St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic School
School Advisory Council
Minutes: Thursday, February 26, 2014
Suzanne Bacot
Kathi Ehring John Garvey
Bill Wray Gilberto Aguilar
Andy Crider Ray Reed
Claudine Humphries Leigh Ann Clavenna
Paula Allgood Janiece Page
Opening Prayer – Fr. Cliff
Principal Report:
· Preliminary re-registration numbers
o 503 re-registered, 13 withdrew for ’14-’15, 67 open
o Received 58 applications to date including 12 for PK3 and 7 for PK4
o Those not returning – 6 moving out of the area, 3 to Cistercian/Highlands, 2 for public kindergarten, 2 no reason – we did not receive any transcript requests from other catholic schools.
· An impressive and successful hosting of the PSIA competition reflecting perfect partnership with parents, teachers and staff. St. Mark students scored first in the total number of points accumulated from the events. We ranked first place in both Elementary and Middle School divisions. Twenty-three St. Mark students will now move on to the State Competitions in April at TCU.
· Diocesan Speech Tournament – St. Mark participated in the speech tournament on Saturday, February 15th. The results are:
o 1st Oratory – Minh-Tuan Phung; 1st TV Commercials – Kate Bearden, Katie Furlong, Nicola Librea; 3rd TV Commercials – Julie Berard, Izzy Clavenna, Shannon Reilly; 3rd Poetry – Tia Taylor; 4th TV Commercials – Gabriela Garcia, Gabby Gaskey, Julianna Semprun
· Laps for Leukemia Update – The estimated total collected should range about $13,000-$14,000. Mrs. Steinkirchner’s 3rd grade collected $1115.50 for the service project.
· Uyen Le (8th grade) won first place at the Dallas County Private Schools Spelling Bee on Tuesday night at UTD. She advances to the Dallas Morning News Regional Spelling Bee on March 22nd.
· Four St. Mark students competed at the regional competition for the History Bee on Friday 2/21 at St. Monica. All four of them made it to the final round. Minh-Huy Phung won the final to become regional champion! They all qualified for the finals in Atlanta in June. The St. Mark history team is: Carter Patton, Valeria Marques, Minh-Tuan Phung, Minh-Huy Phung.
· In response to the report from the Diocesan Risk Management, plans are underway to relocate the reception office closer to the main entrance and install a second glass door. This will create a waiting area that does not lead directly into the main educational area and will limit access to classrooms and students.
· SAC members will need to send an email to Suzanne, which will be forwarded to Fr. Cliff for consideration of appointment for the SAC for ’14-’15.
Fr. Cliff:
· Sr. Gloria has applications for Suzanne’s replacement. Interviews will be set up with the search committee.
Committee Updates:
· Finance Committee
o Updated budget to actuals – revised budget shows a $40K deficit but now closer to break even. Spend plans should be able to move forward as planned.
o The recent Open House was well attended and great feedback from attendees.
o Auction $ not available yet and PSIA was profitable.
· Strategic Plan
o The SAC Committees will review the final version of the Strategic Plan and will provide those final updates before the next SAC meeting.
· Technology
o Discussed the option for JP II to provide technical support. There will be a meeting with their CFO to finalize details for support that would include staff and on-call.
o JPII also has suggested that they can help us migrate our mail to a Gmail platform and would also help us manage it.
· Facilities
o Facilities provided a list of the items that are being considered. (See attached)
· New Business
o There will be visitor parking signs placed in the front parking area. These spots will be used by parents volunteering and visiting the school.
Next meeting January 23rd