EOC Review Terms

Federalist Era:

  1. Problems with Articles of Confederation
  2. George Washington

Hamilton’s Economic Plan

  1. Alexander Hamilton
  2. Shay’s Rebellion
  3. Land Ordinance of 1785
  4. Northwest Ordinance of 1787
  5. Louisiana Purchase
  6. Thomas Jefferson
  7. Lewis & Clark Expedition
  8. Plantation
  9. Cash Crops
  10. Quakers
  11. “Era of Good Feelings”
  12. Henry Clay

Nationalism v. Sectionalism

  1. Andrew Jackson
  2. Tariff of Abominations
  3. McCulloch v. Maryland
  4. Missouri Compromise
  5. Wilmot Proviso
  6. Compromise of 1850
  7. Gibbons v. Ogden
  8. Cotton Gin
  9. Worchester v. Georgia
  10. Panic of 1837
  11. War of 1812
  12. Battle of Tippecanoe
  13. Battle of New Orleans
  14. VirginiaKentucky Resolutions
  15. Manifest Destiny
  16. Kansas-Nebraska Act


  1. Dorothea Dix
  2. Nat Turner
  3. Frrederick Douglas
  4. Abolition
  5. John Brown
  6. Harriet Tubman
  7. Dred Scott v. Sandford
  8. Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Civil War

  1. Lincoln-Douglas Debates
  2. Election of 1860
  3. Long Term Causes
  4. Short Term Causes
  5. Robert E. Lee
  6. Anaconda Plan
  7. Jefferson Davis
  8. Abraham Lincoln
  9. FortSumter
  10. Antetam
  11. Northern Blockade
  12. Gettysburg
  13. Gettysburg Address
  14. Vicksburg
  15. Sherman’s March to the Sea
  16. Emancipation Proclamation
  17. Copperheads
  18. Appomattox Court House


  1. Lincoln’s Plan
  2. Johnson’s Plan
  3. Radical Republicans
  4. Jim Crow Laws
  5. KKK
  6. 13th Amendment
  7. 14th Amendment
  8. 15th Amendment
  9. Sharecropper
  10. Carpetbaggers
  11. Scalawags
  12. Compromise of 1877

Gilded Age

  1. Social Darwinism
  2. Transcontinental Railroad
  3. Carnegie Steel
  4. Standard Oil
  5. Alexander Graham Bell
  6. American telephone & Telegraph
  7. Thomas Alva Edison
  8. Trusts
  9. Immigration Effects
  10. Boss Tweed
  11. Credit Mobiler
  12. Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
  13. Labor Unions
  14. Yellow Dog Contracts
  15. Blacklists
  16. Lockouts
  17. Strikes
  18. American Federation of Labor
  19. Knights of Labor
  20. Haymarket Square
  21. Pullman Coach Strike
  22. Sherman Anti Trust Act
  23. Pendleton Civil Service Act
  24. Laissez-faire
  25. Munn v. Illinois


  1. Interstate Commerce Commission
  2. The Grange
  3. Barbed Wire
  4. OpenRange
  5. Long Drive
  6. Dry Farming
  7. Oklahoma giveaway
  8. Steel Plow
  9. Deep Wells
  10. Homestead Act
  11. The Populists
  12. Sherman Silver Purchase Act
  13. Cross of Gold Speech
  14. William JenningsBryan
  15. Indian Wars
  16. Dawes Severalty Act
  17. Battle of Little Big Horn
  18. Mormon Migration
  19. Soddies
  20. 49ers
  21. “54-40 or Fight”
  22. Mexican-American War

Changing Urban Life

  1. New Immigrants
  2. AngelIsland
  3. Ellis Island
  4. Ghettos
  5. Tenements
  6. Progressive Movement
  7. Social Gospel
  8. Jacob Riis
  9. Jane Addams
  10. Boss Tweed
  11. Muckrakers
  12. Ida Tarbell
  13. Thomas Nast
  14. John Spoargo
  15. Upton Sinclair
  16. Teddy Roosevelt
  17. Square Deal
  18. Pure Food & Drug Act
  19. Meat Inspection Act
  20. National Parks
  21. Trust Busting
  22. Temperance Movement
  23. 18th Amendment
  24. Carry A. Nation
  25. 17th Amendment
  26. Chinese Exclusion Act


  1. Manifest Destiny
  2. Seward’s Folly
  3. McKinley Tariff
  4. Hawaii Planters
  5. Spanish-American War
  6. USS Maine
  7. Open Door Notes
  8. Boxer Rebellion
  9. Panama Revolution
  10. Panama Canal
  11. Monroe Doctrine
  12. Roosevelt Corollary
  13. Dollar Diplomacy
  14. Missionary Diplomacy
  15. Alfred T. Mahan’s

Influence of Sea power Upon History

  1. Yellow Journalism


  1. Imperialism
  2. Militarism
  3. Alliances
  4. Nationalism
  5. Triple Alliance
  6. Triple Entente
  7. Russian Revolution
  8. Archduke Franz Ferdinand
  1. u-boats
  2. Neutrality
  3. Lusitania
  4. Sussex Pledge
  5. Zimmerman Note
  6. Peace without Victory
  7. Woodrow Wilson
  8. Wilson’s Fourteen Points
  9. Doughboys
  10. American Expeditionary Forces
  1. Treaty of Versailles
  2. League of Nations
  3. 19th Amendment
  4. Great Migration

Post WWI America - 1920s

  1. Henry Cabot Lodge
  2. Kellogg-Briand Pact
  3. Normalcy
  4. Red Scare
  5. Palmer Raids
  6. KKK
  7. Emergency Quota Act
  8. National Origins Act
  9. Sacco & Vanzetti
  10. Fundamentalism
  11. Scopes Trial
  12. Harlem Renaissance
  13. Jazz & Blues
  14. Cotton Club
  15. Louis Armstrong
  16. Lost Generation
  17. Gertrude Steine
  18. Assembly Line
  19. Automobile Industry

Great Depression

  1. Decline in Industry
  2. Black Tuesday
  3. Bonus March
  4. Herbert Hoover
  5. Hoovervilles
  6. Shantytowns
  7. Rugged Individualism
  8. Reconstruction Finance Corp
  9. Home Loan Bank Act
  10. Franklin Roosevelt
  11. New Deal
  12. Relief
  13. Reform
  14. Recovery
  15. Bank Holiday
  16. FDIC
  17. FERA
  18. Social Security Act
  19. CCC
  20. TVA
  21. Francis Perkins
  22. Elenore Roosevelt
  23. Grapes of Wrath


  1. Appeasement
  2. Adolf Hitler
  3. Tojo
  4. Benito Mussolini
  5. Joseph Stalin
  6. Neutrality Act
  7. Cash and Carry
  8. Lend-Lease
  9. Holocaust
  10. Nuremburg Lays
  11. Kristallnacht
  12. Final Solution
  13. Aunchluss
  1. Munich Peace Conference
  1. Ruso-German Non-Aggression Treaty
  1. Poland Blitzkrig
  2. Operation Barbarossa
  3. Pearl Harbor
  4. Atlantic Charter
  5. Stalingrad
  6. Battle of Britain
  7. Battle of the Atlantic
  8. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower
  1. Tehran Conference
  2. Big Three
  3. Operation Overlord
  4. Battle of the Buldge
  5. V-E Day
  6. Doolittle Raid
  7. Battle of Midway
  8. Island Hopping
  9. Iwo Jima
  10. Okinawa
  11. Hiroshima
  12. Nagasaki
  13. VJ Day
  14. Korematsu v. US
  15. War Bonds
  16. E-Bond Drive
  17. Rationing
  18. Tuskegee Airmen
  19. Double “V” Campaign
  20. Executive Order 8802
  21. WACS
  22. Selective Service Act
  23. Rosie the Riveter