Of Conduct of the TEA test
(Test of English for Aviation)
at BULATSA Training Centre
1. These rules arrange the administration and conduct of English language examinations at BULATSA Training Centre for evaluating the level of language proficiency of the aviation personnel in accordance with the requirements stipulated in Instruction № 1/16.01.2003 of the Bulgarian Ministry of Transport aboutLicensing of the Aviation Personnel.
2. The level of language proficiency of the aviation personnel is evaluated by conducting an examination using for this purpose the TEA test, product of TEA Ltd., UK.
3. The test evaluation and issue of certificates is executed by TEALtd., UK, according to the bilateral Contract signed between BULATSA and TEA Ltd.
4. The TEA test is a face-to-face oral interaction lasting about 25 (twenty five) minutes and containing 3 parts for evaluating the candidate’s listening and speaking abilities in aviation context: Part 1 –Interview related to the job of the candidate; Part 2 –Listening to recordings of international speakers in non-routine aviation situationsto tell the message, after that listening to recordings in more general situationsto ask questions and give advice; Part 3 – Describing and comparing aviation-related pictures and discussing some more general questions related to the safety of flights.
5.1.The TEA test is conducted at BULATSA Training Centre, Sofia 1540, bld. Brussels 1, every work day starting from 09:00 am local time.
5.2. The maximum number of candidates for one testing day is 10 (ten).
Fees andRecovery
6.1.The TEA candidates shall pay an examination fee in Bulgarian Lev or EURO by bank transfer.
6.2.The examination fee is in the amount of EUR 180 (one hundred and eighty euro) or its equivalence in Bulgarian Lev (BGN) by the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) exchange rate fixing on the date of payment and should be paid to one of the following bank accounts:
Currency / Bank / IBAN Account number / BICBGN / UNICREDIT BULBANK / BG 44 UNCR 7630 1000 0444 22 / UNCRBGSF
7. The paid amount is not recoverable when the candidate is absent from the assigned examinationwithout any valid reason.
8. The amount of the paid fee can be partially recovered to the candidate after submitting a written application for this with obligatorily attached documents proving his/her incapacitation to take the test on the assigned examination date. In this case the local administrative expenses which should not excess 25% of the examination fee will be deducted.
Registration of Candidates
9.1. The registration of TEA candidates is conducted at BULATSA Training Centre from 10:00 am to4:00 pm local time and includes submitting of:
a/ manually filed„RegistrationForm”;
b/ application for examination;
c/ document of identity;
d/ document for payment of the examination fee
9.2. The candidatereceivesat registration an Information Booklet about the examination and is informed about the examination date, which is appointed depending on the number of candidates
9.3. BULATSA shall issue invoices to the candidateswho havepresented documents for payment of the examination fee.
10.1. The candidate files and signs a Registration Form for the TEA test and personally submits it together with the documents listed in items 9.1.b, 9.1.c and 9.1.d.
10.2. The information given in the Registration Form is used for filing the Certificate and the electronic form created by the TEA administration software.
11. A Registration Form, which is wrongly or incorrectly filed, is not accepted.
12. On the examination day the candidate shall establish his/her identity by the document of identity filed in the Registration Form.
Examination Preliminary Planning and Organizing
13. The registered TEA candidates are informed about the examination date, hour and roomand are given additional information about the TEA test.
14. The tests are set in at least 25 min intervals with 25 min breaks between every 5 successive tests.
15.1. Only the TEA candidates, administrators and examinersare admitted to the examination rooms, and eventually representatives of TEALtd.
15.2. Mobile phones and other electronic devices are not allowed in the examination rooms.
16. For the conduct of the TEA test the following premises are made available:
a/ room for meeting the candidates;
b/ room, where the candidates leave their baggage; it is different from the examination rooms and can be locked;
c/ room, where the candidates wait for the examination avoiding contact with the candidates who have already taken the test;
г/ examination rooms (one room at the disposal of every TEA examiner) equipped with chairs for the examiner and the candidate, desk, MP3 digital audio recording device, CD player/computer and clock.
17. The candidate shall have only the document of identity with him/her in the examination room.
Part V
Conduct of the Examination
18.1.Pictures of the candidates are taken by a digital camera just before the beginning of the examination to be applied to the TEA electronic forms and the certificates issued.
18.2.The examination is recorded by a digital audio recording device.
18.3. A candidate who has sit for the examination shall finish it without any interruption.
Part VІ
19.1.Certificates of the candidates who have successfully taken the examination are issued by TEALtd.and sent to BULATSA Training Centre within 15 working days from the examination date.
19.2. The Certificates are received personally by the candidates atBULATSA Training Centre.
Part VІІ
Second Evaluation Procedure
20. The candidates who are not satisfied with their results have the right to apply for a second evaluation that will be executed by TEALtd.The applications for this shall be submitted in a written form at BULATSA Training Centre not later than 1 month after receiving the Certificates.
21. The above candidates shall return their certificates at BULATSA Training Centre and pay the full amount of the examination fee. Within 2 working days after receiving the fee BULATSA Training Centre will advise TEA Ltd. by e-mail and send information about the name of the candidate and examination date.
22. The test is evaluated for the second time by TEALtd. In case of rating a higher level TEALtd. issues and sends a new certificate. The previous certificate is returned toTEALtd., and the amount of the fee paid is recovered to the candidate.
23.1.If the second evaluation is the same, ТЕА the original certificate and the amount of the fee paid is not recovered to the candidate.
23.2. If the second evaluation of TEALtd. is for a lower level, the original certificate is re-issued with the initial rating.
For questions and more information about the TEA test conducted at BULATSA Training Centre:
00359 29371295 – Mariana Hristoskova
These Rules are created according to Order No. 503/02.08.2006 of the Director Generalof BULATSA, item 1.2.