2100 E. Walt Williams Drive
TUESDAY – 6:00 P.M.
April 8, 2014
Town Board:
Harley Kulkin
Bill Dolan
Dr. Tom Waters
Robert Adams
Amy Riches
Susan Holecheck, Town Manager
Bret Meich, Legal Counsel
Michael Sullivan, Finance Director
Arlette Ledbetter, Tourism Director
Scott Lewis, Fire Chief
Matt Luis, Buildings & Grounds Manager
Stephanie Massimino, Executive Assistant
Alexandra Crow, Business License Tech
1. Call to Order, Moment of Silence, and Pledge of Allegiance.
Mr. Kulkin called the meeting to order.
Dr. Waters led the moment of silence and pledge of allegiance.
2. Consideration to Move the Order of or Deleting an Agenda Item(s).
Dr. Waters moved item 9 to 2a.
Item 9------
Dr. Waters stated he wanted to recognize the Rotary Club in Pahrump for their helpfulness to people of the community.
Dr. Waters stated he also wanted to recognize the Veterans Advisory Board for all of their hard work in recognition of the veterans.
Ms. Holecheck stated that she did enjoy this part of her job but this was very hard in choosing the citizen of the year and business of the year. She stated when deciding on the Community Business of the Year the committee decided that picking a business that gave back to the community was the biggest factor and that was why KNYE and Karen Jackson was choosen for this award. Ms. Holecheck stated that when it came to citizen of the year Dina Williamson-Erdag and the late John Erdag were chosen for their willingness to always help the Town in any way she could.
Ms. Holecheck stated she was also recognizing two other individuals who worked very hard, with recognition to Mr. Butch Harper as good will ambassador for the Town and Mrs. Marilyn Dolan for her many dedicated years to the Pahrump Fall Festival.
Mr. Kulkin asked Ms. Holecheck to make sure Ms. Jackson can attend the next meeting to receive her award.
3. Public Comment: Action may not be taken upon matters considered during this item until specifically included on an agenda for action. – NRS241.020(2)(c)(3).
Public comment was heard.
4. Board and Staff Comments: Action may not be taken upon matters considered during this item until specifically included on an agenda for action. NRS 241.020(2)(c )(3).
Dr. Waters thanked the residents that make a positive contribution to Pahrump.
Mr. Adams thanked Sheriff Demeo for his willingness to stand up for the law regarding the BLM issues.
Mrs. Riches thanked everyone for their public comment.
Mr. Dolan stated he also was happy with Sheriff Demeo regarding the protection of the law.
5. Announcements
Dr. Waters read the Announcements.
6. Consideration to adopt Consent agenda items:
a. Action – Approval of Town Vouchers.
b. Action – Approval of Town Board meeting minutes for March 25, 2014.
c. Action – Approval of Retreat minutes March 19, 2014.
d. Action – Approval of Dina Williamson-Erdag, Marsha Goldstein and Karl Goldstein as members of the Events Advisory Board.
e. Action – Approval of Robin Podel to the Youth Advisory Board.
Mr. Dolan motioned to approve consent agenda.
Mr. Adams seconded.
Motion carried, 5-0.
7. Advisory Board Reports from Advisory Board Chairpersons and/or Town Board Liaisons on the Status of Advisory Boards.
Mr. John Pawlak reminded everyone of the Easter Picnic April 20th at Ian Deutch Park.
Dr. Waters stated he wanted to thank his new members for the Veterans Advisory Board and the new member for the Youth Advisory Board.
Ms. Ledbetter stated that on behalf of the Tourism Advisory Board that Pahrump was now being looked at by all advertisement ways. She also stated that it was grant time for her board. She stated because it is time to start applying they also look at what works for advertisement and doesn’t work, and the Town has seen a larger downloads this year and higher revenue.
Mr. Kulkin asked Ms. Holecheck about how the Fairgrounds is going.
Ms. Holecheck responded that they are working on water and power along with moving dirt.
8. Presentation MaryEllen Giampaoli regarding status of Last Chance Park
Ms. MaryEllen Giampaoli made a presentation the Town regarding the status of Last Chance Park.
Mrs. Riches stated that she was concerned about the price.
Ms. Giampaoli stated back in 2008 the project cost was 42,500 per phase.
Ms. Riches also asked about the option of having gravel and not pavement for the horses.
Ms. Giampaoli stated that should the County change the Dust Ordinance then there would be an option.
Mr. Adams stated that he was concerned that with everyone involved in the plan process no one was able to get something done. He stated that he was concerned that the EA was never done. He asked what the EA would cost.
Ms. Giampaoli stated that the EA was never done, and that was when the cultural resource issues were a problem, and at the time the BLM offered to do it, now the BLM is expecting the Town to complete it. She stated she is not sure of cost but can begin anywhere from $8,000- $10,000 along with several other charges due to certain needs that to be looked for and, as an example, the Desert Turtle impact it can change.
Dr. Waters stated that he felt the 1 10-acre design was the best option.
Mr. Kulkin stated that the Town did want to move forward but having the constant change from BLM was problematic.
Mr. Dolan stated that he felt that every time BLM changes person then the way it is done for the park to get completed gets changed also. He stated he also agreed with Mr. Adams comments. He then asked if Ms. Giampaoli had enough time to review the e-file at BLM.
She responded no and she would be going back to get more opportunity to get more information.
Mrs. Riches stated she felt that the BLM had no right to sell anything to us they manage only and she felt they were not working as they should be.
Ms. Holecheck stated the reason why she had the presentation tonight was so the Board knew what was going on. She also stated this was something to remember when going into the Budget Session because of all the costs that has not yet been factored in.
Public comment was heard.
9. Presentation by Susan Holecheck, Town Manager regarding community efforts
Moved to item 2a.
10. Presentation by Pahrump Tourism Advisory Board to the Pahrump Chamber of Commerce for the 1st Annual Balloon Festival
Ms. Ledbetter presented a plaque on behalf of the Tourism Advisory Board to the Pahrump Chamber of Commerce for their hard work in creating the first Annual Balloon Festival.
11. Consideration to approve Davis Amusement Contract for the Fall Festival
Ms. Holecheck stated that after working with Ms. Cathy Davis and Mr. Matt Luis a contract came together. It has all of the same workings as the previous contracts but this year added tighter legal wording and also this contract includes the ride list at the Fall Festival.
Mr. Dolan stated that when he read the contract under section 6 he noticed that it said no cost and under section 7 it says the carnival will give the Town $5,000.
Mr. Meich stated this $5,000 was a contribution cost but that he would modify the contract language to clarify the $5,000 donation.
Mr. Dolan stated that he felt some language needed ie with exception of those cost in section 7 to clarify the contract.
Public comment was heard.
Dr. Waters motioned to approve Davis Amusement Contract for the Fall Festival with the proposed language change.
Mr. Adams seconded.
Motion carried, 5-0.
12. Consideration to approve recommendation to Nye County regarding implementation of sales tax for budget year 2014-15.
Ms. Holecheck stated that last year the sales tax was increased. The Town submitted a proposal to the County in January regarding that increase and once the board approves the current proposal and then it will be going on the Nye County Agenda.
Chief Lewis stated that this was for new personnel and new equipment.
Mr. Kulkin asked how Pahrump knows what Pahrump is getting considering it pays the majority of the taxes.
Ms. Holecheck stated that is projected at $1 million as we have the largest population.
Mr. Adams motioned to approve recommendation to Nye County regarding implementation of sales tax for budget year 2014-15.
Dr. Waters seconded.
Motioned carried, 5-0.
13. Consideration to approve contract for Movies in the Park
Mr. Luis stated this company was very successful with their movies and had a various ones we could use. The licensing fees will also be paid directly to the company. These movies will be starting in June and we will have 8 movies.
Mr. Dolan asked what the movies were.
Mr. Luis stated when this is approved then Parks and Recreation will pick the movies.
Mrs. Riches asked if the 501(C) 3’s could man the snack bar for a fund raiser again.
Mr. Luis confirmed this would happen again.
Mrs. Riches expressed concern about the cost.
Mr. Luis stated there was no way to cut the cost of the movie but this was the best price we could get.
Mr. Adams asked about the cancellation not costing if it was within so many hours.
Mr. Luis stated that would be nice but within 24-hours was not enough for the production crew to go somewhere else.
Mr. Adams asked who the advertising was paid to.
Mr. Luis stated that was to advertise locally.
Mr. Dolan stated that room tax money paid for this.
Mr. Luis confirmed this.
Mrs. Riches motioned to approve contract for the Movies in the Park.
Mr. Adams seconded.
Motion carried, 5-0.
14. Closed Session(s).
Discussion and Possible Decision regarding a Closed Session, to receive information and advice from the Town Attorney regarding potential or existing litigation pursuant to NRS 241.015(2)(b)(2).
No closed session.
15. Future Meetings/Workshops: Date, Time and Location: Town Budget Sessions April 10-11, 2014, regular meeting April 22, 2014
Ms. Holecheck stated the next meeting was April 22, but a reminder that the budget meeting was scheduled for this Thursday April 10th, 2014 at 10:00am and also Friday April 11th, 2014.
16. Public/Board/Staff Comment: Action may not be taken upon matters considered during this item until specifically included on an agenda for action. – NRS241.020(2)(c)(3).
Mr. Adams stated that regarding Last Chance Park, he will meet with BLM.
Ms. Holecheck stated that Kellogg Park is moving forward.
Public comment was heard.
17. Adjournment.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.
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