–203–3575 E-MAIL:

QFD Institute, 1140 Morehead Ct., Ann Arbor, MI 48103 USA

Your registration will be acknowledged by e-mail within 24 hours. 

This email will accompany your receipt confirmation or invoice as a PDF attachment.

Terms & Conditions

Registration Terms & Conditions

For 2014 QFD Symposium & Training

Registration will be confirmed upon receipt of full payment. To apply the Early Registration discounted prices, payments must be received by August 31, 2014. Class sizes are limited; early registration is recommended.

Payment by Check:Check must be drawn on a U.S. bank in U.S. dollars. Please make a check payable to:
QFD Institute, 1140 Morehead Ct., Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Payment by Wire Transfer:Wire transfer instructions will be sent in your invoice. The bank fees associated with wire transfer are the responsibility of the attendee. Please instruct your accounting department and bank to add such fees when determining the dollar amount to be sent.

Cancellations after Registration: Cancellations notified by October 1, 2014 will be refunded in full minus a 10% card processing fee if a credit card was used for payment, or minus the applicable bank fees if transactions were made by wire transfer.
(No processing fee if paid by a check.)

Substitutionsare permitted without penalty any time, subject to course prerequisites (see below).

Prerequisites for QFD Courses:

QFD Green Belt® Package / No prerequisites.
Facilitator's Package / No prerequisites.
QFD Black Belt® Package #1 / You have a provisional QFD Green Belt® earned beforeSeptember 1, 2013.
QFD Black Belt® Package #2 /
  • You have a Provisional QFD Green Belt® certificate earned since September 1, 2013; OR
  • You have a Full-status QFD Green Belt® certificate*.

QFD Black Belt® Update Package / You have a provisional or full status QFD Black Belt®
QFD Green Belt® Update Package / You have a provisional or full status QFD Green Belt® earned before December 3, 2013.

What are included in Registration Fees?

All QFD Belt® Courses registration fees include:

  • applicable course materials
  • MS Excel Modern QFD templates (CD)
  • select case studies
  • your admission to the Symposium (December 5, 2014)
  • a copy of the 2014 Symposium Transactions
  • continental breakfast, lunch, and coffee breaks on the days of your events (Exception: the half-day “QFD Green Belt® UPDATE Course” does not include lunch)
  • Networking Reception on December 5.

"Symposium Only" registration fees include:

  • your admission to the Symposium (December 5)
  • a copy of the 2014 symposium transactions
  • Continental breakfast, lunch, and coffee breaks on the Symposium day (Dec. 5)
  • Networking Reception.

Team Discounts:

  • QFD Green Belt® Package:
    $100 per person discount when three (3) or more people register from the same company.
  • Facilitator's Package | QFD Black Belt® Package #1 | QFD Black Belt® Package #2:
    US$200 per person discount when three (3) or more people register from the same company.

Walk-in registrations are accepted for the Symposium, with credit card payment. All QFD courses require pre-registration.

Late Registrations for QFD courses – within 24 hours of the course start time --- might be assessed a 20% surcharge due to the extra costs in material preparation.

Venue , Hotel Reservation, Travel
2014 QFD Symposium & Training
All events will be held at:
Charleston Marriott
170 Lockwood Blvd.
Charleston, South Carolina 29403 USA
Tel: (843) 723-3000
Hotel Reservationsshould be made directly with the hotel. The QFDI group-rate is $144 (USD) + taxes per room per night (single or double occupancy, non-commissionable rate).
To receive this special rate, reservations must be made by November 10, 2014.
Reservations by Telephone:Call 1-800-228-9290 and identify yourself as an attendee of the QFD Institute Symposium.
Online Reservation:The web link and group code will be communicated to you when we receive your registration.
NOTE: Subject to availability, the above group rate may be applicable for stays between December 1 and December 14 for QFD attendees who wish to enjoy more days in Charleston.
More about this Hotel:
This hotel is located 12 miles (19 km, about 17 minutes drive) from Charleston International Airport (airport code = CHS).
Shuttle service (shared ride) from the airport costs about $14 per person (one way). Taxis cost about $28 (one-way, up to 2 passengers).
Rental cars are readily available: Avis (843-767-7031), Budget (843-767-7051), Hertz (843-767-4550), National (843-767-3078), Enterprise (843-767-4557). The venue hotel has free parking.
More about Travel:
Charleston Sightseeing
Things to Enjoy in Charleston:
Note: Once you get to the venue hotel, you may not need a car. For $3 per person per day, the venue hotel provides shuttle services to/from the Historic District where many shops, restaurants and sightseeing attractions are within walking distance.