2014 Southern California Jurisdiction, Order of DeMolay

Ritual Competition Entry Form

Competitor/Team Name:______Age: ___ 12-16 ___17-21 Chapter/League:______

Phone: (______)______-______Team Captain (Name)______

Contest: (Check no more than 3) Time (Min) Time

Initiatory Degree Marshal / 10 / Flower Talk / 20
Initiatory Degree Master Councilor / 20 / Chapter Prof, Chaplain / 10
Best Preceptor, 1st / 10 / Chapter Prof, Master Councilor / 30
Best Preceptor, 2nd / 10 / Ultimate Master Councilor / 40
Best Preceptor, 3rd / 10 / Ultimate Officer / 30
Best Preceptor, 4th / 10 / Senior Inquisitor / 10
Best Preceptor, 5th / 10 / Guy of Auvergne / 10
Best Preceptor, 6th / 10 / Jacque DeMolay / 20
Best Preceptor, 7th / 10 / Master Inquisitor / 20
Ultimate Preceptor / 30 / Junior Inquisitor / 20
Initiatory Degree Senior Deacon / 10 / Ceremony of Light / 20
Degree Proficiencies / 20 / Installing Chaplain / 10
Initiatory Degree, Sr. & Jr. Councilors / 10 / Installing Sweetheart & Princess / 10
Chapter Proficiency (Opening, 9 O’clock Interpolation, Closing)(11) / 40 / Representative DeMolay Ceremony
(2 or 4) / 20
Initiatory Degree (18) / 60 / Chapter Installation (6) / 60
Demolay Degree Tableau (12) / 60 / Majority Service (5) / 30
DeMolay Degree 4th Section (3) / 20 / Senior Inquisitor / 10
Orator / 20


Chapter Advisor Date

List of Contestants: (Print Name)

Contestant / Part Performed / Contestant / Part Performed
1. / 11.
2. / 12.
3. / 13.
4. / 14.
5. / 15.
6. / 16.
7. / 17.
8. / 18.
9. / 19.
10. / 20.

Read Carefully

1.  The Chapter (League) Advisor, Chairman, or Ritual Advisor, by signing, certifies that the individual(s) named above is qualified to compete in the contest(s) checked. A qualified person is an active DeMolay, in good standing, who has returned both degree proficiencies.

2.  A contestant may compete in no more than 3 contests, including 1 team contest. This number may be reduced, or increased, depending on the number of total competitors.

3.  Ultimate Preceptor counts as 1 contest. Best Preceptor counts as 1 contest for each preceptor.

4.  A contestant competing in Best Preceptor may not compete in the Ultimate Preceptor contest, and vice-versa.

5.  Contestants have the right to have the room cleared prior to their contest beginning

6.  Contestants need to prepare for their contest starting early or late, depending on schedules.

7.  Contestants are requested to not confront judges about scores, performances, opinions or questions during the competition. Protests will not be decided at the competition. The SCJ Ritual Advisor, with consultation of the contest judges, decides all conflicts.

8.  There are NO Ironman Competitions. ______


$25 per chapter for the first competition, $10 for each additional competition. Forms and fees due by end of SCJ Bowling.