Max Winkeler, Editor. 38 Yellowstone Drive, New Orleans, LA 70131, (504) 392-1140 e-mail address:

October 8, 2007

Dear Members and Friends of the Holland Club of New Orleans.

Fall is here already and hopefully weather will cool down a little. Indian summer is supposed to be the nicest time of the year and we can sit outside now and then. Cily and I plan to drive North on October 18 for a couple of days to enjoy (hopefully) some fall colors.

Let me first once more thank Joke Mondada for the hospitality on September 16. We had a nice attendance of 26 people and it was good to see so many faces again. I also like to thank Jos Wolke for the use of his digital projector and Mathijs van Ledden for the informative presentation. I have asked Mathijs if he would be willing to give us an update in the spring before the new hurricane season starts.

During the September 16 meeting the election of Board members was finalized. From the 40 or something we got only 16 ballots back. As you may remember the positions for President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and News Letter Editor became vacant. We would gladly have given the batons to other members, but according to the ballot, you may have to do it with the same persons in the same positions for another 2 years. Of course we thank the voters for their confidence, but hope in the mean time that you will understand that we are not out on a permanent career as Board members and that some “fresh” officers are needed to keep the club going.

On that subject, I like to appeal again to the membership to send me ideas for activities and some input for the News Letter. Many of you have taken a trip during the summer and we would like to hear about that and share it with other members.

Cily and I went back to Holland as we do every year to see relatives and siblings. Although it was June, it was cold and rainy. Fortunately we made a side trip to Croatia. All the parts of the former Yugoslavia have suffered tremendously during the ethnic wars and Croatia had its share. But due to the beautiful coast of the Adriatic Sea it has picked up speed in economic development due to increased tourism along the coast. Our trip started in Dubrovnik. From there we went to Makarska and Split. A visit to the island of Brač on a beautiful boat special for our group was a high point. Croatia has been under so many occupations, from Romans, Venice, Austria that in all towns you will find historic sites such as the emperor Diocletian’s palace in Split. If there is enough interest I will prepare a slide show of our trip. Again we would like to invite you to send us some of your experiences and memories.

For future activities we plan to have many gatherings. Over the past few years, Myrtha Lovelace opened her home for Halloween parties, but now that she lives at “The Landing”, we have to go somewhere else. This year Cily and I will open our home for the party which will take place on Sunday, October 28 at 1:00 PM. Starting a little earlier than other years would make it possible to get back before dark. It is a pot-luck party and bring therefore some food with you. Wim Hooghuis has an abundance of beautiful slides and he accepted our invitation to show more of them during the Halloween Party.

We did not plan an activity in November, but Wim & Wil Hooghuis offered to host the Sinterklaas party at their residence on Sunday, December 2 at 1:00 PM. Mark your calendar. Last year was a big success. Like then, each of the men would bring a small present for a man and each woman for another woman. If at all possible a short rhyme would heighten the fun. The Club will look after snacks and finger food as well as drinks. You only have to bring your Sinterklaas mood with you and a good (loud) voice to sing the Sint Nicolaas songs together. I will make sure we have an appropriate CD for that occasion. If anyone would consider playing the role of Sint Nikolas, please let us know. We will help that person to do the job. In that case we really would like to invite the children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews of the members and make it a family feast.

So far we have received approximately half of the membership dues. Those of you who did not pay yet, please send the check to Cily Winkeler, Treasurer of the Holland Club and make the check out to: Holland Club of New Orleans. Of course you can also take the check with you to the Halloween Party on October 28.

A few more words about coffee meetings we have at different locations. Although we seldom get a big crowd, we always have a very good time and share the latest news. For those who have daytime commitments it may not always possible to join, but if at all possible you should give it a try. The next Coffee Meeting is at Puccino’s on 3128 Magazine Street on November 17 at 10:00 AM. They have a choice of breakfast menus so you may want to wait that day till you join us.

Cily and I hope to see you all soon. If there is anything you need information about or if you have information for us, please don’t hesitate to call, write or e-mail one of the Board members. In the mean time those of you with Internet connections should read from time to time the news on our web site:

H C News Letter 12/10/2007 Edited December 10, 2007 by Eric Gossiaux


This is the boat Brac’

President and Editor: Max Winkeler

H C News Letter 12/10/2007 Edited December 10, 2007 by Eric Gossiaux