National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowships

Dssertation Fellowships

Short Term Research Fellowships

For your reference, all application instructions are repeated here:

Step 1 - Prepare Materials

Application form: Complete the application formthat follows these instructions.If you are applying for a Dissertation Fellowship or a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, you may ask to have your application considered for a short-term research fellowship in the event that your primary application is not accepted.

Essay: Prepare an application essay of no more than 1,500 words. Include a concise overview of the project. Address the following questions:

What ideas, questions, or problems guide your project?

What is distinctive about your project? How does it complement, expand, or challenge prior study in the field? Please be specific about prior scholarship that informs your work.

What work do you plan to undertake at Winterthur? Why is a residential fellowship at Winterthur necessary for successful completion of your project?

Bibliography: Based on your searches of Wintercat (our online library catalogue), prepare a two-page bibliography of primary sources you plan to use at Winterthur. If you plan to use objects from the museum collection in your research, please provide a brief listing.

Vita: Provide a copy of your current vita.

References: Obtain two recent letters of reference addressing your previous scholarly record, your current project, and your ability to work with a collegial group. If you are a graduate student, one of these letters must come from your dissertation advisor.

Step 2 - Submit Your Materials

Reference letters: Please instruct your reference writers to e-mail their letters to . Ask that they put your last name and the word "reference" in the subject line. We prefer PDF documents. Word documents are also acceptable.

Application packet: E-mail your complete application, including application form, essay, bibliography, and vita to . Please put your name in the subject line.

Although emailed copies are preferred, mailed copies are also acceptable. Mailed copies must contain six copies of the completed application package (application form, essay, bibliography, and vita). Mailed letters of recommendation (one copy only) also should be sent directly to this address:
Rosemary Krill
Academic Programs
5105 KennettPike
WinterthurMuseum & Country Estate
Winterthur, DE19735

The deadline for all research fellowship applications is January 15. Notice of acceptance is sent by mid-April.

application form

1. Name ______

2. Institutional affiliation ______

Address ______

E-mail address ______

Business phone ______

Title/Position ______

Field of Study______

3.Home address ______

Home phone ______

4.To which mailing address should we send notification of fellowship decisions? Please make this an address that will be active in April.

5. Title of research project ______

5.Fellowship applying for:  NEH  Dissertation  Short-term Note: please indicate if you wish to be considered for a short-term fellowship in addition to NEH or Dissertation.

6.Number of months desired (1-12) ______

7.When do you wish to be in residence? Note: this information is for our planning purposes and will not influence the selection committee.


8. What is the intended result of this project (dissertation, article, book manuscript, exhibit, etc)? When is the expected date of completion?


9.Who will be writing letters of recommendation?

Name ______Institution ______

Phone ______Email ______

Name ______Institution ______

Phone ______Email ______

10.How did you learn about our fellowships? Please check all that apply:

____ Word of Mouth

____ The Chronicle of Higher Education

____ Listserv. Please specify: ______

____ Web site. Please specify:______

____ Printed brochure

____ Other. Please specify: ______

11. Summary description of your project (approximately 150 words):