Telford United Methodist Church

1775 Old St Rt 34, Telford, TN

423-753-9288 Church Office

Pastor- Michael Vaughn: 753-8034 (parsonage) 833-2909 (cell) Email:

Pastor: Michael Vaughn

Worship Leader: Mark Cutshall

Pianists: Hugh & Margaret Wallace

Organist: Patsy Loyd

Sound/Video: Dylan Vaughn & Hannah Vaughn

Nov 23, 2014

Opening Video: “Thankful People”

Prelude: The Light of Christ is brought into our midst

Call to Worship: “Joyful, Joyful” Pg 89

Welcome: Mark Cutshall

Praise & Worship Song: “10,000 Reasons” On Screen

Praises & Prayer Concerns

Affirmation of our faith: The Apostle’s Creed Pg 881

Pastoral Prayer: Pastor Michael

The Lord’s Prayer On Screen

Presentation of Tithes and Offerings

Doxology: Praise God! Pg 95

Children’s Performance: “Why Thanksgiving?”

Children’s Time: Heather Vaughn

Special Music: “I must tell Jesus”—TUMC Choir

2014 Sermon Series: “Hearing God’s Voice”

Scripture: Psalm 100 & Philippians 4:12-13

Message: “Thanks-living”

Hymn of Invitation: “It is well with my soul” Pg 377

Benediction: “May God bless you & keep you. Amen.”

Going Forth Hymn: “Let it Breathe on Me” Pg 503

How have you heard God speak to you today? What are you going to

do about it?______



This Week’s Upcoming Mission & Discipleship Opportunities:

Today: 4:00 District Conference at Gray UMC

Tuesday: 10:00 Bowling at Holiday Lanes in Johnson City

Wednesday: 8:15AM Youth leave for mission project at 2nd Harvest

6:30 Dinner provided by Barbara & Marge

7:00 Small groups

Saturday: 10:00 Decorating church for Christmas

Prayer List:

Wanda Bradley, Richard Cox, Ken & Geneva Newman, Zaylei Adams, Waiman Bailey, Robin Culp, Jeannie Blackburn, Charles & Mya Hunter, Judy Fox, Kenny Loyd, George Morelock, Don and Juanita Mashburn, Howard Dugger, Billy Carter, Hyder Casey, Charles White, Tiffany Matthews, Sarah Rodifer, Michelle Loyd, Sam McLain, Colton Wheeler, Bud Westmoreland, Mike Bradley, Crystal Million, Mary Hall, Mike Faulk, James Lovegrove, Kindra Greene, Heather Vaughn, Paul Johnson, Piper Smith, David Ward, Freddie Chase, Betty Willis, John Humpheries, John Rifle, Rodney & Rola Franks, Bob Shanks, Josh Arnold, Sue Garland, Donna Cutshall, Luke Story, Ruth Garland, Penny Murr, Sandra Williams, Farming God’s Way UMC (South Sudan Church), Matthews family, Bob Angel, John Humpheries

Discipleship & Growth Opportunities:

-Coffee with the pastor 1st Sunday of each month at 9:00 (membership questions, United Methodist questions, etc)

-Youth Confirmation Class: 12 week class. Designed for all youth (grades 8-12), led by Pastor Michael during Sunday School (10:00-10:45AM).

-New Adult Advent small group Wed nights at 7:00 Nov 26-Dec 17

Mission Opportunities:

-United Methodist Women meets 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30

-UMM Helping Hands for Christ meets 3rd Saturday of each month at 8:00

-SteppenStone Bible Study meets every other Tuesday at 4:00

-“From His house to yours” bread ministry—take a loaf of bread today to invite someone to come to church with you next week!

-Bikes for Kids “Bicycle Bob Day” assembly December 13 at 8:00AM

** We will be decorating the church for the Christmas season on November 29 at 10:00, please come help decorate your church for Advent!

** We had 48 volunteers that packed 54 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child this year! Thank you for your support of this mission!!

** Dec 14th our youth will lead the worship service for Confirmation Sunday and Holy Communion