Amendment 3 To Phase 2 RFP – Design and Construct Station Cleveland


  1. Add the following to Section M.4.5:

Factor 2: Proposed Management and Scheduling Approach:

(i)  Management approach narrative

Proposal submission requirements:

Add the following sentence to this paragraph. In describing your project team discuss your intent of utilizing local (within the state of Ohio) subcontractors and or local hire.

  1. Section L.12 and Section M.4.4:

The following information is provided to further clarify the Governments intent in regards to the funds available for this project.

As stated in SectionM.3, in this procurement, all non-price evaluation factors (technical factors 1 through 5) when combined are approximately equal to price. The Governments purpose of placing the $15,655,000.00 limit in the solicitation was to clearly state that anything over this price will not be considered for award. Do not place any reliance or draw any assumptions regarding the value of this figure. In the evaluation and in making the best value determination, the Government will consider the technical merit of the proposal and make the appropriate technical price trade-offs. The Government may consider technical improvements to the project in making this trade-off but as stated above will make a best-value trade-off recognizing that over-all technical merit is approximately equal to price.

  1. Section B.3:

Change the first sentence to read

Basis of Award: The Government will evaluate offers for award purposes by adding the total price for the base item and all options for the basis of award for the cost portion of the best value determination.

NONE - The date and time for Proposal Submission remains 10 August 2010, 2:00 PM.



C. RESPONSE TO QUESTIONS: Numeric sequence continued from previous amendment.


1. There is a conflict in the RFP Documents concerning the Basis of Award.

The Section B Schedule of Items states:

B.3 Basis of award: The Government will evaluate offers for award purposes by adding the total price for the base item and the option items exercised at contract award for the basis of award for the cost portion of the best value determination. See Section M.1 and M.4.4 for more information.

However, Section M states the following:

Section M

Evaluation Factors for Award


Except when it is determined in accordance with FAR 17.206(b) not to be in the Government’s best interests, the Government will evaluate offers for award purposes by adding the total price for the base and all options for the basis of award for the cost portion of the best value determination. All options will be evaluated. Evaluation of options will not obligate the Government to exercise the option(s).

Option items may be awarded if funds are available or become available. The Government has the right to award any or all of options at the time of contract award or 60 days after.

Which method will be used for the basis of award?

Answer: See Changes to the Solicitation, item 3, above. The wording in Section B.3 has been changed to match the wording in Section M.1. The wording in Section M.1 is correct.


On RFP Drawing A1.1, the existing MSU / STA / ESD building appears to be less than 20 feet from the proposed new facility. As such, it likely creates a fire exposure which may require exterior rated walls on the new facility to comply with International Building Code (IBC) Table 602. Please provide the following information so that we may properly address this issue in the event that the bid option to demolish the building is not exercised: What type of construction is the building (i.e. Type IIB, IIIB or other per IBC)? What is the building Occupancy or proposed Occupancy if it is not demolished? Is the building protected by an automatic fire sprinkler system which will remain in service if the building is not demolished?

ANS: The existing building is non-compliant with current IBC codes in regards to a specific construction type, but for the purposed of this RFP should be considered to be Construction Type V-B with an overall B occupancy. The existing building is not protected by an automatic fire sprinkler system.

For the purpose of the bid it is acceptable to shift the new building the minimum distance required towards East Ninth Street to achieve a 20' separation between the buildings. This should allow for the east exterior wall of the new facility to be constructed as a non-fire rated exterior wall if the new building is built to Construction Type II-B.

During the development of the RFP documents, there was consideration for a temporary fire-rated wall between the existing and new facilities that would provide the code-required separations until the existing facilities were demolished.

Since Bid Option 1 (Existing Building Demolition) may not be taken, the proposed structure must either accommodate the fire protection requirements in the new building (while providing the required window fenestration), or a temporary fire-wall must be built.

If Bid Option 1 is awarded at the same time as the Base Award, then the footprint of the new building shall be as shown on the RFP drawings (it may NOT be shifted to the west).


Reference RFP Drawing A1.1 - The controlling perimeter AT/FP standoff distance is to the south. Is it possible to place the proposed building a little further west? Placing the building further west would provide significant cost savings for the building construction and the Communications Tower foundation.

ANS: Refer to Question 28 above.


Due to the significance of the site in its relationship to the ‘Rock and Roll Hall of Fame’, and in an attempt to provide a building mass/composition that is more appropriate of a response to the ‘Hall of Fame’ building, can the proposed building plan be slightly modified if it maintains the size, function, and adjacency requirements of the solicitation?

ANS: The building plan may be modified as long as the design conforms to the prescribed setbacks and all requirements of the RFP.


There appears that there could be a conflict between the following two RFP Specifications. Please confirm that the Coast Guard does or does not want us to acquire, pay for and comply with all local and state “permits” including building and zoning permits. There are conflicts between the RFP requirements and local codes.

Here is an example of a possible question about complying with the Cleveland Zoning Code: There are not any references to required landscaping other than the trees and turf specified in the RFP. There is a requirement, however, to comply with local codes including the City of Cleveland Zoning Code. Chapter 352 - Landscaping and Screening, includes a certain amount of required landscape screening. The owner also desires to comply with ATFP as fully as practicable, which could (probably does) conflict with the landscape code - see in Section 01158. There is Vegetation Clear Zone shown on the RFP Drawing L1.1 which is apparently ATFP related.

ANS: Contractor is responsible for obtaining environmental permits for work on or off base and any city and/or state permits for work off base.


In the RFP documents in Section 01158-1.8 – Page 61, para Building Structural System…it says: “Reinforced masonry block or concrete walls (true floor to true ceiling) shall be provided at the locations shown on the architectural drawings, including the Weapons Storage areas on the 1st floor.” And on the Space Criteria Sheets for the weapons storage (sheets 31 and 32) it says: “construction is as recommended in COMDTINST M5530.1C.” These two conflict in there directive information. Which are we to provide as para or COMDTINST M5530.1C.?

ANS: Section 01158-1.8 calls for Concrete or Block; Weapons Spaces can be built from block and comply with COMDTINST M5530.1C. The specific spec section takes precedence over a referenced section. Contractor should provide specific requirements (Block or Conc) and provide supplemental requirements and ancillary components as required to make Weapons Space compliant with COMDTINST M5530.1.C. If specs do not specifically conflict then they should be considered supplemental requirements.


On dwg A3.2 referring to the access flooring, it appears that the dwg indicates access flooring in the wrong location (Berthing, Vending Rec, Mech). Shouldn’t the access flooring be in the open office/cubicle areas? Please clarify required access flooring locations by room # and floor.

ANS: The note identifying the recessed flooring on the second floor plan is stated incorrectly. The note for the shaded area should read, "Shading indicates areas without access floor." The shading is intended to indicate areas that shall not have access flooring.


Section 01158, Paragraph 1.13.6-Construction Security states to install a minimum of 7ft high chain link fence with fabric, 9 gauge or heavier and top guard with a minimum of 3 strands of barbed wire; however, in specification section 01500, paragraph 1.6-Construction Fence, it states to provide a maintain a minimum of 6ft high temporary fence with fabric and states nothing about installing a top guard. What is the minimum height requirement and gauge of the temporary fence? Is a top guard required?

ANS: Construction fence may be 6’-0 height. Top guard not required. Barbed wire not required.


Are we safe to assume the shaded area on the 2nd floor plan identifies spaces that do not require access flooring?

ANS: See Question 33 above.


Are we safe to assume the requirements for access flooring on the 2nd floor can be satisfied by the joist space beneath the concrete floor slab?

ANS: The specifications call for a stringerless access flooring:

1.7.19 Access Flooring

Provide Stringerless rigid access flooring. The floor system must be of the stringerless type, complete with all supplemental items, and be the standard product of a manufacturer specializing in the manufacture of access flooring systems…

The access flooring must sit on the slab, so the requirements for access flooring on the 2nd floor cannot be satisfied by using the joist space beneath the concrete floor slab.


Are we safe to assume, if you do require a raised access floor system on the 2nd floor, we can use the lowest profile possible?

ANS: See Section 1158, paragraph…”It is anticipated that the recess/raised floor will be 12” in height with a 10” minimum clearance.”


Is your intent that the Telephone Room 140 is the 1st room for incoming SIPRNET line and the walls will need to be secured?

ANS: The path for the lines to the SIPRNET room do not need to be secured since no classified lines or circuits will enter or leave the SIPRNET room unless the signals are encrypted.


Is Mass Notification System Required? It is not mentioned in RFP.

ANS: Yes. The mass notification system shall be controlled from the Command Center. The system shall have the capability to play music and convey voice both inside and outside the building.


RFP Section 01010, paragraph 1.1 requires ASID membership for the project interior designer. In section 01158. Paragraph, an interior designer holding a NCIDQ (National Council of Interior Design Qualification) and LEED certification is required. The NCDIQ and LEED certifications are more stringent than ASID, which is typically required for residential work. Can the NCDIQ and LEED credentials be accepted in lieu of a membership to ASID?

ANS: The NCIDQ and LEED credentials are required for the project interior designer. ASID membership is not required.


Confirm if the interior signage is to be included in the Building finish package or FF&E package. Signage performance specifications are listed with building finish specifications (, but the requirement in the space criteria sheets lists signage under the Furniture and Equipment column.

ANS: Yes, please submit with FF&E package.


Room 225 Linen/Laundry space criteria calls for a ceramic tile floor with 6’-0” tile wainscot on the walls with a 6” coved rubber base. The transition between these materials is not appropriate. Please confirm that a tile base is acceptable.

ANS: A tile base is required at transitions between tile floor and tile walls.


1.7.11 Operable Partitions require acoustical STC rating of 50 based on ASTM E 90 test. Space criteria sheets for rooms 254 and 255 ask for a STC rating of 47 the same as the constructed walls of the same rooms. Please confirm a minimum STC rating of 47 is acceptable.

ANS: STC 47 is acceptable.


Section 01158 para. of the RFP requires the offeror to design, provide and install a full FF&E package “as developed during client programming”, and procured using negotiated federal contracts. Client programming and furniture selection cannot occur before the contract is awarded, so it is not possible for all offerors to obtain competitive pricing on the same FF&E package. We request that the Coast Guard establish an FF&E allowance, or provide sufficient detail on FFE requirements to allow competitive pricing.

ANS: The phrase “as developed during client programming” refers to the overall pre-construction design review process as outlined in the RFP: Schematic (35%) Design Submittal, First Final Design Submittal (100%), and Corrected Final Design Submittal (second 100%).

During this process, the DB contractor is subject to reviews and approvals, and as-such there may be changes from the published RFP documents. For the purposed of the RFP response, the bidders should assume that the FF&E package shall be provided as specified in the RFP.


There are several rooms on the floor plans that have their square footage indicated not matching the ‘Program Area’ indicated on the Space Criteria Sheet. For example: Kitchen, Mess and Women’s Wetsuit. Are the floor plan square footages the correct number?

ANS: The square footages shown on the Space Criteria Sheets are the desired program areas. The RFP drawings are intended to show desired relationships.


RFP calls out a new service main to building to be copper. Cleveland division of water states service pipe 2” or less type K copper is to be used; anything over 2” either ductile iron or pvc shall be used. It has been determined that the new building service line will be bigger than 2”. Please clarify if copper to be used per rfp.