Disclosure Statement

2017 – 2018

Sue Taylor - 801-256-5925


Classroom Time Schedule


Mon-Thurs7:40 am – 10:00 am11:30 am – 1:45 pm

Friday8:30 am – 10:30 am11:45 am – 1:45 pm

Classroom Materials / Supplies / Fees

Text / Workbooks

1. Essentials of Dental Assisting Text & Work Book(5th Edition)

Bird, Robinson

2. Dental Instruments a Pocket Guide(2nd Edition)

Bartolomucci Boyd

3. Three ring binder-1 ½-2 inch, tab dividers, paper, pens, pencils, highlighter

Materials / Fees

  1. Scrubs

Each student is required to have at least one set of scrubs. Scrubs, closed toed shoes and socks MUST be worn during operatory times. This is an OSHA requirement. If the student is not properly dressed on his/her clinical day NO clinical operatory time can be completed. It is the student’s responsibility to keep these items cleaned and pressed and professional looking when wearing them to class and/or the dental office.

  1. Immunizations

Each student must receive the Hepatitis B series of injections and a TB test. Each student must show their record of updated immunizations to the dental assisting instructor. A copy of these will be kept in the student’s file. The due dates for these immunizations are:

25 pointsHepatitis B #12ndFriday in September9/8

50 pointsHepatitis B #21st Friday November 11/3

50 pointsTB Test1stFriday November 11/3

75 pointsHepatitis B #31stFriday, April 4/13

Student WILL NOT be allowed to go to their clinical if they are behind on

their immunizations.

Optional Fees / Supplies

  1. Textbooks

Students will be supplied with a text book at no cost for use during the school year. Workbooks are for each student’s personal use and the fee is $36.00.

  1. Lab Coat

Lab coats are furnished by JATC to wear over scrubs when dental procedures warrant such an action.

3. Radiology Certification available through the Utah Dental Association at the

Convention (approximate cost $25.00-$40.00) {Friday April 27, 2018}

4. HOSA – Future Health Professionals

Each student is encouraged to join this national youth organization for health occupations students. The membership cost is $25.00. All students will have the opportunity to participate in classroom activities associated with HOSA. Those NOT joining HOSA are asked to pay $10.00 to cover class activity fees. However, only those students who are member of HOSA can participate in HOSA activities outside the classroom or compete in the State competitions held at the Davis Conference Center on March 15th and 16thand for the opportunity to represent the State of Utah at the National Competition in Dallas, Texas onJune 19-24, 2017.

Classroom Policies / Attendance / Grading

Classroom Policies

  1. Professional behavior, i.e. honesty, dependability, integrity, respect for others is expected at all times.
  2. Each student will observe Jordan School District dress code. No hats or gang attire is permitted. Hair must be pulled back away from the face, scrubs, closed toe shoes and socks must be worn when working in the operatories.
  3. Body piercings, other than ear rings, are not allowed at the dental office. Body piercings are also discouraged in the classroom.
  4. No food or drink is allowed in the operatory or computer areas of the classroom. The student is responsible for any damage to books, supplies, etc. from any food or drink.
  5. At no time should the student be out of the classroom for more than 10 minutes on a break. If the student abuses this privilege, breaks will be discontinued.
  6. Students are responsible for all equipment, supplies and books assigned to them during the course of study. Any student destroying or misusing any equipment, supplies or books will be responsible for the cost and may be in jeopardy of continuing in the program.
  7. Each student is responsible for keeping a clean, orderly work area.
  8. It is a privilege to attend classes at the Jordan Academy for Technology and Careers. Any student defacing or abusing the JATC campus will be dealt with accordingly and may be subject to disciplinary action.
  9. Occasionally we will have students in the class, or an adult teacher’s aid, correct the work of other students. This practice has an important educational purpose in that it allows students to review homework assignments and quizzes and consider problem solving that may be different than their own. It also serves the important purpose of allowing the teacher to give and review assignments and use correcting time as effectively as possible.
  10. The dental assisting course requires hands on experience in the practical

portion of the program. Each student is required to participate. Some of the experiences include suctioning, coronal polishing, topical fluoride and anesthetic placement, infection control/standard precautions, disclosing plaque on teeth, etc. This must be done in order for all students to have a chance to practice dental assisting skills.

  1. Students will be exposed to body fluids during some dental treatment procedures. Therefore, standard precautions must be enforced when performing any dental treatment procedures. Any student not following this policy will have clinical privileges revoked.
  2. No smoking, chewing tobacco or other drugs are allowed.
  3. Cell phones, or other electronic devices must be put away during class.

Attendance and Make-up Policy

  1. Students are required to sign in on a time sheet. Students are expected to be in class every day. The state requires that students complete classroom hours in order to qualify the student to take the state competency tests.
  2. If a student misses more than 4 days per quarter their grade may be dropped ½ a grade ( A to A-, B+ to B)
  3. If a student is tardy 5 times per quarter, their grade may be dropped ½ a grade
  4. If a test or quiz is given on the day a student is absent, it must be made up on the Wednesday following the students return to class or NO credit will be given.
  5. Regular assignments must be made up within 3 days of the due date, or the student will NOT receive credit. Points will also be deducted for late work.

Daily Point Scale – 20 points / Grade Scale
-6 Tardy
-6 No Starter
-6 Leave Early
-6 Sleeping
-6 Cell Phone, electronic devices
-6 Unacceptable Shoes
-10 No Scrubs
-20 Unexcused Absence / A 93% - 100%
A- 90% - 92%
B+ 87% - 89%
B 83% - 86%
B- 80% - 82%
C+ 77% - 79%
C 73% - 76%
C- 70% - 72%
D+ 67% - 69%
D 63% - 66%
D- 60% - 62$
F 0% - 59%

Dental Office Clinical

  1. Students are required to complete a minimum of 90 clinical hours. To receive the State and the JATC certificate the following is also required:

● Completing 30 of the 90 clinical hours on the students own time

● Complete all State Standards and Objectives

●Successful evaluation from the dentist or assigned dental staff

● Demonstrate mastery in chairside assisting, including instrument transferring, suctioning and knowledge in precautions with the presence of blood, infection and bodily fluids

● Maintaining confidentiality

● Acting professionally

  1. The student is responsible for finding their own office for their dental clinical experience. The office MUST allow the student an opportunity to assist in instrument exchanges, relating to patients and staff, NOT JUST OBSERVING. The dental office clinical experience IS NOT FOR PAY.
  2. The student will receive a staff evaluation. This evaluation will be most of the student’s fourth term grade. The evaluation may not be discussed with the dental externship office by the student or parents. The evaluation grade will not be negotiable.
  3. During this time the parent is responsible for the student while driving to and from the office clinical, not the Jordan School District. One day a week will be spent in the classroom to continue classroom learning, discussions and lab time. The instructor will notify the students concerning which day will be spent in the classroom.
  4. If at any time the students work in Dental Assisting falls below a 75% average, the student is to remain in the classroom until the grade is raised back to 75% or above.
  5. If a concern or issue arises at the dental office site while the student is at their clinical experience, it must be brought to the instructor’s attention immediately. The instructor will be the only person to address the dentist and his/her staff in solving the issue(s).
  6. If the student will be absent from the clinical experience a phone call by the student or parent must be made to the clinical site and to the teacher notifying them of the absence and the reason for the missed day.

Grading Policy

  1. Assignment and/or Exam Points: Students will receive points for each assignment and/or exam taken during the quarter. The course requires a large number of assignments, practical and written exams throughout the course of study.
  2. Dental Office Clinical Experience: The dentist and staff will evaluate the student’s performance. This grade will evaluate general work habits, clinical tasks and basic office skills.
  3. Utah State Office of Education Standards & Objectives: There are four State Standards and Objectives with standards to be completed by memorization, demonstration, and evaluation. A student will be graded on a points system for each standard completed.
  4. USOE Standards & Objectives Exams & Evaluations: A score of 80% or better is required to receive the certificatefor the exams and evaluation. Three exams will be administered by the district or state employees. The evaluation will be completed by the dentist or staff. An average score of 75% of the above 4 scores will result in receiving the Utah State Dental Assisting Certification.
  5. If a student is absent on the day of a class exam, he/she must schedule a time with the teacher to take the exam on the Wednesday following the student’s return to class or NO credit will be given.
  6. If the student does not have a 75% grade, they will not be eligible for clinicals until the grade reaches 75%. If the grade is not raised to 75% or better, the student remains within the classroom for the duration of the clinical experience. A student not completing the 90 hour clinical will not receive the state certification or the JATC Dental Assisting Completion Certificate.
  7. The student and parent/guardian will be notified during the term if his/her student goals are not being met.

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I have read and understand the requirements and policies as outlined in this disclosure statement. I understand I will be performing and having other

students perform dental assisting procedures on me while in the Dental Assisting Class. I understand I cannot continue in the class if I do not follow the rules and regulations of the Dental Assisting Program.

Student Name (print)______

Student Signature______

Parent/Guardian Signature______