USHX 9.3 Woodrow Wilson’s Reforms

Drill: New Nationalism & Bull Moose Party

New Nationalism: Roosevelt’s program that called for a strong president, more active business regulation, and additional social welfare programs

Bull Moose: a political party formed in 1912 by followers of Theodore Roosevelt

OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to describe some characteristics of Woodrow Wilson’s administration by analyzing his economic reforms and summarizing ways that President Wilson tried to regulate corporations.


1. Woodrow Wilson was the first Democrat president in 20 years.

2. The 16th amendment allowed the federal government to pass income tax laws

3. In 1913 Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act to control banking policy.

4. In 1914, the Clayton Antitrust Act Wilson was passed to regulate monopolies

5. It gave labor unions the right to use collective bargaining and go on strike.

7. The Federal Trade Commission was established to regulate corporations

7. Wilson did not support voting rights for women or minority groups.

8. He agreed to the racial segregation of the federal government

9. In 1916 Wilson helped pass the Child Labor Act & was elected to a second term

collective bargaining: when union leaders bargain with factory owners
segregation: separating people based on their race
intolerable: severe; painful
Federal Trade Commission: established by Congress in to stop unfair trade practices
Child Labor Act: an act that prohibited companies employing children under 14 years old
Adamson Act: an act that limited the workday to eight hours / 1. Democratic
2. southerners
3. Underwood Tariff Act
4. Sixteenth Amendment
5. not
6. banks
7. Federal Reserve Act
8. racial segregation
9. W. E. B. Du Bois
1. F; President Wilson was very private and refused to be directly quoted
2. F; Wilson championed economic reforms over social reforms.
3. T
4. F; The Underwood Tariff Act decreased tariffs
5. T
6. T / 7. F; The Clayton Antitrust Act strengthened federal laws against monopolies 8. F; The Federal Trade Commission provided oversight of business practices.
9. T
10. T

Summary: Today, I learned while Woodrow Wilson was president, regulations were passed that controlled income tax, banking, & child labor.

Homework: Sixteenth Amendment & Segregation:

Sixteenth Amendment: an amendment ratified by the states in 1913 that allowed income tax

Segregation: separating people based on their race

Name ______Class ______Date ______

USHX 9.3 Woodrow Wilson’s Reforms

Some expressions to understand:

Collective bargaining:



Federal Trade Commission

Child Labor Act

Adamson Act

REVIEWING FACTS Choose the correct item from the following list to complete the statements below.

banks Democratic not

Underwood Tariff Act Federal Reserve Act Sixteenth Amendment

W. E. B. Du Bois southerners racial segregation

1. As a result of the election of 1912, the ______Party controlled the presidency and both houses of Congress.

2. When President Wilson set up his administration, he included many ______.

3. Wilson supported the ______because he believed that lower rates would help consumers.

4. The ______allowed Congress to pass the income tax.

5. Most Americans were ______affected by the new income tax.

6. In 1912 there were no national laws covering ______.

7. Wilson convinced Congress to pass the ______to give stability to the national banking system.

8. Although he had first promised to help African Americans, Wilson later supported ______of federal government facilities in Washington, D.C.

9. African American leader ______wrote “An Open Letter to Woodrow Wilson” criticizing Wilson for his failure to keep his promises.

TRUE/FALSE Indicate whether each statement below is true or false by writing T or F in the space provided. If the statement is false, explain why.

______1. President Woodrow Wilson enjoyed being quoted in the newspapers.

______2. Early in his presidency, Wilson supported social reforms over economic ones.

______3.Wilson agreed to the segregation of federal facilities in Washington, D.C., despite his campaign promises to support more opportunities for African Americans.

______4. Tariff rates greatly increased after passage of the Underwood Tariff Act in 1913.

______5. The Sixteenth Amendment allowed Congress to pass the income tax.

______6. The Federal Reserve Act gave stability to the national banking system.

______7. The Clayton Antitrust Act denied labor unions the right to go on strike.

______8. The Federal Trade Commission supervised the new Federal Reserve banks.

______9. Known as “the people’s lawyer ” for his work on the part of consumers and laborers, Louis Brandeis became the first Jewish American on the U.S. Supreme Court.

______10.Wilson helped pass the Keating-Owen Child Labor Act, but the Supreme Court overturned it.

In your own words, summarize today’s lesson: