1. ELIGIBILITY: Only current members of the Nation's Capital Area Bowling Association (NCABA), the Washington, D.C. Area Women's Bowling Association (WDCAWBA), the VIRMAR DISTRICT YABA, and also Severna Park Women's Bowling Association (SPWBA) members with a 199798 Crofton Bowling Centre yearbook average and Western Chesapeake Bay YABA members with a 199798 yearbook average from Crofton Bowling Centre or Fort Meade Bowling Center are eligible to bowl in this tournament. Affiliated memberships and participation fees will not be offered at the tournament.
2. TEAM: A team shall consist of one eligible ABC or WIBC member and one eligible YABA member.
3. ENTERING AVERAGE: All eligible bowlers must enter this tournament with their highest league average as published in the 199798 Annual Average Book (“yearbook”) of their respective local bowling association. Bowlers without a 199798 “yearbook” average must use their highest current 199899 league average (of 21 or more games) as listed on the latest league standings sheet distributed at the bowling center from Saturday, November 7, 1998 through Friday, November 13, 1998 (and excluding scores bowled during that week). No summer league averages will be accepted. All others, including all PBA members, must bowl scratch. Any bowler submitting an incorrect average may make the correction by contacting the Tournament Director within 72 hours after bowling. No scores will be adjusted upward after 72 hours. Failure to use proper average will disqualify score if submitted average is lower than actual average. Prize winnings will be based on submitted average if it is higher than actual average.
4. 10PIN HIGHER RULE: If your current highest average for 21 or more games as listed on the league standings sheet(s) distributed at the bowling center from Saturday, November 7, 1998 through Friday, November 13, 1998 (and excluding scores bowled during that week) is 10 or more pins higher than your entering average, your current highest average must be used.
5. Any bowler misrepresenting his/her average to gain more pins shall forfeit his/her entry fees and all rights to prizes. Make sure your highest average according to the rules is correct before entering.
6. HANDICAPS: Team handicaps will be based on 90 percent of the difference between the team's entering average and 440.
7. MULTIPLE PARTICIPATION: Participants may enter as many times as there are squads; however, the same two bowlers may bowl as a team twice but appear in the regular prize list only once with whichever score is higher. The same two bowlers also are eligible to appear once in any special (scratch) prize list
8. PACERS: The Tournament Director reserves the right to use pacers.
9. LANE COURTESY: Only one lane of courtesy on each side of a bowler is to be observed.
10. CHECK-IN: Team captains must checkin and present all appropriate ABC/WIBC/YABA 199899 membership cards (or receipts for same) to the tournament officials at least 30 minutes before the scheduled starting time. Bowlers failing to appear on the lanes prepared to bowl at the scheduled starting time shall receive a score of zero for each frame missed.
12. PRIZE RATIO: The prize ratio will be at least one prize per 10 teams.
13. TIES: In case of a tie for first place in any event, cochampions will be declared.
14. The Tournament Director or his designated assistant(s) will have the right to accept or reject all entries and decide all questions or disputes arising in the tournament. In the event of a lane breakdown, the staff reserves the right to move bowlers to another pair of lanes (with no “practice balls” permitted) to avoid shift delay. Also reserved is the right to add squads and alter lane assignments and starting times, except for the last squad of the tournament.
15. If you are found by ABC, WIBC, and/or YABA to have violated any rule in this tournament, and they judge that your team's prize be forfeited and awarded to other entrants next in line, it is hereby agreed that there shall be no liability on the part of the BOWL Magazine Tournament or its officials to you as an entrant in complying with such ruling. In addition, all participants agree to release the BOWL Magazine Tournament and its staff, Bowl America Duke and its staff, Bowl America Inc., NCABA, WDCAWBA, SPWBA, VIRMAR DISTRICT YABA, and Western Chesapeake Bay YABA from liability resulting from their participation in this tournament.
16. Any bowler who issues a nonnegotiable check will not be eligible to participate in this tournament and/or receive any prize until reimbursement (including a $20 bank/handling fee per check), is paid in full.
17. If by a war, fire, tornado, gas shortage, water damage, labor strike, an Act of God, etc., it becomes impossible to conduct or complete this tournament, prizes would based on entries bowled, with ABC/WIBC/YABA approval, and there shall be no further liability of the BOWL Magazine Tournament or its staff, Bowl America Duke or its staff, Bowl America Inc., NCABA, WDCAWBA, SPWBA, VIRMAR DISTRICT YABA, or Western Chesapeake Bay YABA to entrants.
18. Bowling center's computerized printout will serve as official tournament score.
19. The BOWL Magazine Tournament staff and/or its agent(s) reserves the right to photograph all participants prior to their departing Bowl America Duke. All participants hereby agree to have said photographs published in BOWL Magazine and/or BOWL Magazine Online.
20. All scholarship prize fees will be returned 100 percent to the participants of this tournament. These fees will be managed and disbursed by the Scholarship Management and Accounting Reports for Tenpins (“SMART”) scholarship program.
21. ABC, WIBC, and YABA tournament rules shall govern all situations not covered specifically by the above rules, which will govern all participants. All decisions shall be final and binding.