
Science Assignment-1

  1. A car covers a distance of 100km in 5 hours. Calculate the speed.
  2. A bus travels first 150km with a speed of 30km/h and next 60km with a speed of 40km/h . What is the average speed of the bus.
  3. A boy covers 30m in first 5s , 40m in next 10s and 50m in last 15s. Find the average speed of boy.
  4. A car covers a distance of 800km with an average speed of 50km/h . How much time does the car take to cover this distance.
  5. Raju reaches Haridwar from Delhi in 7 hours by his car. If the average speed of the car is 36km/h , what is the distance between Delhi and Haridwar.
  6. A simple pendulum takes 32s to complete 20 oscillations . What is the time period of the pendulum.
  7. Salma takes 15 minutes from her house to reach her school on a bicycle. If the bicycle has a speed of 2m/s , calculate the distance between her house and the school.
  8. The time taken for 20 oscillations is 52s . Find the time period of this pendulum.
  9. Convert the following :
  1. 320km/h to m/s
  2. 112km/h to m/s
  1. A simple pendulum takes 40s to complete 20 oscillations . What is the time period of the pendulum .

Important Formula’s :

  1. Speed =
  2. Distance = Speed x Time
  3. Time=
  4. Average speed =
  5. Time period of a pendulum =


Science Assignment-2

  1. A shopkeeper wanted to fix a mirror which will give maximum view of his shop.What type of mirror should he use? Give reason.
  2. Can we use the same fuse in geyser and a television set? Explain.
  3. Veins have valves which allow blood to flow only in one direction. Arteries do not have valves Yet the blood flow in one direction. Explain.
  4. Meeta asked Rekha not sleep under the tree at night.Give reason.
  5. The side view mirror of car got broken.It was replaced by plane mirror.Write the inconvenience that the driver will face.
  6. For making bread yeast is added in dough. The dough is left in warm place.Afterfew hours the dough had risen. Why the dough rise?What would happen if the dough is kept in the refrigerator as soon as it is prepared.
  7. Whenever we feel sleepy, we start yawning.Does yawning help in anyway.
  8. When you keep food items like bread outside for a long time during rainy season, you will observe cottony growth on them.What is this growth called and how does it take place.
  9. There are ten tubewells in a lane of fifty houses. What could be the long term impact on the water table.
  10. While learning to ride a bicycle Sanjeev lost his balance and fell. He got bruises on his knees and stared bleeding .However , the bleeding stopped after some time . Why did the bleeding stop ? What would be the colour of the wounded area and why ?Which type of blood cells are responsible for clotting of blood ?