To re-think congregational ecclesiology in the light of identity, authority, autonomy, discipline and other related issues
Identity / To produce a discussion document on Congregational polity under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. / Establish a Task Team that will research and document a user friendly publication. / July 2007 / Synod Secretary
To organize gatherings for Congregationalist for fellowship and worship. / Ongoing
(2007 – 2008) / Regional Chairperson / Positive representations made by various regions, although no performance reports submitted (to substantiate and to qualify the presentations)
To produce a series of Bible-studies for regions and local congregations. / July 2007 / Rev L Klate / Outstanding Report.
Regional Chairpersons are to facilitate the process at local levels
To strengthen covenant relationships across the five countries where the UCCSA exists in order to build a higher level of spirituality for a caring and inclusive church.
Relationship Issues / Create opportunities for inter-regional and cross-cultural activity (age, race, class & gender etc.) / Cross-cultural pulpit exchange / 18 March 2007
Ongoing / MC Convenors / Positive representations made by various regions, although no performance reports submitted (to substantiate and to qualify the presentations)
Cross – Cultural visits by members of congregations to the sister congregations / Ongoing / MC Convenors / Positive representations made by various regions, although no performance reports submitted (to substantiate and to qualify the presentations )
Encouraging joint – pastorates with in regions / Ongoing / Regional Moderators / Positive representations made by various regions, although no performance reports submitted (to substantiate and to qualify the presentations)
Raise awareness through pamphlets, discussions, and other means on issues of gender, covenant relations, racism, xenophobia, sexuality, and people with disabilities within the church and society / To collect, collate, produce & distribute literature / 2007
Ongoing / Synod Mission Council Convenor / No action taken to date because of budgetary constraints
Facilitate Diversity Management & Communication workshops / Ongoing / Regional Chairpersons / No Performance Reports submitted. Regional Chairpersons are to facilitate and coordinate the process at local level
To develop a dynamic life-giving church in which there is a vibrant worship, full participation of everyone and a genuine response to the needs of the Church and society
Mission, Evangelism and Discipleship / To equip the church with the resources necessary for Mission Evangelism and Discipleship / To create a mission consciousness around the five marks of mission (Proclamation, nurture and teaching, loving service, transforming society, stewardship of creation) to be used by local congregations. / August 2007 / Rev H Pillay
Rev Brink & Rev Klate / Draft document for broad consultation and discussion is in place. Regional Chairpersons are to facilitate and coordinate the process at local level
Facilitate workshops on spiritual disciplines (prayer, fasting and meditations etc.) on liturgical development for ministers, worship leaders, and other local leadership. / Ongoing / Rev J Pudule
Regional Moderators / No action taken and no reports submitted.
Regional Moderators are to facilitate the process at local level.
Develop a preaching course for the equipping of lay persons. / Ongoing / Rev H Pillay
Rev Brink & Rev Klate / Draft document for broad consultation and discussion at local level, is in place.
Revive the mission council structures and ministry in order to ensure their full participation in the life of the church through leadership training and development, outreach activities and other means. / November Synodical Meeting 2007 / Rev A Arends / Work in progress
Series of workshops on liturgical vestments, church calendar, professional ethos. / Ongoing / Rev H Pillay
Rev Brink, &
Rev Klate / Draft document for broad consultation and discussion at local level, is in place.
Introduce a denominational Youth Development Programme
(UCCSA Youth Development Programme) / Produce with clear terms of reference on :
- policy framework
- conditions
- target group
- selection process
- the operational processes, / April 2007 / Mission Council –
Rev. A Arends
John Joseph / Review and re-plan the UCCSA Youth Development Programme,because management documentation received is not consistent to the resolutions taken by the Mission Council on the implementation of the programme.
Produce a Business Plan with clear specifications on objectives, expected outcomes, period, location, quality assurance, conditions and costs. / April 2007 / Mission Council –
Rev A Arends and
John Joseph
Finalise the selection process / May 2007 / Synod Secretary
Launching of the UCCSA Synod Youth Development Programme / July 2007 / Rev. A Arends and
Roslyn Baatjies
To rekindle the prophetic responsibility of the Church in order to enable appropriate response to political, economic and social injustice.
Political, Economical and Social Justice / To raise the awareness injustice and assist the church to deal with it / Design and facilitate Bible studies, workshops, literature, at the local level. / August 2007
Ongoing / Rev Thulani
Rev Makhanya
Rev Mkhize – in collaboration with Regional Chairpersons and MC Convenors / No action taken and no Performance Reports submitted. There is a drastic need to implement the revised Mission Council’s Structures and to establish local teams to facilitate and coordinate local activities.
Enable local communities to identify creative alternatives to situations of injustice that leads to unemployment and other forms of oppression. / Ongoing / Rev Thulani
Rev Makhanya
Rev Mkhize –
in collaboration with Regional Chairpersons and MC Convenors / No action taken and no Performance Reports submitted. Regional Chairpersons and MC Convenors are to facilitate rollout plans that will enhance economic and social development of local communities
Strengthen the women empowerment programme / Establish partnerships with local women structures / June 2007 / Mission Council –
Rev. A Arends / Interaction took place but no performance reports submitted. Core Group to continue with process.
Produce a plan of action on economic, social and human capital sustainable community development / September 2007 / Mission Council –
Rev. A Arends / Still in the process of planning.
To review the UCCSA structure in order to facilitate wide scale participation, effective communication, a sound administrative framework and proper use of all the resources.
Administration and Policy / Ensuring effective leadership and good corporative governance / Examine the need to restructure the Office of the Synod for effective and efficient organizational functioning / June 2007 / Synod Secretary &
Synod Core Group
Do a needs analysis and provide the necessary resources and logistical support for effective leadership and management . / June 2007 / Synod Treasurer
Investment Committee
Strengthening the Synods capacity to deliver programmes / Appoint a special Task Team that will enhance the co-ordination capacity and to provide technical advice and support to the Synod Office on the implementation of the Vision Plan. / July 2007 / Synod Treasurer
Investment Committee
Do a service delivery base-study, appraise and report on all community development projects. / September 2007 / Mission Council -
Rev. A Arends
John Joseph / Not started - because of budgetary constraints.
Design programmes and implement intervention strategies in order to rehabilitate / revitalize / restructure development projects / February 2008 / Mission Council -
Rev. A Arends
John Joseph / Will commence on condition of available funding in order to complete the above-mentioned assignment.
Increase awareness of the UCCSA Vision Plan as well as the aligned SA Synods Business Plan and provide assistance in the designing of local strategic plans. / Ongoing / Roslyn Baaitjies / Not started because of budgetary constraints.
Provide an enabling environment for Christians education and development / Facilitate discussion and introduce strategies that will increase the coordination capacity and enhance the efficacy level of the management component of the Children’s Ministry within the church. / July 2007 / Mission Council –
Sharon Didloff / Research is still underway
Design programmes to meet with the needs and the dynamic circumstances of the local environment. / July 2007 / Mission Council –
Sharon Didloff / Budgetary constraints hamper progress
Produce user- friendly curriculum / July 2007 / Mission Council –
Sharon Didloff / Budgetary constraints hamper progress
Access to Quality Learning Material and Methods. / July 2007 / Mission Council –
Sharon Didloff / Budgetary constraints hamper progress
Designing of programmes / events that will increase the participation of parents and professional educators (teachers). / July 2007 / Mission Council –
Sharon Didloff / Budgetary constraints hamper progress
Produce a Trainer of Trainers Guide and programmes. / August 2007 / Mission Council –
Sharon Didloff / Budgetary constraints hamper progress
Improve on the Information Communication Technology / connectivity at church level. / January 2008 / Mission Council –
Sharon Didloff / Budgetary constraints hamper progress
To ensure efficient communication to enable the church to understand and implement the vision / Re-launch the Synod Bulletin and encourage wider circulation of the newsletter / July 2007 / Synod Secretary
Encourage the work being done in establishing a synod website / November 2007 / Rev Arends
Ms. R Baatjies
Rev B Swartz / Service provider identified
A user friendly manual that includes the UCCSA / Synod constitutions, procedures, agreements and policies. / November 2007 / Synod Officers
Re-look the Synod Nominations list re: current portfolios / November 2007 / Synod Officers
SA Synod Mission Council Meeting
09 -12 July 2007
Youth – Charlene Cupido (Peninsula)
- Status Report
Generally well
Funding constraint
Support to Smaller Regions
- Projects
- UCCSA Youth Consultation (Botsawna) 09-12 August 2007
Revive Youth Ministry in UCCSA
Target Group
Appoint 5 people – Charlene Cupido, Elrize Mathys of Gordonia, OJ of Free State , K Keametse of North West &
An Other of KZN
- UCCSA Youth Consultation (SA) - October
Venue and Time to be announced.
Task Team John & TK to assist Charlene
Note! Redefining the Youth Policy in addition of Consultation Program
Task Team
Task Team Responsibility - Youth Core Group
Venue - Bloemfontein
Period - October (within first two weeks)
Accommodation-To be secured
Transportation -S A Synod MC
Funding-SA Synod MC
Theme-The role of the Youth in the Church Community - TODAY !
Consultation Pillars
- Role Clarification
- Youth Policy
- Youth Development ( Economic / Social / Human Capital )
Target Group-Two (2) per Region = 22
Facilitators- To be announced / handpicked
Guest Speakers- Church Expectations-SA Synod Committee Member
Introduction of Vision Plan -SA Synod MC Convener
- Assembly (Stewards Programme)
Appointment of 11 people representing the Youth at Assembly in Outeniqua
Outeniqua (Host) to appoint 5 and SA Synod to appoint 6 people
Appoint 5 people – KZN, OVS, Karoo, Peninsula, West Central & Alternative Algoa
- Youth Policy
Task Team to :
Revisit and redefine the UCCSA Youth Policy.
Role Clarification - Purpose & Functions
Transforming , Restructuring and Alignment
Mapping out the journey of youth development within the context of various cross cutting Ministries (Children’s ,
Confirmation, Brigade, Sunday School, Junior Choir)
Special Needs
Development Plan
Worship and Liturgy
UCCSA Convener Mrs Bot
SA Synod Convener Rev.J Alberts
PetraCollege (Children’s Ministry Training Centre)
Identify and Train Children’s Ministries Practitioners
Two (2) Groups of six (6) for six months period.The 1st six for 6 months starting in August 2007.
Algoa-Convener for Children,s Ministry
North West- Lilian plus An Other
Policy on Agreement / M&E / Quality Assurance
Children’s Ministry
Swot Analysis in September
Still need to understand operating culture a needs
Need for Mission Council Consultation in order to market Children’s Mission Council Vision Plan
Key Challenges
No Children’s day on Synod Calendar
Silo approaches
Implications of the Children’s Act
Isililo / Manayana / Bome
SWOT Analysis
Women Empowerment Projects
Unity & gender equality skills development event
Use allocated budgets effectively
Agriculture and housing (shelter) projects
Financial constraints
Women’s committee
Soldiers of Christ
Vision Plan
Designed common hymn book
Fund raising plan
Conference in
Broeders Band
New leadership
First Exec meeting in S/East
Kuruman Indaba
Understanding its role at central level
Next Indaba in JHB in October
Report writing skills
Visit to Kokstad (KZN)