Mason Women’s Lacrosse Booster Meeting
Wednesday, May10th, 2017 at 7:30 PM
Location: Pizzeria Locale - Mason Montgomery Road
Welcome: Mike Kuehn welcomes Warren Wells, Ken Ecoffey, Tanya Albers, Shari Soper, Chris and Lisa Petrina, Keith Millard, Tiffany Lefton, Kelly Cobb, Mary Beth Thompson, Beth Russell and Scott Mueller.
Coaches Corner – Jim is unable to attend due to practice.
Old Business
Review and approval of prior meeting minutes – There is a motion by Chris Petrina to approve the April Meeting Minutes. The motion is seconded by Keith Millard. Motion is unanimously approved.
New Business
Treasury Activity and Updates – Mike Kuehn/Board
- Review and Discuss Financial Statement - please see May 2017 Financial Report for details. The goal is to be at a $2,000 surplus by the end of the fiscal year and we are on target to reach that goal.
New Topics/Review
- Comet Cup – Concessions ran well, t-shirts made money, we plan expand the number of teams participating next year, volunteer coordination went smoothly, referee coordination was good, and positive feedback was received by all of the teams who participated on the rain date (April 30th). Last year we profited approximately $1,000, while this year we profited approximately $4,000. Will budget to profit $6,000 next year if we expand the tournament. Thank you to all the volunteers!
- Final Week of Play (regular season)
- Tournament Schedule – will play Lebanon at home on May 15th, then most likely Springboro at home on May 19th, possibly followed by a game at Sycamore on May 23rd.
- End of Season Banquet (May 24th)
- Summer Camp (last week of July) the field has been reserved. We are raising the participation fee from $80 to $90. It has been $80 since as far back as 2011 in addition; there is a processing fee the boosters much pay for each payment made on the website.
- Summer Activities – optional open field on Sundays and club lacrosse.
- Board Positions – Elections next meeting
- Can apply to run for any positions
- Carry-over positions to be voted on
- Warren Wells – President
- Ken Ecoffey – Vice President
- Shari Soper - Treasurer
- Open Positions (no standing or replacements identified – Mike and Tanya are stepping down)
- Vice President – it’s ideal to have 2 Vice Presidents.
- Secretary
- Ideally a freshman or sophomore parent to serve a 2 year term.
Fundraising Opportunities
- Bowling Night (discussion/support) – we are attempting to limit the number of fund raisers needed. The Mason Bowl will give us the space for free. We will need to buy their food and drinks. Possibility charge $30 per couple and have raffle baskets, etc. Serves two purposes; fundraiser and mixer to introduce freshman parents and players.
MABA Update – Tiffany Lefton
- Kings Island will pay a group to volunteer to work 8 hour shifts. Each person makes $9 per hour for their organization. Tiffany will send details to the board and we will put together a Sign Up Genius and send out to request volunteers.
Call to Close – There is a motion to close the meeting by Tiffany Lefton. The motion is seconded byKelly Cobb. The meeting is adjourned at approximately 8:20 PM.