Minutes for Listening Group meeting held on Friday 21st November 2014

Meeting start time 2pm

1.  Welcome and Apologies

Present – Elly Potter, Michaela Warren, Lorraine Phipps, John Lewis, Georgin Miller, Clive Russell and Roger Trapani.

Apologies – Joe Pitt, Joey Sweet and Chris Martin.

2.  Matters arising and minutes from the last meeting - Elly

Minutes of the last meeting agreed as a true record.

Ø  Doctor running late board – Elly met with the company to discuss putting the board in place, they are due to visit the surgery next week to measure up. Elly advised the group that although there is an element of advertising involved we control this. The aim is to have the boards up and running by the third week in January, they are unable to supply a board for the Beer surgery however both waiting rooms in Seaton will have one.

Ø  CQC feedback – we received excellent feedback stating we are a warm, caring surgery. Prior to the visit we were asked to display feedback cards for the patients to complete, during the inspection the CQC inspector reviewed these cards, 20 feedback cards were completed all were positive with the exception of one who stated it is sometimes difficult to get an appointment. We were advised to make some changes such as the flooring in one consulting room which has now been changed. Within the commissioning intelligence CQC reporting the Seaton practices scored 6 which is the highest score compared to other local surgeries such as Axminster scoring 1, Sidmouth 3 and Honiton 6.

3.  Staff Updates – Elly

Within the practice partnership agenda each partner has the right to a six month sabbatical which Joe will be taking from 1st January 2015 with the view to full retirement in July 2015. During this time Dr Dani Harris will be covering his lists, however if patients find this unsettling they will have the option to change GP’s. The practice is currently advertising for a partnership role.

4.  Future of Seaton Hospital – Elly

Regarding transforming community services the decision has been made to close in-patient beds in Axminster and leave the beds open in Seaton. However there is a ‘consultation period’ whereby this may change. The closure could take place as soon as January, there are currently meetings being held to discuss who will be responsible for those Axminster patients – will it be their own GP’s or will Seaton GP’s be expected to look after those as well as their own?

5.  SystmOne – Elly

The practice changed clinical systems as of 5th November. There were initially problems with appointments and the conversion however this has now been resolved. Within SystmOne there is a facility to send SMS reminders – this will hopefully help reduce the number of DNA’s. Patients need to give consent when making the appointment to enable the practice to send reminders. The new patient questionnaires will also be adapted to include obtaining consent from the patient to receive these reminders.

6.  Telephone failure – Elly

The practice had problems with the telephones on Monday 17th November, initially we thought the problem was just with us however it turned out to be a national problem with BT. The telephones were back up and running approximately 4pm the same day however Seaton & Colyton were down until the following day. This is when the new clinical system aided federated working as we were able to talk to staff at Seaton & Colyton regarding this issue. The practice routed all of the calls to Devon Doctors, who were able to contact us via assigned mobiles. In some respects it was nice to know that the systems/protocols we have in place work well.

7.  Intelligent Monitoring Report from CQC – Elly

See item number 2.

8.  Urgent & Necessary Measures – Elly

In conjunction with item number 4.

We had been asked by the CCG to discuss urgent and necessary measures with our PPG’s and also Roger Trapani had asked for this to be put on the agenda. The group wanted to know the practice views on this but Elly advised that as yet we had not discussed this as a practice. The group asked for a further meeting once the meeting had taken place.

9.  Christmas Opening Hours – Roger

24th December - 8am – 6pm

25th December – CLOSED

26th December – CLOSED

29th December – 8am – 6pm

30th December – 8am – 6pm

31st December – 8am – 6pm

1st January - CLOSED

Ø  The surgery will also be helping Devon Doctors during the expected busy times and will be opening on 3 Saturdays for on the day emergency appointments.

10.  Suggestions – All

No suggestions to discuss

11.  AOB – All

Ø  Roger asked the date for the next meeting? As the meeting falls in the New-Year dates for the next meeting will be sent alongside the minutes.

Meeting finish time 3:20pm