Rotary Information

(Letter to the Editor of the Wall Street Journal, March 5, 2013)

Rotary’s Role in Eradicating Polio

Regarding Michael Bloomberg and Bill Gates’s “Our Plan to Eradicate Polio” (op-ed. Feb. 28): Rotary International’s efforts to eradicate polio also have been very important. Rotary has been at the forefront of fighting polio since 1985 when it established its PolioPlus program. Rotary’s leadership encouraged the World Health Organization to pass a resolution to eradicate polio, which paved the way for the formation of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative in 1988. Rotary’s financial contributions to the global polio-eradication effort will reach nearly $1.2 billion by the time the world is certified polio-free. Though its PolioPlus program, more than one million Rotary club members have volunteered their time and personal resources to protect more than two billion children in 122 countries from polio.

In 2007, Rotary entered into a partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which has extended grants of $406 million, and as part of this partnership, Rotary raised over $200 million in matching funds. We are very grateful to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for its continued support of Rotary’s efforts to eradicate this horrible disease. Anyone can contribute to the eradication effort via the Rotary web site (

Brad Robinson

Rotary Club of Beverly Hills

Beverly Hills, Calif.

Last Week’s Program

“RYLA 2012”

Bryn Botko, Mirjana Gacanich, and Leah Guengerich

We only had Bryn Botko attend our meeting. Mirjana Gacanich and Leah Guengerich didn’t make it, but Bryn was enthusiastic. She said that she had attended Girl’s State earlier last summer and it wasn’t what she wanted. She was hoping that RYLA would be different and it was.

Bryn was the first one of her group of eleven girls to get to their cabin, which was the Spartan Cabin. The Junior Counselor was next and then the rest of the girls. Cabin mates came from all over the state and west Texas, but mostly from southern New Mexico and Texas. There were 10 in total after one girl got sick and had to go home. The other cabins had 12 occupants.

As part of RYLA, all the girls participated in a lot of group training as well as physical activities. Bryn told about the “high ropes” and theme nights. What she learned is that teamwork and encouragement by your peers mean that you can accomplish many more things than working alone. Bryn said that it changed her life and that she made friends that she will keep in contact with for years. One of the ending programs is to prepare “Goody Bags” into which cabin mates put notes about how they felt about you after the activities at RYLA. Bryn said that she shed quite a few tears as she looked through her Goody Bag when she got home.

Bryn encouraged the Girl Scout guests at our meeting to attend RYLA in the future is they can. It certainly was well worth it all to her.

Club No. 1325 Chartered 6/6/1938

PO Box 972

Socorro, NM 87801

G. S. Austin, Editor

March 20, 2013


Wednesday ─ 12:00 Noon


1123 Frontage Road NW

Socorro, New Mexico


Gov., Dist. 5520—MARK GLENN

ADG for Socorro—JOHN KRYDA


Don Tripp

“And at the legislature this year…”


Birthdays: Will Orndorff 3/20

George Austin 3/24

March 13, 2013

GUESTS: Carlissa and Micaela Zamora


• President Jim was proud of his new do-rag.

• Gerry had Girl Scout cookies for sale after the meeting.

• George A. announced the start of the drive

for donors for our May anti-meth program.

• We celebrated Spencer’s 70th birthday.

HAPPY DOLLARS: Jon, George A., Penny, Mark, Jim, Gerry, Ryan, Bob T., and Chuck Z.



The RAFFLE PRIZE: Today’s prize, a large basket of chocolate, came from Len and was won by Ted. Next week’s prize will come from Bob T.


Reuben Thomas and Don Tripp


Len Truesdell and Nick Fleming


Sohaib Solimon, President,

NMT Student Government Association

“Our Efforts at the Recent Legislature”


3/21—Interact meeting SHS; time: 11:40 a.m.

3/27—Ed Kase Day!

4/8—Board meeting


One day a man goes to a pet shop to buy a parrot. The assistant takes the man to the parrot section and asks the man to choose one. The man asks, ''How much is the yellow one?''

The assistant says, ''$2000.'' The man is shocked and asks the assistant why it's so expensive. The assistant explains, ''This parrot is a very special one. He knows typewriting and can type really fast.''

''What about the green one?'' the man asks. The assistant says, ''He costs $5000 because he knows typewriting and can answer incoming telephone calls and takes notes.''

''What about the red one?'' the man asks. The assistant says, ''That one's $10,000.'' The man says, ''What does HE do?'' The assistant says, ''I don't know, but the other two call him boss.''

Three nuns went to a football game and three men got stuck sitting behind them. The men couldn't see very well because of the nun's little nun hats. So they came up with a plan to make them leave.

''I think I'll move to California, there's only 50 Catholics there," said the first man. "I think I'll move to Washington, there's only 25 Catholics there.'' "I think I'll move to Idaho, there's only 10 Catholics there.''

Then one of the nuns turned around. "Go to Hell, there are NO Catholics there."

Most people believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet.


One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. — Plato


George Austin (PH) Ryan Mertz

Marj Austin (PH) Chuck Millar (PH)

Sally Banks (PH) Jon Morrison (PH)

Bo Beames (PH) The New Mexico Tech Team

*Bill Bottorf (PH) (Alex Thyssen)

Lynn Brandvold (PH) Jerry Oldenettel (PH)

Cuatro Bursum (PH) Will Orndorff (PH)

Mary Ann Chavez-Lopez Elva Ӧsterreich

Eileen Comstock (PH) Spencer Pearse

Marianne Cramer (PH) Rick Penner (PH)

George Creamer *Phil Preston (PH)

Bill del Giudice (PH) Jim Rushing

Randy Earwood Joe Taber (PH, HON)

Nick Fleming Bob Tacker (PH)

Ted Kase (PH) Polly Tausch

Dan Klinglesmith Reuben Thomas

Gerry Klinglesmith (PH) Don Tripp (PH)

Penny Lommen Len Truesdell (PH)

*Bill Lorang (PH) Chuck Zimmerly

Absent March 13th

(PH) = Paul Harris Fellow

* = “Senior Excused” Status

(HON) = Honorary Member


President Jim Rushing

Vice President Len Truesdell

Secretary Lynn Brandvold

Treasurer Cuatro Bursum

Sergeant-at-Arms Ryan Mertz