Table 1. List of all databases used in the conservation assessment.

State / Number of records / Data Source
CT / 6,305 / Thomas, M. C. and D. L. Wagner. 2014. The Odonata Fauna of Connecticut. County and Flight Records. (accessed January 2014).
DE, MD, PA / 3,682 / White,H. 2012. Personal collection and field notes.
MA / 813 / Mass Audubon. 2012. Massachusetts Audubon Odonate Database. . Lincoln, MA 01773.
MA / 1,027 / Massachusetts Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program. 2010. Massachusetts element occurrence database. Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife, West Boylston, MA.
MD / 278 / Maryland Natural Heritage Program. 2012. Database report for Select Rare, Threatened and Endangered Odonata of Maryland. Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife and Heritage Service, Annapolis, Maryland.
MD, DC / 1,806 / Orr, R. 2012. The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Maryland and the District of Columbia, Mid-Atlantic Invertebrate Field Studies (MAIFS) website.
ME / 8,910 / Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. 2012. Maine Damselfly and Dragonfly Survey (MDDS) Database. Bangor, Maine.
NH / 8,837 / New Hampshire Audubon. 2012. New Hampshire Dragonfly Survey database. New Hampshire Audubon and New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, Concord, NH.
NH / 117 / Hunt, P. 2012. Personal information.
NJ / 1,801 / New Jersey Odonata Survey. 2012. New Jersey dragonfly and damselfly survey database.
NY / 17 / Eib, D. 2013. Staten Island Dragonfly Atlas, 2009 - 2013. Staten Island Museum. Staten Island, NY.
NY / 6,363 / New York Natural Heritage Program. 2010. New York dragonfly and damselfly survey database. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Albany, NY.
NY / 166 / New York Odonate Group. 2012. New county records database. Albany, NY
PA / 966 / Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program. 2013. Element Occurrence Digital Data Set. Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program, PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Harrisburg, PA.
PA / 15,291 / Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program. 2013. Pennsylvania Odonate Database. Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program, PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Harrisburg, PA.
RI / 2,749 / Brown, V. 2013. Rhode Island Odonata Atlas. Rhode Island Natural History Survey and The Nature Conservancy. Unpublished data.
VA / 3,467 / Steve Roble. 2012. Unpublished database of Virginia Odonata county and city records. Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, Division of Natural Heritage, Richmond, VA.
VT / 4,690 / Michael Blust and Bryan Pfeiffer. Personal information.
WV / 11,750 / Olcott, S. 2012. West Virginia dragonfly and damselfly atlas database. WV Division of Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources Section, Farmington, WV.
Multiple / 5,895 / Donnelly, T. W. 2004a. Distribution of North American Odonata. Part I: Aeshnidae, Petaluridae, Gomphidae, Cordulegastridae. Bulletin of American Odonatology 7:61–90; Donnelly, T. W. 2004b. Distribution of North American Odonata Part II: Macromiidae, Corduliidae, and Libellulidae. Bulletin of American Odonatology 8:1–32; Donnelly, T. W. 2004c. Distribution of North American Odonata Part III: Calopterygidae, Lestidae, Coenagrionidae, Protoneuridae, Platystictidae. Bulletin of American Odonatology 8:33–99.
Multiple / 1,114 / Paulson, D.R. 2012. Personal collection.
All / 162,012 / Abbott, J.C. 2007 - 2014. OdonataCentral: An online resource for the distribution and identification of Odonata. The University of Texas at Austin. Available at