Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners’ Meeting

Nevada Department of Wildlife

1100 Valley Road

Reno, NV 89512


Note: Public comment allowed on each action item and regulation workshop items and atthe end of the meeting for items not on the agenda

Friday, May11,2012 – 9 a.m.

1Call to Order, Roll Call of Commission and County Advisory Board Members to Manage Wildlife (CABMW) – Chairman McBeath

2Approval of Agenda – For Possible Action

The Commission will review the agenda and may take action to approve the agenda. The Commission may remove items from the agenda, combine items for consideration or take items out of order.

3Member Items/Announcements and Correspondence – Chairman McBeath - Informational

Commissioners may present emergent items. No action may be taken by the Commission. Any item requiring Commission action may be scheduled on a future Commission agenda. The Commission will review and may discuss correspondence sent or received by the Commission since the last regular meeting and may provide copies for the exhibit file (Commissioners may provide hard copies of their correspondence for the written record). Correspondence sent or received by Secretary Mayer will also be discussed.

4County Advisory Boards to Manage Wildlife (CABMW) Member Items – Informational

CABMW members may present emergent items. No action may be taken by the Commission. Any item requiring Commission action will be scheduled on a future Commission agenda.

5Presentation of the Wayne E. Kirch Award Conservation Award – Chairman McBeath

6*Approval of Minutes – For Possible Action

Commission minutes from the March23 and 24, 2012, meetings.

7*Petition – Action

Mr. Fred M. Jackson has petitioned the Commission “to reevaluate and change the wording of NAC 503.140 – 504.4595. The wording causes undue financial burden on the wholesaler and the retail markets in Nevada of harvested crayfish.” The Commission may deny the petition, or accept the petition and initiate rulemaking.

8Bear Population Assessment and Bear Committee Report – Western Region Biologist Carl Lackey, Dr. Jim Sedinger, Dr. Jon Beckmann and Commissioner McNinch – For Possible Action

The Department’s current assessment of the black bear population will be presented along with the quota development process and the Bear Committee will report on their related recommendations to same.

9Reports – Informational

AWild Horse Update – Chief of Habitat Elmer Bull

In accordance with the Commission’s request, Chief of Habitat Elmer Bull will provide an update on the status of wild horse issues pending in Nevada.

BLegislative Update – Management Analyst III Kim Jolly

Staff will provide an overview of tracked state and/or federal legislation and provide deadlines and information regarding the 2013 Legislative Session.

CSage-Grouse Update – Director Ken Mayer

In accordance with the Commission’s request, Director Mayer will provide an update on the status of sage-grouse which is pending listing under the Endangered Species Act.

D*Litigation Report – Deputy Attorney General Nhu Nguyen

10Report on Sunset Subcommittee of the Legislative Commission – Chairman

McBeath – For Possible Action

The Chairman and Director Mayer will report on the hearing before the Sunset

Subcommittee of the Legislative Commission held on March 27, 2012, concerning termination, modification, consolidation or continued operation of the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners.The Commission will consider whether to make a formal written comment to the Sunset Subcommittee in response to the public comment taken at the hearing of the Sunset Subcommittee.The Commission may take such other action deemed appropriate in response to the public comment presented at the March 27, 2012, hearing of the Sunset Subcommittee.

11Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioner’s Committee Assignments – Chairman McBeath – For Possible Action

The Chairman will designate and adjust committee assignments, including the creation of new committees, the consolidation of existing committees, and/or the elimination of existing committees, as necessary. The Commission will take action to approve the revised committees and committee assignments as proposed by the chairman.

12Public Comment Period

Persons wishing to speak on items not on the agenda should complete a speaker’s card and present it to the recording secretary. Public comment will be limited to three minutes. No action can be taken by the Commission at this time; any item requiring Commission action may be scheduled on a future Commission agenda. In addition to this Public Comment Period, Public Comment limited to three minutes per speaker will also be allowed on each agenda action item, but not on reports or informational items, unless otherwise noted on the agenda.

Saturday, May12, 2012 – 8:30 a.m.

13Call to Order, Roll Call of Commission and County Advisory Board Members to Manage Wildlife (CABMW) – Chairman McBeath

14Member Items/Announcements and Correspondence - Chairman McBeath -Informational

Commissioners may present emergent items.No action may be taken by the Commission. Any item requiring Commission action may be scheduled on a future Commission agenda. The Commission will review and may discuss correspondence sent or received by the Commission since the last regular meeting and may provide copies for the exhibit file (Commissioners may provide hard copies of their correspondence for the written record). Correspondence sent or received by Secretary Mayer will also be discussed.

15County Advisory Boards to Manage Wildlife (CABMW) Member Items - Informational

CABMW members may present emergent items. No action may be taken by the Commission. Any item requiring Commission action will be scheduled on a future Commission agenda.

16Regulations – Adoption – For Possible Action – Public Comment Allowed

A*Commission Regulation 11-03, Amendment #2 – 2012 Big Game Seasons, Resident and Nonresident Mule Deer Antlered Longbow Archery Hunt 1341 – Unit 194A,196 Late*– Wildlife Staff Specialists Mike Cox and Tony Wasley– For Possible Action

The Commission will consider and may take action to remove a footnote describing only limited portions of Unit 194 as open for this late archery hunt.

B*Commission Regulation 12 - 05 Big Game Quotas and Harvest Objectives 2012-13 Season - Wildlife Staff Specialists Mike Cox, Tony Wasley, and Western Region Biologist Carl Lackey –For Possible Action

The Commission will establish regulations for the numbers of tags and/or harvest objectives to be issued for mule deer, pronghorn antelope, elk, bighorn sheep, mountain goats and bears for the 2012 - 2013 season.

17Future Commission Meeting – Director Ken Mayer - For Possible Action

The next Commission meeting is currently scheduled for June 22 and 23, 2012, in Elko. The Commission may change the time and meeting location at this time.The Commission will review and discuss potential agenda items for that meeting.

18Public Comment Period

Persons wishing to speak on items not on the agenda should complete a speaker’s card and present it to the recording secretary. Public comment will be limited to three minutes. No action can be taken by the Commission at this time; any item requiring Commission action may be scheduled on a future Commission agenda. In addition to this Public Comment Period, Public Comment limited to three minutes per speaker will also be allowed on each agenda action item, but not on reports or informational items.

*Support material provided and posted to the NDOW website, and updates to support material will be posted at

In accordance with NRS 241.020 this agenda closes three days prior to the meeting date and has been posted on the NDOW website at and at the following Department of Wildlife offices: 1100 Valley Road, Reno, NV, 89512; 380 W. “B” Street, Fallon, NV, 89406; 60 Youth Center, Elko, NV, 89801; 4747 W. Vegas Dr., Las Vegas, NV, 89108. Notice to the Public: Nevada Department of Wildlife receives Federal Aid in Fish and/or Wildlife Restoration. The U.S. Department of the Interior prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, natural origin, age, sex, or disability. Individuals with hearing impairment may contact the Department via telecommunication device (TDD) (775) 688-1550. Disabled individuals in need of special services should contact the Department prior to the meeting at (775) 688-1599.