Twiststars Tumbling & Trampoline Team

Rules and Policies


Our purpose for team is to help each child develop into a more confident person and increase their abilities in the following areas:

  • Getting along with others.
  • Learning how to be coached.
  • Learning to fail and keep on trying in order to succeed.
  • Learning what it means to make a commitment and stick with it.
  • Learning how to cheer for others when you are not happy with your own results.
  • Learning about healthy competition between teammates and friends.
  • Learning how to take criticism and turn it into a positive.
  • Learning to appreciate the commitment others make in order for you to participate in sports.
  • Learning how to win without rubbing it into your friends and teammates.
  • Becoming a stronger person both physically and mentally.
  • Becoming the best you can be in the sport of Tumbling and Trampoline.


  • You are not allowed to compete at a USTA event for any other club.
  • You may only attend USTA or USAG meets that Twiststars coaches are attending.
  • You must attend threescheduled meets during the season plus state.
  • State is April 25th & 26th at BelvidereHigh School in Belvidere. It is mandatory that you attend the state meet.
  • Meet sign-up will be explained at the team meeting.
  • Please check with your child’s coach to make sure that they are ready for competition.
  • If your child is not at practice the week of a competition they may not be allowed to compete. Each case will be handled on an individual basis.
  • USTA National Competitionis June 16th to the 20th in Rapid City, South Dakota.
  • Nationals will not be mandatory this year. You will have to decide by the middle of March if you are going to go or not.
  • Athletes must qualify from the state meet to attend Nationals.
  • At the state meet the Top 10 in each age group and level will qualify to the National meet.
  • The National schedule will be posted on our bulletin board; please review it, so you can know what days your child will be competing. If you only compete one event you will only be there for one day. I will have the schedule by the 1st week of October.
  • Hotels will be posted on the bulletin board for each meet. You should book your room as soon as possible. You can always cancel without charge.
  • The 3 meet rule can be waived under some conditions;injuries, mandates to the next level, a child that was not ready to compete and a high school child that has been on team for a long time with a lot of schedule conflicts.


  • If your child is injured please seek medical attention as soon as possible.
  • It is often necessary to seek a specialist
  • If your child is complaining of pain and needs to ice or is sitting out of practice due to pain for more than 3 practices in a row they must see a doctor,
  • Please keep us informed about your child's injury.


  • Support and encourage your child when they do well and when they do not do well.
  • Allow your children to be coached without interference.
  • Trust your child’s coach. We are always willing to discuss your child’s progress.
  • Please feel free to call to set up a time for discussion.
  • We are not able to discuss anything in any detail between classes and we will not stop classes to do so.
  • Do not talk to your child at any time during class or team practice.
  • Never coach your child from the stands at a meet or during class. It is very distracting and confusing to your child.
  • Allow your child the room to fail.
  • Allow your child the room to succeed.
  • Realize you cannot protect your child from every little problem; but use those things to teach them.
  • Understand that being on a team requires discipline and commitment.
  • Everyone on team will do a lot of conditioning. There is no way we can teach a child to do a skill that they are not strong enough to do. This sport requires a great deal of strength, balance and flexibility.
  • Sometimes they will spend more time on drills and conditioning than actual skills or passes.
  • As coaches we give a lot of thought to daily, weekly, monthly and yearly lesson plans. We know that excellence in our sport comes from conditioning, drilling and constant repetition of skills and passes.
  • It is our goal to make your child the best they can be.
  • We recognize that children are a special and unique gift from God and we try to train each child in a way that is best for them. We do not progress each child at the same rate and we do not have each child working on the same things. We try to the best of our ability to tailor the progressions to each child.
  • We also know that your child’s personality plays a very important role in how they progress. You cannot take a timid child and progress them as fast as a very aggressive child. The timid child will be very upset and frustrated if they are pushed too hard and will probably end up quitting the sport. For example, if we work with a timid child and progress them at their own pace, they usually become less timid and learn to enjoy the benefits of the sport and competition.
  • Please send us an email when your child will not be able to attend practice; especially on Saturday. You can email me at
  • All team members are required to sign up on line for Auto pay. I will be doing the auto pay manually. Therefore you can request a date that is best for you. I prefer it to be before the 10th of the month but I understand if some of you need it to be later. There will be a spot on the back of the registration form for you to request a date other than the 10th.
  • Sign up for meets and pay meet entries on time.
  • If your child competes in trampoline you will be asked to spot trampoline at some of the competitions.
  • Support and work fundraisers, including meets hosted by TwistStars.
  • Each year we will host at least one major competition.
  • It is the responsibility of each parent to help run these functions.
  • Each family is required to work an assigned number of equipment moves and 1 or 2 sessions during the meet.
  • Moving equipment is hard but a very necessary part of hosting meets.
  • This year there will be 2 equipment moves.
  • Each family will have to work an assigned number of sessions at the meet. These sessions are separate from the equipment moves.
  • Additional requirements may be added depending upon the meet. (Trophy set-up, decorations, a small donation in the form of soda or candy, etc.)
  • Each family is responsible to check-in for your work sessions. You will be told how and when to check in. We are not able to keep track of each individual; therefore it is critical for you to check in to ensure you receive credit for working. If you check in, but then fail to work as required, this will be considered a non-work session.
  • This year we will again have you submit a GOOD FAITH CHECK.
  • When you register for team you will berequired to write a $200.00 check to the Parents Club.
  • Your check will be held by the Parents club. We will destroy your check at the end of the season as long as you fulfill your obligations completely as defined for that specific meet. If you do not completely fulfill your requirements, your check will be cashed.
  • If you fulfilled part of your obligation and did so to the best of your ability, we have taken that into account and part of your good faith check will be credited back to your account.
  • If you did not meet your requirements from the previous yearand your check was returned for NSF, we will cash your check immediately at the beginning of the season. If you fulfill your obligations for the year, the $200 will go back into your account as a credit. You will be assessed any NSF bank fees.

In order to have your good faith check returned to you, you must have completed the following:

  1. At least 1 equipment move; which requires tear down at the gym or venue and set up at the gym or venue.
  2. At least one session of work at the meet.
  3. Assigned donations; pop, water, candy, etc.
  4. If team obligations are not met you could be asked to drop team the next year.
  • On Feb. 15 we will be hosting our meet.
  • It will be held at Legends Sportsplex in Bourbannis, ILon Feb. 15th.
  • We will be moving equipment and setting up on Saturday,Feb. 14th. After the meet on Sunday we will break all of the equipment down and bring it back to our gym and the Tumbling On gym and put the gym back together.
  • It will have a Valentine Theme.
  • There is a lot of work to do to prepare for our meets.
  1. Hiring Judges and mailing judges contracts---Could use help with mailing
  2. Writing the invites--Need people to proof
  3. Mailing the invites to all of the clubs in our area (need help)
  4. Securing hotels----Gail
  5. Making the schedule---Gail
  6. Revising Schedule----Gail
  7. Ordering food for coaches and judges--- Parents
  8. Making various copies---Parents
  9. Entering Data into scoring program and proofing data----Parents
  10. Writing Judges' sheets-----Parents


  • Attend all practices ready to work and be coached.
  • Get along and be kind to everyone on team.
  • Encourage and support your teammates.
  • Listen to coaches and try your best to do what is asked of you.
  • Let your coaches know when something is hurting you.
  • Bring all of your equipment and apparel to practice or meets.
  • Be at practice on time and ready to work.
  • Clean up after yourselves.
  • Communicate with your coaches and parents about problems you are having with fear or not understanding something.
  • Work as hard at the things you do not like as well as the things that you do like.


  • If your child is on team you are a member of the parents association.
  • The parents association will have a board of officers and committee heads that will meet at least once a month
  • The officers of the parents club for the 2014-2015 season will be:

President Marcy Remm

Vice presidentLynn Hugunin

TreasurerJen Arthur

SecretaryHildy Kingma

Head Team MomLori Dudeck

Fundraising ChairDebbie Caserio & Lori Cantor

  • The parent’s association purpose is to raise money to pay for the coaches expenses at meets, host parties for the team, help the athletes and buy new equipment for the benefit of team members.
  • You may also do extra fundraisers to help pay for your individual meet expenses. Extra fundraisers must be approved by the parents board.
  • Money from fund raising may only be used for the athletes' competitive expenses. It cannot be used for tuition. We are not allowed to write you a check unless we are reimbursing you for a expense related to competition.
  • There is a form that you will be asked to fill out when requesting funds.
  • USAG members will be asked to do additional fundraisers to help pay for the higher costs of USAG. Although we allow people to do more than the mandatory fundraisers the parents association board must approve all fundraising.
  • In 2014-2015 the parents association paidclose to $17,000 in coaching expenses for regular meets, State and Nationals. Coaches are paid expenses for meets, which typically includes mileage and per diem. The parents association has also purchased a lot of new equipment for the team.Last year they purchased a new double mini and sound system. This year we purchased more panel mats, barrels and we are looking into new carpet and foam for the rod floor.
  • The parents association has two mandatory fundraisers each year; the autumn candy sale, and a minimum of one meet that we host each year (If we host more than one meet, all meets are required).
  • All profits from the autumn candy sale and our meet go into the parents association account.
  • Aside from the mandatory fundraisers, all team members are encouraged to support any additional fundraisers and are able to raise money for their travel expenses or entry fees.
  • The parents club will receive20% of everything raised after the mandatory fund raiser and individual members will receive 80%. The 80% will go into a separate account and can be used for meet entry fees and travel expenses.


  • We also compete with the USAG (U.S.A. Gymnastics) T&T program.
  • This is the same organization that governs gymnastics. The USAG program is a great choice for the more serious athlete.
  • The meets are not as large and the kids are not as rushed as they can be at other meets. USAG athletes are judged harder on their basics and on proper technique.
  • Levels 8 and higher have to do compulsories; which encourages them to concentrate on great form and technique.Level 8 is comparable to a Sub-Advanced pass.
  • USAG offers invitational, state, regional and national competitions. The entry fees are a little higher.
  • We offer about 4 USAG meets a year plus state and Nationals.
  • Only level 8 and higher athletes can attend Nationals.
  • Level 5 and higher athletes are welcome to attend local and state meets.
  • USAG meets cost a little more and you must be a USAG member to attend their meets or clinics.
  • The cost for USAG membership is $55.00 a year. There is a form that needs to be filled out if you wish to join USAG.
  • We will post the USAG schedule as soon as we get it.
  • The USAG meet schedule will be set in October at the USAG state meeting.
  • USAG team Parents will be asked to do one more fundraiser to help pay for coaching costs at USAG meets.


  • Team moms are a vital part of our team and will be utilized for the 2014-15 season.
  • We will need one or two moms at each level.
  • One head team mom will serve on the parents’ association board. That position is currently held by Lori Dudeck.
  • We need team moms to help organize several aspects of team:
  • Phone calling
  • Team parties
  • Team gifts
  • Please sign up to be a team mom.


  • Team Tuition fees are made out to Twiststars Tumbling & Trampoline and go into the gym business account.
  • Meet entries, team registration and other team fees are also made out to TwistStars Tumbling & Trampoline and go into a team account. This is why we ask you to write separate checks for meet entry fees or USTA and AAU registration fees.
  • All team members must sign up for online autopay. I will be doing the autopay manually. Therefore you can decide the date that you wish your credit card to be charged. I prefer that all tuition is paid by the 10th of the month. I do understand that some of you need to pay a little later and we can do that when necessary. If you need to pay by check one month you can do so and I will not charge your account on line if you are paid by the 10th.

Team registration fee per family:$35.00

USTA and AAU registration fee per person:$35.00

USAG registration---for USAG team members only:$55.00

Candy Sale Fund raiser Buy out $75.00

if you purchase candy; then sell candy and get your money back $120.00

LeotardsI think $170.00

Step-ins (for boys)Estimate all 3 pieces: $155.00

You need all 3 if doing tramp & DM

Shorts & Step In:$95.00

USTA meet fees:$30.00 for 1 eventState meets: $35.00

$35.00 for 2 events$45.00

$40.00 for 3 events$50.00

Monthly Team tuition costs are:

Beginner, Adv. Beginner, Sub-Novice and Novice

One event, includes one class and Saturday team practice first child:$90.00


Extra classes for one event team members are: $40.00

Two or three events, includes two classes and

Saturday team practice child:$150.00


Extra classes for two or three event team members are:$36.00

Intermediate Team

One event for first child:$115.00

One event for sibling:$110.00

Extra classes:$40.00

Two or three events for first child:$155.00

Two or three events for first child:$145.00

Extra classes:$36.00

SA & fees:includes Mon. & Wed., tumbling & tramp, Thurs. tramp and Sat. team practice. The price is the same if you cannot make Thursday tramp class.

One event:$125.00

Two or three events:$185.00


As soon as we receive the meet invitation we will post the information and sign up form on the bulletin board. I will email you as soon as it is posted.

  • There will be an entry deadline posted.
  • If you wish to attend that meet you must sign up and pay the entry fees before the posted deadline. A parent must sign the entry form. I will apply your auto pay if you are signed up but not paid by the meet deadline
  • Children may not sign themselves up.
  • Meet fees will be paid to Twiststars Tumbling & Trampoline and we will submit one check for the team.
  • If you have not paid the entry fee by the meet deadline but have signed up for the meet, I will charge your card for the meet entry fee.
  • When we receive the revised schedule we will post all of the meet information on the bulletin board.
  • The meet information usually includes the location, directions, and the schedule of what time your child will compete.
  • Meet fees must be paid for on a separate check or online because we have a separate account for paying meet fees.

How to sign up for a Meet

  • Make sure to check the team bulletin board each week. Meet information and sign up sheets will be posted as soon as we receive them. All meets will have entry deadlines. You must sign up by the entry deadline or you cannot enter.
  • If you are not sure if your child is ready for the meet check with your coach. We offer the early meets so we support more clubs in hope that they will attend our meet and to give more opportunities to compete, but some children are not ready in October or November, so it is always wise to check.
  • I will send out an e-mail letting you know when meets are posted. You can e-mail me to ask if your child is ready to compete.
  • Check the entry form for correct age, spelling, and levels for your child. With a large team it is very easy to make mistakes.
  • Put a check mark in the events in which your child will be competing and sign your name in the space provided.
  • When we receive the schedule we will make copies and hand them out to everyone. We usually get them one or two weeks before the meet.
  • If your child does trampoline you will be asked to spot trampoline. It is very important that you spot during your assigned time as the meet cannot continue without enough people spotting the trampolines.
